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Thread: SoapBoards Member Spotlight

  1. #1
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    SoapBoards Member Spotlight

    After quite a few members showed interest in this I thought we might as well start it right away

    Now I better explain whats its all about and how it will work.

    What its all about?

    Basically its just another way we get to know each just that little bit better as one member is put in the spotlight and interviewed. Some of the questions will be deeper and more different from the usual questions asked when getting know each other when we first joined. There may be some strange and funny questions as at the end of the day this is suppose to be a bit of fun as well as the serious and hopefully thought provoking questions

    We dont want to get to personal though so if theres a question that you dont want to go into to much detail you dont have to and as always you can always have a laugh about the question and come up with a witty answer.

    Members will also get a chance to ask there own questions to the member in the spotlight that week and after the interview is posted we can all comment and even ask questions about the answers if people wish.

    How will it work?
    1. A member is chosen at random (although the first 2 members have already been chosen) to be in the spotlight
    2. This member will be announced for all to know and then members have until the Wednesday night to PM their questions to me
    3. The interview, set questions and members questions is sent by PM to the member in the spotlight on the thursday (or wednesday night) and they have until the Friday to send their answers back
    4. The interview will hopefully be then posted on the friday night for all to see and comment
    5. On the Friday night the next member will also be announced and members can start to PM their questions and the cycle starts all over again!

    Members in the spotlight
    Abigail (30/07/09) Interview Here

    Hannelene (7/08/09) Interview Here

    Siobhan (13/08/09) Interview Here

    Crazylea (28/08/09) Interview Here

    Xx-Vicky-xX (4/09/09) Interview Here

    DaVeyWaVey (11/09/09) Interview Here

    Kirsty :] (18/09/09) Interview Here

    Bryan (27/09/09) Interview Here

    Trinity (4/10/09) Interview Here

    Katy (9/10/09) Interview Here

    Norman Bates (18/10/09) Interview Here And Here, and here, And here!!!

    alan45 (23/10/09) Interview Here

    StarsofCCTV (8/11/09) Interview Here


    Chloe O'brien (22/11/09) Interview Here

    Moonstorm (28/11/09) Interview Here

    Tannie (4/12/09) Interview Here

    JustJodi (10/12/09) Interview Here

    Ronney (21/12/09) Interview Here

    Perdita (8/01/10) Interview Here


    parkerman (8/02/10) Interview Here


    Members who want to be in the spotlight
    Last edited by Abbie; 08-02-2010 at 19:46.

  2. #2
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    This week cos its the first one theres less time to send your questions in to me but dont worry they can be silly, random and crazy as well as serious questions as its all suppose to be fun!

    This week the Member in the spotlight is:

    So start sending in your questions to me, Abbie by PM and they must be with me by Wendesday night! Thats 29th July.

  3. #3
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    Ok so I think Ive finished the 15 set questions

    Im posting them here and now so everyone can see them and know what not ask in their own questions.

    *Note: As the set questions are already posted if you are chosen to be the member in the spotlight, announced on Fridays then you can already start answering them but obviously dont send them. This just makes life easier so you have more time and it means that when you do get sent the interview you only really need to think about the members question

    Here we go:
    1. What made you join SoapBoards and how has your time on here changed over the years?

    2. What are your Hobbies and how did you get into them?

    3. Do you have any special talent or ability?

    4. Do you have a favourite quote from literature, TV, a famous person, etc.? Explain why it is your favourite.

    5. What do you consider your best physical feature and your best aspect of your personality?

    6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    7. Do you have a life philosophy? Is so, what is it?

    8. What are the happiest and Saddest moments of your life?

    9. What’s the craziest thing you've ever done?

    10. Do you have any regrets, if yes, what and why?

    11. who’s your Idol and why?

    12. If were an animal what would you be and why?

    13. If you were any object, what would you be and why?

    14. What quality do you like best in a person and what quality do you hate the most?

    15. If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    What time will the answers be published today?

  5. #5
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    Well they are suppose to be posted on a Friday night but because Abigail has done them so quickly I will post them in a couple of hours

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Abigail's Interview

    Set Questions

    1. What made you join SoapBoards and how has your time on here changed over the years? Can’t remember, it was a long time ago. I joined, then forgot about this place and came back a year or so later. I've gotten to know lots of great people and there are more regular posters now than when I first started posting.

    2. What are your Hobbies and how did you get into them? Well I like reading, although I don’t do much of it these days. I love thrillers and forensic books, hate chic lit. I also like going for a hot chocolate at the student bar during the day and something a bit stronger in the evening.

    3. Do you have any special talent or ability? I can read people pretty well. I can usually tell if someone is unhappy or pretending they’re fine when they’re not (it’s something I do an awful lot myself). Not really a talent but useful I guess.

    4. Do you have a favourite quote from literature, TV, a famous person, etc.? Explain why it is your favourite. “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” I think it’s by Ghandi and its one of the few I remember. It’s important to remember that even if someone has wronged you in some way, you don’t have to take revenge or get even. Sometimes it’s better to just let things go and move on and be the bigger person. Of course, it depends on the situation as to what one does, but taking revenge just for the sake of it or because one is angry at the time isn’t always the best course of action.

    5. What do you consider your best physical feature and your best aspect of your personality? I quite like my arms. The best part of my personality is also my downfall. I care too much about other people, to the detriment of myself (as some of you may remember). I give money to homeless people on the street, especially in winter, even when I can’t afford it. But then I think I have a bed, a roof over my head and food in the cupboards. Sonny, one of the homeless guys in Stoke, doesn’t have that. He has no family, no winter coat or scarf or gloves. A couple of quid so he can get a hot drink and something to eat isn't much.

    6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    My nose, it’s too big and I have a “Robertson” bump. Everybody on my dad’s side of the family has a bump in their nose.

    7. Do you have a life philosophy? Is so, what is it? I don’t. I rarely make advance plans and just take each day as it comes. I never know how I will be when I wake up in the morning so I see no point in making wonderful plans only to wake up feeling ill and not be able to do them.

    8. What are the happiest and Saddest moments of your life? I think the most recent happiest moment was a few days ago when I found out I was going to be an auntie for the second, possibly third, time. I’ve had lots of sad moments in my life, especially in the past three or four months.

    9. What’s the craziest thing you've ever done?
    Oh hell, you wouldn’t believe half the things I’ve done

    10. Do you have any regrets, if yes, what and why? I regret not going on a ride at a theme park in Germany. I think it was Soltau near Hannover. I was too scared at the time

    11. who’s your Idol and why? I don’t have one. Just because.

    12. If were an animal what would you be and why?
    Hmm, a bulldog I think. They’re very cute, sleep most of the day and don’t need much exercise.

    13. If you were any object, what would you be and why?
    A bed. Simple really.

    14. What quality do you like best in a person and what quality do you hate the most? I hate lateness and rudeness. I like people who take the time to ask how others are and help out where they can.

    15. If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Welcome to my palace, the bed is upstairs.

  7. #7
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    Members Questions

    (Submitted by Siobhan: )
    Do you like marmalade or jam? Strawberry jam on crumpets (waffles are so last year)

    What did you want to be when you were a kid?
    and are you even close to becoming what you wanted? A vet or a doctor. No, I’ve gone from the living to the dead. I still have a huge interest in medicine and the human body and that comes out in my degree.

    Do you have a large family? any niece/nephews?
    I have two sisters, 31 and 21 and one niece, who will be five on Saturday. My oldest sister is married and the other one has a long term boyfriend/partner and is expecting her first baby.

    My mum is one of nine (one died 25 years ago) so I have lots of cousins (around 30 at last count), some of which I’ve never met and only found out about recently. Some of my cousins have had babies and are pregnant. I don’t see my maternal grandparents and one of my aunties. My nana is one of five who all have three or four kids each, plus grandkids and great grandkids so you can imagine how big the extended family gets.

    My dad’s side is much simpler. He has two sisters, one has two young boys. Beyond my grandparents and aunties, I’ve never met anyone else.

    If you could be anyone famous, who would that be and why?
    Any famous explorer. I would love to travel the world.

    (Submitted by Justjodi: )
    What makes you ( Abigail) tick??? Lots of sleep, wine, friends and family.

    (Submited by Rimmer: )
    1. a/s/l 19/f/yorkshire
    2. If you had to custard pie someone who would it be? The local tory MP, slimy git
    3. Red, blue or pink? Purple. But if I had to choose, blue.
    4. Vodka or orange juice? When I’m at uni – vodka. At home – orange juice
    5. What subject do you study at Uni? BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminal Investigation. It’s two hours of police law, powers etc. and six hours of forensic science. And no, I do not want to be a copper (everyone asks that). I chose the course because it’s predominantly forensics and as I did badly in my AS I knew I wouldn’t get into Teesside to study Crime Scene Science and I wanted to get as far away from home as possible. The policing aspect is rather interesting.
    6. Who are your icons? I don’t have any.
    7. Would you sleep with Victoria Beckham? No, not even if I was gay.
    8. Would you sleep with David Beckham? No, I prefer guys with the manly look.
    9. What is your most embarrasing moment? When I went on a school residential trip in year six, someone dared me to dance naked on my bed (with the lights out) singing “I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight” from the tv advert. Some tw*t turned the lights on didn’t they
    10. Who do you hate the most on SBS? I don’t hate anyone.
    11. What's your moto? I don’t have one.

    (Submited by Hannelene: )
    If you had a dinner party. Which 5 living or dead famous people would you like to be at the dinner table with you and why? Well Hugh Laurie for starters. I think he’s an amazing actor, he plays piano beautifully and has a wonderful smile. Second would be Johnny Depp. I need some eye candy at the table and I love the way he can change his look to suit the role so easily. I’d like a musician there so Paul McCartney. Simon Cowell would be my fourth choice, he can be outspoken like me. Finally, Barack Obama. Just so I can say I’ve cooked dinner for him.

    (Submited by StarsofCCTV: )
    1. What pets have you had, if any? I had a rabbit and a guinea pig when I was a small child. They both got stolen one night. When I was 7 I got a hamster called Betty. I got two giant French lop rabbits when I was about 11, called Roger and Rufus. One of them turned out to be a girl, can’t remember which. Roggy had motor neurone disease. Rufus was blind in one eye and died of meningitis. Also had the obligatory goldfish from the fair.
    2. Favourite tv show. House. No contest.
    3. Favourite movie. I don’t really watch films so that’s a hard one. Probably the Butterfly Effect.
    4. Favourite food. Curry
    5. Do you recycle. Yes
    6. Did you read Animal Ark as a child. I think I read a few
    7. What countries have you been to? Scotland, Germany, France and America
    8. Do you like airports? Only the duty free bit. I find them tedious and boring. Far too much hanging around for my liking.

    (Submited by Perdita: )
    What is your favourite meal? Something home made like lasagne, spag bol or a roast
    What is your favourite alcoholic drink? Wine or vodka
    What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink? Water
    Are you still in love with Dr House? That would be telling

    (Submited by Pinkbanana: )

    what one item would you take to a desert island?
    An airbed. I imagine the sand would get hard after a while.

    What would you like to be doing in ten years time? I’d like to be working in the forensics field, hopefully married, own my own home and be planning a family.

    What's your very first memory? I used to have a lot of nightmares as a child so it would be the one with the lion as the bottom of the stairs and me trying to get across the landing to my parents room, who usually told me to go back to bed.

    If you had a million pounds what would you spend it on? A house and holiday for family then a round the world trip for me and a friend/boyfriend. I’d also put some money away for my niece and niece/nephew on the way.

    If you house was on fire, what's the first thing you would grab? Laptop

    (Submited by Daveywavey: )

    What's your biggest dream and do you think you have a chance of fulfilling it?
    To spend a year or so travelling the world. Hopefully after I’ve finished uni and worked for a while to save up some money I can do it.

    What's the most random thing you've ever done? Getting drunk in the uni library one night and conducting a social experiment to see if anyone would pick up a bottle of ribena off a chair in front of the vending machine instead of buying it. We also managed to get a dozen bottles of ribena out of the vending machine without paying for them. I still have the videos I took on my phone somewhere. As we were in during self service hours (it was about 1am), security kept coming round so we had to hide the empty bottles of vodka and try not to laugh or act drunk.
    I’m sure there were better things we could have done instead of getting smashed in the library but we couldn’t think of any that night.

    Is it better to be an optimist or a pessimist? Which one of those are you and why? I’m a bit of a pessimist, especially when things are going wrong. I can be optimistic, which I think is the better trait.

    How do you think your friends and family view you as a person? I hope they think I’m a good person who likes to help out and will do anything for those who matter most.

    (Sumbited by Crazylea: )

    1. If you had one day left to live, and money was no object, what would you do?
    Spend it with family and close friends. Or go parachuting, white water rafting, bungee jumping and other extreme sports.

    2. If you had magic powers, and you could do one thing - personal or otherwise, with no consequences, what would you do? Make my sister better (she has fibromyaligia, can’t work and most days can’t get out of bed because she’s in so much pain).

    3. If someone offered you a 'Revel', which one would you go for? I dunno, never had a revel so I don’t know what my options are.

    4. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? (I don't think you need it ) Yes but not just yet.

    (Submited by Chloe O' Brien: )

    1) Have you ever sunbathed topless?
    2) if you could have a super power what would it be? Be able to know what people are thinking.
    Last edited by Abbie; 30-07-2009 at 16:02.

  8. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Abbie For This Useful Post:

    Chloe O'brien (30-07-2009), DaVeyWaVey (30-07-2009), Debs (30-07-2009), Kirsty :] (30-07-2009), Luna (30-07-2009), Meh (30-07-2009), moonstorm (06-08-2009), Perdita (30-07-2009), Pinkbanana (30-07-2009), Siobhan (30-07-2009)

  9. #8
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    Thanks Abigail, for giving as insight into your likes and dislikes

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    That sounds like a fun thing to do at uni. I can't imagine the uni would be very impressed if they found out one of their policing students had been helping themselves to bottles out of the vending machine without paying though

  11. #10
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    I don't think they would have been impressed at all, considering two of us were union officers.

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