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Thread: True Blood

  1. #1
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    True Blood

    True Blood is an American television drama series created and produced by Alan Ball. It is based on the The Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels by Charlaine Harris.

    True Blood details the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps (meaning "good time" in French), a fictional small northern Louisiana town. The series centers on Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress at a bar, who falls in love with vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer).

    The first season received critical acclaim and won several awards, including one Golden Globe.

    True Blood begins July 17 on FX and airs on Channel 4 from November.


  2. #2
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    True Blood co-stars Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin are engaged, People magazine reported today. Paquin won a Golden Globe award earlier this year for her portrayal of Sookie Stackhouse, a Southern belle in love with vampire Bill Compton (Moyer) on the HBO dark comedy. The pair, who have frequent, steamy nude scenes together, have been an item since February. No wedding date was announced.

  3. #3
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    I really want to watch this. Will probably Freeview + it when it starts in November, so I can watch it when i'm back from uni.

  4. #4
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    I watched an episode its pretty graphic and lots of nudity - it also stars Ryan Kwanten aka Vinnie from H&A

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    TG4 channel 104 on Sky - an Irish channel has also picked up this show

  6. #6
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    True Blood starts on Channel 4 on Oct 7 (10pm)

  7. #7
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    Fresh from its run on FX UK, the superb True Blood finally arrives on Channel 4 and is sure to amass a legion of new fans with its tense yet funny storytelling and winning romantic intrigue. There will be skeptics out there no doubt grumbling 'oh no, not another vampire-themed show'. So here are ten reasons to sink your fangs into this superb slice of compelling drama set deep in Southern America.

    1) The pedigree

    The background of key figures behind and before the cameras is impressive. True Blood creator Alan Ball was behind the similarly morbid and hugely-lauded series Six Feet Under and scooped an Oscar for his American Beauty screenplay. The lead star Anna Paquin, who plays kooky waitress Sookie Stackhouse, also landed an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress at the tender age of 11 for her role in 1994 art flick The Piano, and won an army of fans playing Rogue in the X-Men movies. In addition, the source material for the series is The Southern Vampire Mysteries by award-winning novelist Charlaine Harris.

    2) The naughtiness

    Mainstream US television has some crazy censorship issues, whereby it’s fine to show numerous faceless characters being gunned to pieces in various action dramas, but the end of the world if there's a swear word or Janet Jackson has a wardrobe malfunction. Fortunately, True Blood is an HBO production and there’s an abundance of visual and verbal decadence to devour. The opening episode is quick to set its stall out by deploying the two 'c's very early on - 'c**t' and cunnilingus.

    3) Whodunnit?

    Evoking the compelling murder-mystery element of Twin Peaks, there’s a killer on the loose in the remote Louisiana town of Bon Temps. Video evidence suggests that Sookie’s decadent (and highly amusing) brother Jason is responsible, but several other suspects soon enter the fray. It’s great fun to do a bit of detective work of your own while watching the show, especially as the bumbling police officers in the show seem incapable of doing it themselves.

    4) Sizzling chemistry

    There’s plenty of bare flesh on display in True Blood, but there’s an authentic romantic spark between the two main characters Sookie and 173-year-old vampire Bill (Stephen Moyer). This taboo-breaking relationship is damn hot, which is hardly a surprise as they are an item in real life. After announcing their engagement earlier this year, Paquin admitted: "Obviously, if you're already with that person then you're not having to sort of get over the 'wow, I'm naked with someone that I don't even know the middle name of!'"

    5) These are no ordinary vampires

    Writer Alan Ball has cleverly created something new out of a very old idea. Instead of the usual crucifix-fearing vampires with no reflections, Ball’s take on the undead shatters the accustomed (and tired) mythology. The vampires of True Blood have actually been tricking the humans into thinking that such things are true, when they aren’t at all. Ball effectively sets up a new mythology, particularly with the special effects of vampire blood on the human body.

    6) Clever socio-political allegories

    The marginalisation and segregation of vampires in society echoes the way certain races have been treated in the real world, with many humans displaying a 'dislike for the unlike' attitude. Television screens across the town frequently show news footage featuring the pro- and anti-vampire campaigns dominating the political agenda.

    Consumer culture is also satirised through the presence of 'Tru Blood' - a synthetic product designed to satiate the thirst of the vampires without draining any veins. It mirrors the ‘lite’ soft drinks on the market, proclaiming they have none of the calories and all of the taste - when we all know that the genuine article tastes so much sweeter.

    7) Quirky humour

    Away from the slaying and blood-sucking, plenty of hilarity ensues in Bon Temps. The distinctly Southern drawl of the seemingly backward locals constantly amuses, blood-dealing male escort and chef Lafayette is an absolute hoot, as is Jason’s desperation to hump anything vaguely resembling the opposite sex. Delicious moments of dark humour pervade the show too, such as one character’s pecan pie obsession in the immediate aftermath of a relative’s tragic death. Then there’s the satirical element, with trashy magazines featuring headlines like 'Angelina Adopts A Vampire Baby!'. Class.

    8) Superb support

    No, we’re not talking about Sookie’s push-up bra. Not since the days of Twin Peaks has a show established such a winning mix of appealing and intriguing supporting crew. The staff at the diner Sookie works at, Bill’s vampire acquaintances, Jason’s conquests and the hapless law enforcers all get a good look-in. Their backstories and true natures are gradually teased out as the season progresses. Keep your eyes on Sookie’s fiery pal Tara, whose psychological layers are stripped bare following her initial obnoxious presence on the show.

    9) All flavour. No bite.

    Merchandising and cult shows are inextricably linked, with playgrounds around the nation full of youngsters running round with replica Sonic Screwdrivers. True Blood has perhaps the coolest tie-in ever though, as an official drink entitled Tru Blood has just gone on sale in the US. Alas, the red-coloured beverage doesn’t actually seek to replicate the taste of human blood. Instead, it’s a sweet blood orange concoction. Fingers crossed it’ll be lining the shelves of Wetherspoons in the UK very soon. Quench your thirst and pay homage to your favourite show at the same time.

    10) The promos

    If Channel 4 has any sense, they’ll cunningly deploy the mega-stylish commercials that HBO have been using during the last couple of seasons. Here’s the best of them, created to promote the second season finale. Combining new Depeche Mode track 'Corrupt' with startling, specially-shot visuals of Sookie and the blood-strewn regulars is pure genius. It certainly looks like they’re staring down the barrel of a gun. Or fang.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Is this the show with loads of sex in it?

  9. #9
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    Yes, it is

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    lol, the adverts look full on

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