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Thread: Maria Connor Sutherland (Samia Smith)

  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannelene View Post
    No way - at least I hope that doesn't happen
    although marias not a murderer, i would quite like to see it happen that way or a simular way. Whatever happens tony will return next year and i think maria and he will meet again.........

  2. #132
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    Coronation Street's Gray O’Brien says Tony loves Maria like he’s never loved anyone before… and he’ll do anything not to lose her!

    Helen and Barry Connor turn up for baby Liam’s christening. Doesn’t it worry Tony that they disapprove of his relationship with Maria?

    "Tony knows Helen and Barry hate him and have the potential to cause problems, but he has to go along with it for Maria’s sake."

    Might they affect Maria’s feelings for him?

    "Maria says it’s not up to them how she lives and Barry and Helen will have to deal with their relationship. But when they start to stick their oar in it may be a different story."

    Is he worried he’ll have to move out like he did last time the Connors came?

    "If Maria asked him to go he’d be distraught that she might be thinking of ending things. Maria and the baby mean everything to him – and he’s so close to getting what he wants."

    The word’s out that Tony proposes to Maria. At what point does he decide this?

    "He and Maria had a fantastic time in Paris and he loves looking after Liam – he’s right there doing the nappies and the feeds. He sees them as his family and he wants everyone else to."

    Why does he propose when they‘re at Liam’s graveside of all places?

    "They’re at the grave on the anniversary of Liam’s death when Maria tells Tony she wants to look to the future. He realises he’s never felt like this about anyone before and proposes. It’s impulsive and not planned at all."

    Is he confident Maria will say yes?

    "Well, she does! It’s a very tender moment where they can both see how much they love each other."

    Will he want to officially adopt baby Liam?

    "Maria has the idea and Tony’s moved by it."

    How does he feel knowing it’s been a year since he had Liam killed?

    "He feels immense guilt."

    Tony gets his first warning that Carla’s still out there with his secret. What happens?

    "Luke gets a call from Carla’s solicitor about her shares in the factory. It seems Luke’s defaulted on his payment for Carla’s shares in the business and now his shares have defaulted back to her. When Tony finds out he’s gutted."

    Did Tony think Carla was out of his life for ever… And is he scared she’ll return and cause trouble?

    "He had hoped she was out of his life for ever but he was obviously wrong…"

    Word is Tony will set up Jimmy to kill Carla when she does return. Would Tony really kill again?

    "He’ll do whatever it takes to protect himself and his family dream and if Carla gets in the way he’ll have to get rid of her… Tony’s capable of anything when pushed."

  3. #133
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    Coronation Street's Samia Smith reveals more about Tony Gordon’s graveside proposal to Maria Connor on the anniversary of Liam’s death

    Is Maria surprised by Tony’s proposal?
    Maria is not expecting it at all. She’s totally taken aback but she says yes immediately. I think she just sees it as not having to cope on her own anymore. Tony’s been amazing with little Liam and he will be the perfect dad to him. So she sees as a way out really.

    Liam’s grave is a bit of a weird place to propose isn’t it? It’s not very romantic.
    Yeah. I was really shocked when I heard it. I couldn’t believe it but I suppose it’s good for the drama.

    One minute Maria hated Tony and accused him of killing Liam, the next she is marrying him. How has that been to play?
    It is a challenge but it’s been really good. I’ve really enjoyed it. The past two years I have enjoyed the whole storyline building up so it is really good, and nice to be able to see it through to the end.

    We're going to find out more about what Tony’s been up to in the coming weeks. Will there be plenty of fireworks?
    Definitely. It’s not going to be bliss for long.

    You are pregnant with your first child which is due imminently. Have you had any cravings?
    Sweet things. Nutella on everything but I have tried to curb it. I have been trying to eat lots of fruit and get my five a day.

    So have you been putting Nutella on your fruit and veg?!
    I have been dipping Cadburys Fingers in Nutella. It’s really nice actually. And I have been smearing it on digestive biscuits. I don’t know about fruit.

    Do you have a name picked out for the baby?
    We have but we are going to wait and see what the baby looks like. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. It’s all a big surprise.

    Have any of the cast been giving you tips on motherhood?
    Yeah, because there have been loads of babies born in the past couple of years, so I’ve been getting lots of advice off everyone.

    Didn’t you have your real-life midwife with you when you were filming Maria giving birth?
    I did, yeah. Gemma. She’s really good. She’s actually having a baby of her own now so even she’s caught the bug!

    So was it almost a dress rehearsal for the real thing?
    Yeah, definitely. All fun and games.

    Next year marks your 10th anniversary in Weatherfield. How would you like to see Maria develop?
    I don’t know. I’ve not got a clue how she is going to be brought back yet and I don’t think the writers have because we have not decided how long I’m going to have off with the baby. I think it will probably be a bit of a fresh start for her when she comes back because Tony will be off the scene. So she will be on her own and hopefully starting afresh.

  4. #134
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    Samia Smith with her new baby

    Samia Smith, who plays Coronation Street's Maria Gordon, is featured in the latest edition of OK! Magazine. There's pictures of Samia with her new baby girl Freya.

    Last edited by LalaGaga; 27-01-2010 at 02:12.
    Team Edward!

  5. #135
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    Oh thought it was gonna be pics of the baby hahahaha

  6. #136
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    Aww she so sweet

  7. #137
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    Samia hubby 'fainted at birth'

    We know childbirth is no walk in the park for mothers, but spare a thought for the poor dads!

    Actress Samia Smith, who gave birth to baby Freya by Caesarean three months ago, has revealed that hubby Matt fainted during the operation.

    Speaking to Matt during an interview with OK! magazine, Samia said: "You fainted, didn't you! I remember asking Matt: 'What have we got?!' And he looked like he was going to throw up and said: 'I don't know.'"

    She added: "I turned one way to talk to the anaesthetists, and then back because the midwife was bringing Freya over, and I said: 'Where's Matt?' and she said: 'He's down here,' and he was on the floor!"

    Matt said: "When they'd put her on the birthing table the surgeon asked if I wanted to cut the chord. I said no, and I felt a bit sick, so they sat me down on the floor."

    The actress, known for her role as Maria Connor in the soap, had been hoping for a natural birth, but had to have a Caesarean because her daughter was breech.

    She said: "The surgeon who performed it was like Edward Scissorhands and had Freya out in four minutes."

    Team Edward!

  8. #138
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    Maria Connor hasn't had the best luck with men. After all, her knight in shining armour Tony Gordon turned out to be a cold-blooded killer.

    But has she learned from her mistake? Has she heck!

    Actress Samia Smith has hinted that there could be a liaison in store for the sweet-natured hairdresser and Chris Gray (Will Thorp), the wife-beating and clearly very bad news hubby of Cheryl.

    Samia revealed: "She had a little flirtation with Chris a couple of weeks back. You think that's the end of it but there's a question mark over it. Is it going to be that cut and dried that she'll stay away? Will that be the end of it? Probably, knowing Maria, it won't.

    "I think she thinks she can fix these bad boys but she's never fixed any of them. She's never had any luck with any men. If I were her I'd give up!"

    But the actress would love for her long-suffering character to find a bit of happiness for once.

    "I'd like her to be happy for a while at least. It's always interesting to play her when she's going through a drama but it'll be nice to see her settled for a little bit."

  9. #139
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    Coronation Street hairdresser Maria Connor is to feature in a hard-hitting new storyline with Weatherfield newcomer Frank Foster, it has been revealed.

    The single mum - played by Samia Smith - will be in danger of a sex attack at the hands of Frank while visiting his home in a forthcoming edition of the soap, according to The Sun.

    Frank is introduced to the cobbles as a new Underworld contact in this week's episodes, and it is thought that Maria is soon given the task of charming him into making a big order after she starts working as factory boss Carla Connor's personal assistant.

    However, sources say that Frank will turn nasty while spending time alone with Maria at his house, telling her: "If you want this deal you'll have to be nice to me."

    With Frank coming on strongly and making his intentions clear, the episode in question is expected to cut away from the scene and leave viewers to wonder whether he will rape Maria.

    A show source said: "Time will tell how bad Frank's character will be - but he's a ladies' man and no Weatherfield woman will be safe from his interest."

    Details of Frank's character first emerged last November, when it was revealed that former Bill actor Andrew Lancel had landed the part.

  10. #140
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    Maria certainly meets more than her fair share of psychos.

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