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Thread: Help with Kitten

  1. #1
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    Help with Kitten

    I have just got a new kitten and she is sleeping most of the day and keeping me up all night looking to play

    is there anyway to try and turn this around??

    She was fine the first couple of nights sleeping in her bed but now shes just running around and jumping on me to wake me up

    this is her trying to look all cute and innocent

    i also have a very dog who just doesnt seem to be taking to her at all any tips on how to get them more friendly towards each other?

  2. #2
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    Aww, she is sooo cute, love puddy cats. I guess you have to play loads with her during the day or at night time to tire her out, after a couple of months I never had a problem with any of the little tigers I have had. With regards to the dog, I guess only time will get him to accept her, he probably feels jealous so you need to make a fuss of him too, a bit like getting an older sibling to accept the new baby . Sorry I can't suggest anything else, good luck xx

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post
    I have just got a new kitten and she is sleeping most of the day and keeping me up all night looking to play

    is there anyway to try and turn this around??

    She was fine the first couple of nights sleeping in her bed but now shes just running around and jumping on me to wake me up

    i also have a very dog who just doesnt seem to be taking to her at all any tips on how to get them more friendly towards each other?
    In regards to the dog just leave them to it, I've only had cats to introduce to each other at first they don't like the new addition but they learn to co-exist.

    With her jumping on the bed either whenever she jumps put her on the floor, don't give her a cuddle, ignore her etc eventually she'll learn that waking you up is not on!

    Or, find a room give her a litter tray and some food and lock her in for the night - she will cry to begin with but don't give in, she'll settle down eventually.
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  4. #4
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    Aww, your new kitten is sooo cute.

    I think all the above advice is good. Having always had cats and dogs, they rarely like each other but settle down and always learn to tolerate each other after a while. What Perdita says about making a fuss of the dog too so that it isn't jealous is good advice.

    As for your kitten keeping you awake at night, I would lock it out of the bedroom I'm afraid. It may sound cruel, but you need your sleep.

    Good luck, everything will work itself out in a little while.
    Last edited by Dazzle; 20-01-2010 at 14:33.

  5. #5
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    luna, I am the worst person to ask about advise on Kittens cause I would get up with the kitten and play in the middle of the night.. I am a sucker for them. I had a cat that slept in my room all times but I did leave a window open at night to let her wander if she wished... Maybe you do need to close the bedroom doors but give your kitten freedom around the rest of the house

    As for the dog, I believe they don't attack kittens.. and eventually will learn to get along with them.. we always had cats and dogs when I was grown up and never had any issues with them not getting along
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    Think I'd try shutting your bedroom door. I've got 3 cats who live downstairs. They've never known any different though, so they're used to it. Guess your lovely kitty will get used to the door being shut in time.

    With the dog, think I'd try giving the dog a blanket in its bed with the kittens smell on it. Rub the blanket over the kitten, then give it to the dog. Sometimes this can work with animals, gets them used to the new smell, and associates it with something nice. Could work!

  7. #7
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    Abbie is studying animal behaviour... wonder what advice she can give But I like the idea with the blanket, ruffed_lemur, deffo worth trying. With regards to shutting kitty out of the bedroom, my last tigers, a brother and sister, scratched a massive hole in the carpet in front of the door where they were trying to get in. I gave up after a couple of weeks but rarely had a problem. Maybe it was because I had two and they were fighting at times but a good shout to "Pack It In..Now" was all that was needed and they both came back to bed and slept.

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  9. #8
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    For the scratching in the carpet orange peel is good (most cats hate the smell) or there's special spray you can buy from the vet (I'm not sure about shops). The one we buy is Canac - Pet behave training spray.
    Last edited by StarsOfCCTV; 20-01-2010 at 18:19.
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  10. #9
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    The kitten will settle down at night if you tell her off. My cats are 6 and 5 and they start running around chasing each other when I turn off the light at night. I give them a yell and they soon settle down. With the dog they will get used to each other they may have a rough and tumble with each other but they will calm down.

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  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    Abbie is studying animal behaviour... wonder what advice she can give
    lol! This made me smile

    Sadly we have been doing a lot on birds, although I suppose this kitten does fits into biological rythms/periodic clocks

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