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Thread: Spoilers 1st June 2009 to

  1. #1
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    Spoilers 1st June 2009 to

    Monday 1st June

    Justin's distraught thinking Hannah has been killed in The Loft fire. He blames himself and is concerned that nobody will believe that he didn't start it. He heads back to the flat where Ste, out of his depth, attempts to console him but it's not long before the police arrive and Ste tells Justin that he has no choice but to leave.
    On the run from the police, Justin heads to his sisters' graves were he's surprised to be met by Russ. Both are lost in their own world of pain but Justin is left reeling when Russ tells him that Hannah's not dead.
    Risking arrest, Justin sneaks into Hannah's hospital room but is gutted by her frostiness. He begs her to believe that he didn't leave her, but actually saved her and eventually she comes round. Hannah pleads with Justin not to run, believing that once she tells the police that it was Clare who started the fire, he will be off the hook.
    The Ashworths have taken a bedside vigil as Hannah lies unconscious in hospital after the fire. Rhys and Josh believe that Justin started the fire and are therefore holding him responsible for Hannah's condition. They're furious to hear that he's done a runner and left his girlfriend for dead, they plan on finding him.
    There's relief all round when Hannah regains consciousness, but she's soon asking for Justin and its Rhys who finally has to break it to her that he's gone. Hannah can't believe that Justin would run out on her. Suddenly remembering about Clare, Hannah attempts to explain what happened, but it's still no excuse for what Justin has done. Rhys and Josh say their goodbyes to Hannah and leave the hospital, but it's clear that they're after Justin and plan on making him pay for his actions.
    Meanwhile, Sasha's in denial and struggles to come to terms with the fact that it was Warren's body brought out of The Loft. Calvin's concerned for his sister as he knows for sure that Warren's dead. Unable to deal with what's happened, she snaps at Spencer who's confused and upset. Despite Calvin's protests, Sasha's determined to identify Warren's body. On seeing Warren's lifeless body in the mortuary, Sasha breaks down and Calvin, wracked with guilt, is quick to comfort her.
    Back at the house, Carmel's having to deal with Spencer and her heart breaks for him when he asks where Warren is. Sasha's grief soon turns to anger and she turns on Calvin and accuses him of wanting Warren dead, before vowing to find Justin to make him pay.
    Russ is still reeling after finding Nancy in bed with Kris the previous day. Nancy, meanwhile, regrets her actions and attempts to speak with Russ but he doesn't want to know. Kris makes a poor attempt at cracking a joke, but is soon put in his place by Russ's fist. It's clear that Kris wants more than a fling with Nancy but his hints fall flat as Nancy's adamant that she'll be able to sort things out with Russ. Finding Russ on The Dog jetty, her attempts to mend their relationship fail with Russ showing no signs of forgiveness.

    Tuesday 2nd June

    Rhys and Josh are still determined to find Justin as they're convinced that he started the fire at The Loft. They want him to pay for putting Hannah is hospital. The brothers visit Hannah but their cheeriness soon turns to anger when she insists that Justin is the innocent party and that he plans on turning himself in. Josh soon realises that Justin has been to see her and a furious Rhys harshly tells Hannah that Justin will go to prison as nobody believes he's innocent.
    Rhys's claims hits home with Hannah and after a visit from Nancy, she manages to convince Josh to find Justin and give him a message. Josh, who's now starting to doubt whether Justin did start the fire, agrees to help. He manages to persuade Ste to take him to Justin and passes on Hannah's message for him to leave. Justin accepts the advice but is determined to say goodbye to Hannah before he goes.
    Josh is torn by his loyalties but takes Justin to the hospital but insists that he wait outside while he tells Hannah of his arrival. Hannah excitedly prepares to see Justin but is stopped in her tracks by a furious Rhys.
    Desperate, Josh pushes Rhys into a cupboard and jams the door while Hannah escapes. Hannah and Justin say their goodbyes, not knowing when or if they'll see each other again but as Justin walks away, Hannah suddenly calls him back - she wants to go with him.
    Nancy pleads with Russ to give their relationship another go but he's not interested in anything she has to say and bluntly tells her he's there to pack his belongings. Nancy's desperate for him to see how good they are together, but for Russ, it means nothing as he knows there's no trust. He can't bear to hear her excuses any longer and tells her to go see Hannah.
    Intent on leaving, he heads to the McQueens' to say goodbye to Max and is pleased when Carmel answers the door. She can see how desperate he is and believing he doesn't deserve to be banned from seeing his own son, she lets him in.
    Spending time with Max, Russ realises that he can't carry on seeing him for five minutes at a time and begs Carmel for more time with him. Carmel is torn but eventually lets Russ take Max, believing it to only be for a day or two. However, it later dawns on her exactly what she's done.
    Sasha's struggling to come to terms with Warren's death and is determined to find Justin. Seeing herself responsible for Spencer, she heads out to the flat above Evissa. At the flat, Spencer's trying to do some washing for Warren, still not understanding that he's dead. Justin then soon turns up and finds the money Warren planned to give him.
    Surprised at seeing Spencer, Justin plans to grab the money and run but he sees that Spencer's in a state following Warren's death and could do with a friend. He stays to cook some breakfast for him but Sasha soon arrives and flips out.
    Sasha tells a scared Spencer to call the police and as Justin tries to run out, she whacks him over the head with a frying pan. Justin manages to stumble out and escape, much to Sasha's fury. She screams that she'll kill him for what he's done. Calvin finds a freaked-out Spencer in The Loft yard and begins to panic for his sister's safety when Spencer reveals that she was arguing with Justin.

    Wednesday 3rd June

    Hannah insists that she still wants to go on the run with Justin and leave Hollyoaks until they can prove he's innocent. Justin cares for Hannah too much to bring her down with him so tells her to stay, but she's not prepared to let him go.
    Seeing them together, Josh is annoyed that Hannah would leave like this after all he's done for her but Hannah desperately explains how she feels and soon talks Josh round into helping her leave. Justin heads to the graveyard while Josh takes Hannah home to pack her bag. As they're about to leave, Rhys turns up to stop her.
    Meanwhile at the graveyard, Justin hears someone approaching and prepares for the worst but is relieved to see Ste. Ste attempts to talk Justin into leaving alone as he knows that it's only a matter of time before the police find him. Justin, however, insists on taking that risk and refuses to leave without Hannah.
    Unlike Josh, Rhys isn't prepared to stand back and let Hannah leave, so Josh, at a loss as to what else he can do, punches a stunned Rhys and a fight between the brothers quickly ensues, leaving Hannah free to escape. She makes it to the graveyard and meets with a relieved Justin.
    As they prepare to leave, Justin worries about dragging Hannah into a life on the run and tells her to head to the car while he says goodbye to Mel and Sophie. When he doesn't turn up, Hannah returns to the graveyard to find him. A confused Hannah calls out to Justin but there's no answer - soon realises that he's left without her.
    Carmel frantically tries to contact Russ after she let him take Max but he's not answering his phone. Jacqui returns home wanting to see Max but hoping she can find him herself, Carmel lies that he's with Theresa. Jacqui quickly susses that something's not right and as soon as she discovers that Russ has Max, she loses it.
    Jacqui's furious with Carmel for knowing that Russ has taken him but is completely unaware that her sister actually allowed him to. After calling the police, Jacqui heads out to find Russ herself. The pair head to Nancy's flat were Jacqui lets herself in. Nancy's outraged but she's totally oblivious as to what Russ has done. Seeing Russ isn't there, they head back to search for Max's passport but it's gone. The realisation of what she's actually done hits Carmel but will she catch up with Russ before he leaves the village for good?
    Russ prepares to flee the village with Max and leaves him in the car while he quickly heads to the flat to pack a bag. Seeing police arrive out the window, he panics believing that they're looking for him. However, he decides to chance it. Just as he's about to head out, Nancy enters and, relieved he's back, tells him that she's not letting him go. She gives an impassioned speech about how she feels and that they should be together but Russ, who's becoming agitated about Max, tells her that they're over and that he's leaving. Desperate for him to see how much she loves him, Nancy suddenly proposes to a stunned Russ. Completely thrown, Russ toys with the idea of him and Nancy leaving together and starting a new life but just as Nancy thinks she's persuaded him, he tells her he can't and leaves her distraught.
    Last edited by tammyy2j; 26-05-2009 at 13:32.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to tammyy2j For This Useful Post:

    lizann (26-05-2009), moonstorm (27-05-2009), sykegirl1 (27-05-2009)

  3. #2
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    Thursday 4th June

    Hannah's inconsolable after Justin left her behind and is grilled by Mark over his whereabouts. Hannah tries to explain that she doesn't know where Justin is but Mark doesn't believe her, especially when she tells him it was Clare who started the fire. The Ashworths are furious with Josh for helping Hannah in her attempts to run away and they all head the police station to report her missing.
    The family are shocked, though, to find that Hannah's already at the station. They're relieved, however, that she's safe. Hannah, though, is distraught about Justin's departure and feels suffocated by her family's concern. She knows they love her but she can't stand to be treated like a little girl anymore and is pushed to breaking point. Hannah makes the decision to move out and, much to the shock of her family, leaves straight away.
    Weighed down with guilt that she let Russ take Max, Carmel heads out, but on hearing a noise in The Loft, she enters to find Calvin. Struggling to cope with what he's done, Calvin admits to a shocked Carmel that he left Warren to die. Carmel, however, responds by telling him that she let Max go. Feeling better after confiding in each other, Carmel and Calvin make a pact to face up to what they've both done and tell their loved ones the truth.
    Newt, Lauren, Anita and Theresa are all struggling to revise for their exam tomorrow. They're all distracted by the news of Warren's death and the rumours that he murdered Louise and Sean. Newt and Lauren wind Anita up, attempting to scare her with their horror story of finding Sean's body.
    Seeing a chance to get out of their exam, the teens make a pact to not sit it tomorrow and plan on telling Gov that they're too traumatised by the recent events. Anita, as expected, is uneasy about missing her exam and crams in some last-minute revision when the others have left.

    Friday 5th June

    Weighed down by his guilt, Calvin's finding it hard coping with a confused and upset Spencer. Spencer finds comfort in listening to a voicemail Warren left him just before he died but when Sasha overhears, she's stunned to hear a women's voice on the message, too.
    Calvin meets with Mark to confess all but just as he's about to go through with it, Sasha runs over with the new evidence. They recognise the female voice as Clare's and realising that he no longer has to confess, Calvin walks away. Spencer's furious when Calvin tells him he can't have his phone back and decides to sneak back to Warren's flat when Sasha falls asleep.
    Whilst alone listening to music, Spencer is shocked when a woman arrives and he quickly recognises her voice… it's Clare. Meanwhile, Sasha wakes to find Spencer gone. Knowing where he'll be, she heads straight to the flat but when she hears Clare inside, Sasha panics and calls Calvin.
    Ignoring his orders, she heads inside and confronts Clare. Just as they begin to fight, Calvin arrives with the police and Clare is arrested. A relieved Calvin takes Sasha and Spencer home, hoping at last that his nightmare is over.
    After making a pact with Carmel, Calvin prepares to face the consequences once he admits he left Warren to die. Carmel is left isolated after keeping to her part of the pact and admitting to Jacqui that she let Russ take Max. Calvin desperately doesn't want to admit to Sasha or Spencer what he did but tells Carmel that if there's any chance of them sorting things out, then it'll be worth it.
    Meeting up with Mark, Calvin's about to confess when Sasha runs over with new evidence. After arresting Clare, Calvin has no need to confess but his relief is short-lived when a hurt and angry Carmel realises that he's let her down once again.
    Anita's secretly been revising for her exam, despite the gang agreeing that they would boycott it. Meeting up before school, they plan their excuses but a nervy Anita isn't so sure that her dad will fall for their lies. As predicted, their plan fails and Gov bans Anita from hanging around with the others. Outraged at what he's done, the gang still decide to skip their exam and protest in the yard.
    Anita later returns to their meeting point, feeble placard in hand, but is left waiting. Finally, Anita gives in and heads to her exam, only to find it's already started and Newt, Lauren and Theresa are all there sitting it.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to tammyy2j For This Useful Post:

    lizann (26-05-2009), moonstorm (27-05-2009), sykegirl1 (27-05-2009)

  5. #3
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    So Justin just leaves without Hannah

    I'm glad Russ leaves with baby Max

    It good Clare finally gets her just desserts

  6. #4
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    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put the name of the programe in the thread title
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  7. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan45 View Post
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put the name of the programe in the thread title
    sorry i tried to edit thread title but cant

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