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Thread: How Was Your Day? VII

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Thumbs up How Was Your Day? VII

    Here's a new thread to talk about your day!

    The other thread was pretty big.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Rob has his pruning shears out, lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ok, I start this one off then. Internet at home not playing My IP was taken over by a new company on 1st December, I wonder whether that has anything to do with it although my contract with the previous provider is meant to be honoured for the rest of its term which is September 2010. I was hoping to do a bit more internet shopping for Christmas and a couple of items I am watching on eBay are coming to an end tonight. Hope it is back on when I get home.

  4. #4
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    Quite a good day, on a course all day, half day work tomorrow and finishing work for this year next Wednesday Although it does not seem like a year has passed since the last Christmas break

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I've been really busy lately. A script I wrote has been chosen to be performed at my university at a 'one acts festival' where people's short plays are performed over two hours. I have to go to auditions later and see what actors are auditioning for parts.

    I've had some of my assignments back, got a 2.1 for my first assignment and a 2.2 for my second.

    I've just been spending time with my boyfriend too. Our first date was two months on Tuesday.

    I hope everyone else is good.

    I look forward to visiting home for Christmas and seeing my friends again. I've really missed them and my family but I enjoy it here too. Can't believe it's nearly the end of the year. It's gone so so quickly!

  6. #6
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    Davey, it is so good to see you back on here, I have really missed you, I am sure loads of others have, too.

    Congratulations on your script being performed, well done, and also for doing so well with your assignments Glad you have somebody special in your life, he will have made your time away from your family more bearable.

    Welcome back on here

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    DaVeyWaVey (16-12-2009)

  8. #7
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    Coming to the end of a very long week Election count tomorrow and it should all be over with by 4pm. I've appointed a deputy returning officer so I won't have to make any decision and can observe the count whilst writing an assignment.

    Tomorrow night is going to be one heck of a sesh
    Thanks CrazyLea

  9. #8
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    i know what you mean davey, first semester has gone really really quickly, but i am glad it is ending, i am snowed under at the minute, there really goods grades.

    Had a great night at the ball, had a hangover that lasted a good 24 hours, it was my lecturers fault when he suggested shots, and he wasnt even hungover in the lecture the next day to which he was very impressed i made it to! Im too old for these big events with lots of alcohol, it was nice to know i werent the only one siffering, its a bit depressing when thats the case.

    Did 1900 words my essay today, just need to find a few more criticisms, it all about Hire Purchse, and is very dull indeed, but once its done its done, just over a week till the xmas break.

  10. #9
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    Less than a weeek till I go home now, I cant wait cos theres a big night out, and I get to see people I havent seen since september

  11. #10
    Join Date
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    I went out last night with two friends. I don't know how on earth I got into such a state. I've felt so ill all day. Last night I was soooo completely out of character :| it was a good night... but definately not me at all.. haha.

    I'm still recovering now. I feel awful lol.
    I was suppsoed to go to London today with my Nan and her dinnerlady friends but I justocud not lift my head, but she sort of gathered what mess I'd be in. She came home all excited, it really made me feel better to know she's enjoyed her day. She was explaining how she met one of the lady's sister... who lives in London and knows it liek the back of her hand, so showed them all around Harods and Selfridges, and my Nan was all excited hat she had her lunch in Harods, and that she saw Wayne Sleep in Selfridges (I was so so so so jealous!) I love my Nan

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