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Thread: Leona Lewis

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    Leona Lewis

    Since releasing her debut LP a year ago, Leona Lewis has reached number one on both sides of the Atlantic, sold nearly five million albums and had everyone from P Diddy to Katy Perry singing her praises. With feisty, upbeat new single 'Forgive Me' about to become her fourth smash in a row, we hooked up with the Hackney belter for a catch up.

    Your new single's a shift in direction from your previous releases. Why did you decide to make a change?
    "I wanted to do something a bit different and the chance to work with Akon came about. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out and it's great that it's different, rather than what I always do."

    How much say do you get over your style and musical direction?
    "It's funny because out of everyone from X Factor I probably get the most say on what I do. I'm very, very involved in everything that goes on from the music to the videos. It's great that I work with Simon [Cowell] and Clive [Davis], because they're both very respectful of my opinion and have the same vision for me as I do myself."

    Does it annoy you when people presume you're told how to act and behave?
    "It doesn't annoy me because people are going to have their perceptions and ideas. They can think what they want, but it's good to let people know I'm not just told, 'You have to do this, you have to do that'. That's really not the case."

    You've confirmed you'll be touring in 2010. What do you want the tour to be like?
    "It's going to be a really big tour, but I haven't thought about it too much. I want there to be great production - nothing crazy, but a great band is the basis of any tour. Big arenas would be great, but any venue is fine by me as long as I can play my songs."

    What's your schedule for the second album and the tour?
    "We're thinking next November for the record, but it may be sooner. The tour will be the year after."

    Jordin Sparks and Justin Timberlake are two of the artists who've said they want to work with you. Will there be many collaborations on the second album?
    "I'm definitely interested. Working with other artists and sharing your passions is great. Two heads are better than one sometimes, so who knows?"

    How do you feel when someone like Timberlake praises your music?
    "I'm like, 'How do you even know who I am dude?' I met him and sang with him at a charity show recently. He wants to work with me on some songs, which is cool with me - he's Justin Timberlake! He's lovely, so talented and so down-to-earth too."

    Simon Cowell's recently offered to save the Christmas Top Of The Pops. How do you feel about the show being axed?
    "If it's going, it's sad. I did it the year I won X Factor and it would be a shame to lose it. I would definitely back Simon. Music TV in the UK is disappearing. Top Of The Pops, CD:UK and shows like that have gone and it's bringing down the music industry. We should do as much as we can to keep our music TV and producers need to be more willing to accommodate live music. When you want to play with a band on UK TV, it's always very tricky, which is a shame because we need to support live music."

    Have you been watching this year's X Factor?
    "I've been using my Sky+ to keep up with it. I think all the contestants are really strong this year. The girls are doing really well and I find myself feeling really proud of them, which is a weird feeling."

    Do you think Cheryl's going to beat Simon?
    "She has a very, very good chance. But at the end of the day it's not the judges who are winning, it's the contestants."

    Leona Lewis's new single, 'Forgive Me', is out now.

  2. #2
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    Just got hold of a copy of her deluxe edition albumn, I haven't listened to it in ages, I fogot how amazing it was. Leona is one of my all time favourite artists, it's amazing she came from a reality show! I can see good things from her in the future! Can't wait for her 2010 tour, just hope i can get tickets!!!

  3. #3
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    the whole Leona Lewis, Mariah scary, christina aguewhatit doesn't appeal to me at all... I don't like this "why sing 1 note when you can sing 10"... just sing the song already!!
    Super Mod

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siobhan View Post
    the whole Leona Lewis, Mariah scary, christina aguewhatit doesn't appeal to me at all... I don't like this "why sing 1 note when you can sing 10"... just sing the song already!!
    THat is the funniest post i have read in ages! its so true, i do like some of Leonas songs though especially the slow ones.

  5. #5
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    I really must buy her album

  6. #6
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    Her music doesn't really appeal to me but I really do enjoy her version of 'Run'.

  7. #7
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    The latest single from singer Leona Lewis has become the fastest-selling digital-only track in the UK.

    Snow Patrol cover Run, which was never originally intended to be released as a single, was downloaded almost 70,000 times in its first two days.

    It beats Estelle's American Boy, which sold 51,857 downloads in a week to become the biggest digital-only single.

    Lewis, who is likely to score her third number one, is nominated for record of the year at the Grammy Awards.

    Her chart-topper Bleeding Love is shortlisted alongside fellow UK acts Coldplay, M.I.A., Adele and Robert Plant.

    Lewis first performed Run on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge, which was originally a number five hit in the UK for Snow Patrol.

    It was a subsequent performance on The X Factor which prompted record bosses to go ahead with the digital single release.

    The song also features on an enhanced version of her album Spirit, which became the first re-release to go straight in at number one, beating Dido's third collection.

    Lewis's album has sold some four million copies around the world since it was first released a year ago.

    Apple has said, meanwhile, that the singer's song Bleeding Love is its most popular downloaded track of 2008 on iTunes.

    Coldplay's Viva La Vida is the most popular album on the music download site during the past year.

  8. #8
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    Im not surprised, I LOVE that song I think its amazing

  9. #9
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    Leona Lewis has announced plans to launch her own perfume.

    The singer has teamed up with German brand LR to create her self-titled 'ethical' scent.

    "Leona has had a lot of approaches about launching her own perfume, but she wanted to make totally sure she would be working with an ethical company," a source told The Sun.

    "She has had a big hand in helping to create the fragrance and the design of the bottle and now she can’t wait to see it in the shops."

    In a promotional video for the new scent, the star revealed her enthusiasm for the new venture.

    "I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to work on such an exciting project," she said.

    "I am passionate about what I do and it is important for me to give the best I can to my fans all of the time. I love my new fragrance and I already love LR."

    Lewis recently announced her plans to chart her rise to fame in an autobiography.

    From DS

    Have to wait for her perfume to see whether I like it but I think followers of the X Factor know all about her rise to fame already. Would still read it if it happened to be lying around though

  10. #10
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    Leona Lewis plays £1m concert

    Leona Lewis has been paid £1 million to perform at a 21st birthday party concert, it has emerged.

    The singer sang seven songs for 200 partygoers at the celebration gig for Libby Caudwell, the daughter of Phones4U founder John, The Sun reports.

    Lewis was joined on stage by Boyzone singer Stephen Gately and also dueted with the birthday girl on 'Bleeding Love'.

    A source said: "Leona was not supposed to do any live shows until next year, but she made an exception. It's a hell of a lot of money and was a great party, so it was fun being involved."

    A guest added: "It was a night Libby will certainly never forget. It was like a dream. She has not stopped talking about it ever since.

    "Libby knew something was going to happen, but she just couldn't believe it when Leona walked on the stage."

    A spokesperson confirmed that Lewis had performed at a "private event" but said that all details were confidential.

    Nice work, if you can get it

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