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Thread: Depression

  1. #71
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    My mum didn't say much, just that citalopram can take six weeks to work. Well she'd know as she takes it herself. I'm quite pleased that she didn't tell me to go home or tell me what I should be asking the doctor.

    My close friends know all the bad stuff, they bear the brunt of it when I'm in a dark mood and they're amazing. My family know the bare minimum and boring stuff like medication. I find it easier that way as I don't trust my family not to talk about stuff to other people.

    There's so much support available. You can self-refer to your school, college or university counsellor. It's free and the waiting lists are much shorter than the NHS counsellors. You don't have to see a doctor and it's confidential.

    If you go through your GP and you're 18 or under, you might be referred to CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services). I saw a psychologist through CAMHS and they're brilliant people. Waiting lists are very long though.

    Don't let things get to the point where you can't cope. It's not worth wasting the best years of your life feeling awful and thinking the worst of yourself. There is help available.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  2. #72
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    I understand what you mean. My parents dont believe me when I mention how I feel. Last time, my mu just told me that I was not the only one with problems and that I was over exaggerating and seekign attention.

    And now she asks why I never speak to her. Why I never tell her anymore. Why I prefer to talk to people I dont know than my own mother.

    My friends are my support though. They dont know the depths of my feelings, but they help me when i'm feeling low. They try and cheer me up and are the closest people to me.

    I'm doing well so far I feel, xmas blues havent got me again like last year and so far I am looking forward to next year. Trying to put exams and stress out of my mind and think abotu the positive.

  3. #73
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    I've had a really high 2 days, been very happy. I've crashed again today. I don't know what to do anymore. I didn't realise how many people have picked up on it, even my Mums best friend could tell I was down. I feel like I'm completely losing my mind. I've lost control of everything. I feel completely worthless, like I can't achieve anything, I'm all over the place, I just wnat to get myself out of this, I can't face the doctors, or my family, and my friends don't understand when I'm trying to explain how I feel and make it one big joke. I can't get to sleep at night, because deep down it means I ahve to wake up the next day, so if I don't sleep, I don't have to worry about trying to start again, and then I can't get up because I'm so overtired and can't be bothered with the rest of the day because it ends up like every other.. down the drain.

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Donkey View Post
    I've had a really high 2 days, been very happy. I've crashed again today. I don't know what to do anymore. I didn't realise how many people have picked up on it, even my Mums best friend could tell I was down. I feel like I'm completely losing my mind. I've lost control of everything. I feel completely worthless, like I can't achieve anything, I'm all over the place, I just wnat to get myself out of this, I can't face the doctors, or my family, and my friends don't understand when I'm trying to explain how I feel and make it one big joke. I can't get to sleep at night, because deep down it means I ahve to wake up the next day, so if I don't sleep, I don't have to worry about trying to start again, and then I can't get up because I'm so overtired and can't be bothered with the rest of the day because it ends up like every other.. down the drain.
    You need to face the doctors and get help. Sometimes it just is too hard to get through things on your own, and there is no shame in needing help.

    Remember that depression is an illness, you wouldn't feel bad about having the 'flu..

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  6. #75
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    I absolutely agree with Holly Trinity, please get help from the doctors.

  7. #76
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    I understand how you feel, Ive had the same problems.
    People can tell you go to the doctors, but they dont realise how hard it is.
    Try and concentrate on the positives, I know it isnt very helpful, but its what Ive done to try and get me through.

    When Im having one of my bad days, where I wont get out of bed and feel like crying, i put some of my loudest dance music on and dance around my room, making a complete fool of myself but lifting my spirits, even if only for a little while.

    I also like making lists. I spose this is where my ocd for tidiness and everything being organised comes into it, but I find that by making lists of things that Im looking forward to helps. They dont have to be major events, I made one a few days ago whcih had things like "looking forward to eating my frosties for breakfast" :P

    And, with the sleeping, I also understand how you feel, but it is contributing to your mood. Your in a snowball effect and its only going to keep getting worse. Try and sleep, think of it as the only place where youll be at peace from it all. You can take a chance to forget about it all, and hopefully youll wake up with a fresher take on things.

    If none of this helps, even just a little bit then you should try speak to your doctor, mum or dad or friends. They are there for you and they do understand even if it doesn't seem like it.


  8. #77
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    I find that when I feel stressed out I take St Johns Wort herbal tablets, after a couple of weeks I feel much better to cope with life. Perhaps you can take them, a doctor recommended them to me and because they are herbal, you don't feel drugged up to the eyes.

  9. #78
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    Just a point of information, you can't take St Johns Wort with some anti-depressants. Don't know why (suspect something to do with serotonin) but check the labels before you take them.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  10. #79
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    I don't take anti depressants, only St Johns Wort, they do the job for me. I would always advise to check with a doctor whether they are suitable to take if somebody is on medication already.

  11. #80
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    Not exactly the same subject but I wanted to talk about Social anxiety.

    Basically im at the end of my tether. I've been suffering with this problem ever since I can remember, but it has felt worse over the last few weeks.

    I finished University in June and ive moved back in with my mum, and i've gone back to the same job. It feels like ive taken a step backwards, and I cant really see it changing (even though I am supposed to be going to London in April to do a journalism course, I have no motivation whatsoever).

    Everyone is nice in work, but I have felt a change lately. I don't think people like me. I find myself being moody all the time, and constantly thinking about what other people think. Even when i'm not in work i'm thinking of the people in work, and what it will feel like when i go into work. I doubt myself all the time, even though ive been working there 3 years and I know what i'm doing. I havent built up any solid friendships with anyone. Everyone has fun in the job, but I always concentrate on working and I dont like it when people are chatting and messing around.

    I had a thing with a guy I work with a few months ago and now he's sleeping with my boss, thats extra awkward, cos I havent told anyone, havent spoken to him about it, it's like a big thing hanging over my head! I have no proper friends, even though i have developed a couple lately there not ones i see all the time. I wouldnt feel comfortable ring them up if i had a problem.

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