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Thread: Hollyoaks Spoilers 11-15 Jan

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    Hollyoaks Spoilers 11-15 Jan

    2731: Jake's surprised to see Loretta again
    Airs on Monday, January 11 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

    A despondent Jake's down in the dumps as life without Loretta feels a lonely place. Steph apologises for the way she's been treating him and admits that she can't forget what he did - but assures him that she wants him to be happy. A voice interrupts their conversation and Jake's thrilled to see Loretta back in the village. As the pair reacquaint themselves, Jake wonders why she never contacted him. Jake, however, is wound up by Loretta's inability to fully explain her reasons. Unable to cope with the pressure any more, an angry Jake storms off.

    Turning to Cindy for comfort, a distraught Loretta insists that Jake's not the baddie she's painting him to be. Steph can't help but comment on Loretta's treatment of her brother, something that strikes a chord with her. As Loretta waits for a taxi to take her away from Hollyoaks, Steph catches up with her and apologises for her comments. Realising that Loretta's leaving, Steph implores her to speak to Jake before she goes. Loretta, however, heads off anyway.

    Making a quick call to Jake, Steph quickly brings him up to speed. Convincing her brother that Loretta truly cares for him, Jake eventually realises that he must act quickly. A frantic search ensues but when Tom says that Loretta left in a taxi, Jake's worst fears are confirmed. All is not as it seems, though, and Jake's delighted when Loretta reappears - and Jake's quick to reveal his true feelings for her. Together at last, the future looks bright for Hollyoaks' latest couple…

    Meanwhile, Theresa's on cloud nine because Kathleen's still around. Jacqui, however, remains suspicious of her aunt's motives. Attempting to warn Theresa about her mum's selfish ways proves fruitless, though, and Jacqui finally agrees to back off when Theresa admits that she just wants to get to know her mum properly. Jacqui, however, later finds Kathleen rummaging through a stack of papers and bills. So, deciding to set her aunt up, Jacqui leaves a gold bracelet lying around.

    Arriving home, Jacqui's thrilled to see the bracelet missing and is quick to tell Anita and Theresa that she fears Kathleen has been up to her old tricks. As the accusations fly, Des arrives and he suggests a thorough search of the house. A smug Jacqui refuses to look elsewhere, convinced that Kathleen is responsible but Des discovers the bracelet in the same place it was last seen. Jacqui's therefore forced to apologise for accusing her. Jacqui agrees to start afresh with Kathleen, but she's completely unaware that hidden in her handbag is a credit card in the name of Tina Reilly…

    Elsewhere, Rae and Newt make a tentative start after the Christmas break. Newt's finds himself in trouble with Des when he's mistakenly blamed for throwing a sandwich on the floor. Rae's the true culprit, but fails to own up and leaves Newt to take the blame - and head up litter duty for the day.

    Later, a humble Rae approaches Newt and apologises for not owning up earlier. Offering him a bag of rubbish, she tells him that she's patrolled the playing fields for him. A truce is forged when they agree to walk home together.

    2732: Theresa steals a laptop from school
    Airs on Tuesday, January 12 2010 at 18:00 GMT on Channel 4

    Jacqui's anxious about her chat to Des's drama group. Unaware that Kathleen's making credit card transactions over the phone in Tina's name, Jacqui's confused when Kathleen reveals who's called the house - she lies that it was school informing her that the drama talk has been postponed. Theresa's aware her mum is lying and as a miffed Jacqui heads off shopping with Myra, she's anxious to hear that Kathleen will stand in for Jacqui instead.

    A surprised Des agrees that Kathleen can replace Jacqui but an uncomfortable Theresa's unhappy with her mum's deceitfulness. Loving the attention, Kathleen's in her element and it's not long before Theresa basks in her mum's fame. Kathleen enthrals the class with her tales of prison life but Des becomes alarmed when she begins to glamorise shoplifting and the wealth it can bring. Halting the class, Des tells Kathleen that she's irresponsible, before insisting that she leave.

    Seeking revenge on Des, Kathleen asks Theresa to steal a laptop from the IT department. Reluctant to comply, Kathleen plays on Theresa's emotions and tells her to toughen up. Jacqui's livid when she hears from Des that Kathleen lied about the class cancellation and took her place instead. Tempers further fray when Des arrives and informs them that a laptop has been stolen from school. Jacqui's quick to condemn Kathleen but the focus turns to Theresa when she stands up and admits that she took it…

    Meanwhile, Loretta has an interview for an office job at the probation service but it's not going well and Loretta's devastated when she realises that her interviewer Patrick never had any intentions of giving her the job - he just wanted to meet a real pole dancer!

    Elsewhere, Charlotte returns to HCC full of trepidation of what the term will bring. As the students gather and greet each other, Dave's adamant that the only way to get through the term is to party and have fun, while Hayley's more interested in organising rotas to clean halls so they don't spend another year living in chaos. Charlotte's reluctant to join in, but Dave's persistent and before long, they're off to The Loft, starting as they mean to go on.

    As the drinks flow, they decide to spice it up and agree to 'day long dares'. Realising Hayley hasn't shown up, Josh goes to find her. It's apparent that Hayley has something on her mind and while the rest of the students continue to live life in the fast lane, Hayley's outlook on student life has definitely changed…

    2733: Josh reveals Hayley's pregnancy
    Airs on Wednesday, January 13 2010 at 18:00 GMT on Channel 4

    The students choose their dares and decide to up the stakes - those who fail have to cook and clean for a whole year! Charlotte's reluctant to join in but Dave points out that she has to face Zoe at some point, so she may as well make peace with her sooner rather than later. Hayley, meanwhile, has something on her mind and seeking out Josh, she prepares to reveal all to her.

    Charlotte's disappointed by the welcome she receives from Zoe and reels when she refuses to listen to her. She's left devastated when Zoe asks her to stay away as she never wants anything to do with her again. Waiting in line at The Loft, India attempts to hide when Spencer arrives. However, he walks over to her and she realises that she has to face her dare - or clean and cook for a year. Unable to impersonate Spencer, she admits defeat and resigns herself to losing.

    Dave's arrival causes a storm when Jake refuses to let him in without frisking him for drugs. Spencer's confused by the idea that he could be a drug dealer and a devastated Dave's choked when Spencer asks him to leave. Outside, tempers fray and it's not long before Hayley and Charlotte clash. Unable to take Hayley's spiteful words, Charlotte slaps her but they're all stunned into silence when Josh announces that Hayley's pregnant…

    Meanwhile, Theresa's in trouble for stealing the laptop and even though Jacqui and Des realise the influence Kathleen holds over her, Theresa's reluctant to admit it. Des offers her another 24 hours to come clean and after that, she's on her own. Kathleen's put out when Theresa turns down the offer of a movie marathon in favour of cleaning the kitchen. When Theresa explains that Jacqui asked her to do the chores as penance for stealing the laptop, Kathleen's surprised to realise that Theresa sided with Jacqui over her. Jacqui's relieved when Theresa reluctantly admits that Kathleen asked her to steal the laptop.

    When Des arrives, Theresa backtracks and insists that it was her decision to steal the computer. By this point, Kathleen decides to come clean and admits that she told Theresa to take the laptop and an intuitive Des recognises that the true victim in all this is Theresa. Des relents and decides to put it down as a learning exercise for Theresa. Jacqui, however, isn't as forgiving…

    Elsewhere, Gaz discovers an old sit-on lawnmower and challenges Newt to a race - the winner receiving £100. Newt secures Jake's help in acquiring an old mower, but as he's working all day, Jake suggests that Newt ask Darren to help him bring it up to spec. Darren, however, isn't as knowledgeable as Newt initially thought, so when a surprise offer of help from Rae is extended to him, Newt jumps at the chance. As they work away, Rae discovers a new side to Newt and we sense a thaw in her feelings towards him.

    As Newt and Darren's bickering continues, Rae smiles and opens up, admitting that their arguing reminds her of her sisters. Catching on to this information, Newt and Darren probe her, but panicking, she backs off, before hurriedly leaving them to it. Darren's grateful for Newt asking for his help and offers to lend a hand any time he needs him.

    Catching up with Rae, Newt promises that he'll never ask questions ever again and if she'll allow it, their friendship can be as shallow and stupid as she wants. Agreeing to his terms, they're both pleased to be back on track.

    2734: Rae tells Newt that she's cursed to die
    Airs on Thursday, January 14 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

    Hayley's becoming frustrated with the way people are treating her following the revelation about her pregnancy. Josh tries to uncover the identity of the father but Hayley remains tight-lipped. Despite his persistence, Hayley tells Josh that that she is going to have the baby alone. When Dave and Charlotte return home from Manchester, things are still tense in the flat. India tells Charlotte that she should apologise to Hayley for hitting her the previous day but Charlotte doesn't agree.

    Later, as Charlotte walks through the skate park, she sees Zoe. Feeling a little delicate after her night out, Charlotte tells Zoe that she can't face another row. Zoe, however, tells her that she doesn't want to argue either and the pair soon put their differences aside. After talking to Charlotte, Zoe realises that her student days are behind her.

    When Hayley returns to the flat the atmosphere is tense. Charlotte apologises to Hayley for hitting her but suggests that she think about why she slapped her in the first place. As the group begin to argue, Charlotte threatens to leave. Dave can't take it anymore and tells everyone that they need to start acting like students and enjoying what should be the best years of their lives. Hayley confides that she's scared of being alone but Charlotte reassures her that she's not.

    Meanwhile, as Gaz walks towards school, he notices Lauren looking miserable. When he approaches to find out what's wrong, she nods in the direction of Rae and Newt. As Rae notices Lauren staring at her, an argument ensues. Gaz teases Newt about the lawnmower race and Rae springs to his defence.

    Noticing how protective Rae is, Lauren and Gaz hatch a plan to divide and conquer, so they fake an argument. Newt notices Lauren and Gaz arguing and when Gaz threatens to hit Lauren, Newt jumps to her defence. At that moment, Gaz pushes Lauren into Newt and they fall to the floor. Lauren tells Newt to mind his own business and he leaves, oblivious to the fact that Lauren has stolen his phone.

    Rae receives a text, which she presumes to be from Newt asking to meet him. As she goes in search of Newt, she's pushed into a room and locked in by Lauren and Gaz. As the pair leave, they bump into Newt who claims that he's lost his phone. As they talk, Newt hears his phone ringing. Lauren reaches into her pocket and takes the phone out, as Newt snatches it out of her hand. Newt answers the phone to a panicked Rae, before rescuing her from the room. As Newt tries to calm Rae down, she becomes frantic and tells him that she's cursed to die before she turns 18.

    Elsewhere, Cindy has to remind Tony that the Golden Gherkin competition is taking place today. However he's not the only person to forget things, as Cindy misses Holly's dance competition. Loretta takes over from Cindy and teaches Holly some choreography for her dance.

    Cindy's becoming increasingly annoyed with Tony as he continues to leave her out of business decisions. When he tells her that he's bought Tan & Tumble and has been let down by the tenant, Cindy says that she'll take over. Tony instantly doubts Cindy, but she becomes frustrated with his old fashioned views on marriage.

    2735: It's the day of the lawn mower race
    Airs on Friday, January 15 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

    There's an air of excitement about the lawn mower race between Gaz and Newt. Newt, meanwhile, questions Rae about her fears of dying before her 18th birthday and is touched when he realises what she's prepared to do for him as she helps with the race. Lauren's enjoying hanging out with Gaz but stays cool in front of him, not wanting to give her feelings away. She quickly covers when Theresa arrives.

    Gaz is forced to leave but he's annoyed that Lauren's rejected him as soon as her friend comes along and makes a point of telling her that he thought she had more guts than to let her friends rule who she hangs out with.

    Lauren's incensed and knows he's right, but unable to say anything, she takes her frustration out by entering the race in Newt's place against Gaz. Gaz is confident he'll beat her as his mates cheer him on but Lauren has no intention of losing - it's game on! Gaz puts his reputation on the line in front of his mates to let Lauren win and the unlikely pair soon share a kiss…

    Meanwhile, Cindy takes over Tan & Tumble and sets up her own vintage clothes shop. Tony mocks her ambition and doesn't believe she can make a success of it - which makes her even more determined. She's annoyed, though, when Kathleen cons her into handing over money to buy cheap stock. Instead, Kathleen blows it at the races.

    India offers to help as she knows a bit about getting good deals on clothes at house clearances. Cindy's reluctant at first but desperate to prove to Tony that she can make a business work without his help, she takes her up on her offer. India proves invaluable when she discovers an old vintage dress that can make them a lot of money and is delighted when Cindy employs her as her assistant.

    Cindy's distracted by the shop and Tony's lack of support puts a strain on their relationship. When they argue at dinner, Holly fears that they're going to split up and her new family will be torn apart. When she and Loretta bond over a missing dog, Holly's happy to have a friend and confidante. Loretta enjoys spending time with Holly and it's clear that she's doing a better job of playing mother than Cindy.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    Dazzle (05-01-2010), lizann (05-01-2010), tammyy2j (05-01-2010)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    It sounds dull and boring

    Why is Charlotte still around?

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanked: 2
    I'm so glad that they are including Hayleys pregnancy into the show

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