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Thread: Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall)

  1. #11
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    Ohhhh right!!! Colol that shoulod be good ! ;

  2. #12
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    Awk theyre great together

  3. #13
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    Weddings in soaps never go smoothly ahead, there is always one hurdle the happy couple have to master before saying 'I do'. They will marry.
    Last edited by Perdita; 10-11-2008 at 13:02.

  4. #14
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  5. #15
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    I read in one of the newspapers and i cant remember which one it was but it said that they get back together and then Tyrones mum comes back into it and nicks their honeymoon tickets to Paris so they end up having their honeymoon in a caravan park.

  6. #16
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    If it were not for bad luck, those two would have no luck at all!

  7. #17
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    BRIDEGROOM Tyrone Dobbs is arrested for handling stolen goods just hours before his wedding.

    The hapless mechanic has been selling dodgy gear to pay for fiancée Molly Compton’s dream wedding.

    And he agrees to do one last money-spinning job on his way to the church.

    But sadly for Tyrone, when he turns up to hand over a batch of designer sunglasses he comes face to face with a police officer.

    So with very little time left to get to the church it’s up to Jack Duckworth to try and persuade the officer to hold off taking him down to the police station.

    He begs him to let Tyrone get married on the one condition that he goes to the local nick immediately after they tie the knot.

    But viewers will have to wait to see whether Jack manages to convince the policeman to let him go.

    And with Molly completely in the dark about his involvement in her Auntie Pam’s latest scam, Tyrone’s going to have some explaining to do even if he does make it to the altar.

    A Coronation Street insider told us: “Auntie Pam ropes Tyrone in for one last scam.

    “All he has to do is meet a bloke in a pub and hand over a batch of dodgy shades.

    “Tyrone reluctantly agrees, even though the deal has to be done on the way to his wedding.

    “But it’s all a set-up and the man turns out to be an undercover police officer.

    “Tyrone has been getting away with selling Pam’s stolen gear for months now.

    “It was only a matter of time before the law eventually caught up with him.

    “But it’s just typical of poor Tyrone that, of all days, this should happen on his wedding day.”

    Fans of the ITV1 soap will be able to find out whether or not Tyrone makes it to the church in time a week tomorrow (January 12).

  8. #18
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    Tyrones Arrest and its result already posted here
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  9. #19
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    Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall)

    In what will be Coronation Street's 73rd wedding, Tyrone Dobbs and Molly Compton (Alan Halsall and Vicky Binns) will tie the knot in true will-they-won't-they style in a few weeks' time. As ever, the wedding day doesn't quite go to plan when Tyrone is 'arrested' as he completes one final jaunt for Auntie Pam (Kate Anthony). However, all's not what is seems and Tyrone eventually makes it to the church on time. But even when he's there, Tyrone's nerves get the better of him at the altar. We gave Tyrone actor Alan Halsall a call to hear his thoughts on his screen nuptials.

    Are you pleased that they're letting you explore Tyrone as a character more?
    "Yeah. I think it's always nice to go off in different directions with a character. As well as Jackie being back in Tyrone's life, he also has a relationship with Auntie Pam now, too. As well as that, there's the friendship with Kevin and Tyrone's relationship with Molly. It really is nice to experience more on-screen relationships with other characters because it's different with each person."

    Do you think that Tyrone was underused for a while? It must be great working with all the material they're giving you at the moment.
    "Absolutely. But you kind of know that a soap will focus on different storylines, so you know that you're not going to be in focus all the time. But yeah, it's nice to get the big storylines when they come along and I really appreciate it when they do. I've got to be honest, doing a Corrie wedding is just amazing."

    You just touched on Auntie Pam. What do you think of Kate Anthony as a new addition?
    "The partnership between Tyrone and Pam has been great on screen. Tyrone wasn't sure about her at first and then when she roped him into all her scams, it brought out a really different side of him. He wasn't trying to be mischievous. You could see all the good in everything he was trying to do! And I get on really well with Kate. She's been a really great addition to the Duckworths' fold, too. She's a great actress. She's a bit like a female Del Boy really, isn't she?! We have some great comedy writers and it's so good when they get these little one-liners in there."

    What happens on Tyrone and Molly's wedding day?
    "Well, Auntie Pam asked Tyrone to do her a favour, but he doesn't really listen to what it is she wants doing, all Tyrone hears is that she wants to buy Jack a new pigeon coop. He sees the good in what she's doing. It's typical Tyrone, really – he always sees the good in people. Even though it's his wedding day and he's really angry to have been asked, he goes to sell the sunglasses for Pam because it's inadvertently for Jack. It's all a setup, though, and Tyrone ends up thinking he's been arrested! He's completely in bits, but Jack and Kirk bail him out. It's a bit of a rush, but he gets to the church, though, and he's mortified throughout the whole service. It all comes to a head as he's going through his vows when he faints."

    What happens at the reception?
    "The reception's really nice as there's a lovely speech from Jack. But in the background, Jackie sneaks in. Tyrone and Molly initially think to kick her out, but they agree to let her stay because of the special day it is. Everyone's had a collection going and they all buy Molly and Tyrone some tickets to Paris for their honeymoon and, of course, Jackie finds out about them…"

    Were there any standout funny moments during filming?
    "It was absolutely freezing at the church we were filming at and I've not actually seen it yet, but Jimmi Harkishin, who plays Dev, went flying on some icy gravestones! I've not actually seen it yet, but I'm hoping they've got it on tape! And then when we were rehearsing on set, we rehearsed me fainting at the altar and it was lucky it wasn't a take because Andy Whyment [Kirk] had to leave the church because he was laughing that hard. He was crying with laughter."

    Do you think Molly and Tyrone are the new Jack and Vera?
    "No, not at all. People ask me about this all the time. I'd like to stay as far away from that as possible, if I'm honest. In my eyes, those shoes are so enormous to fill. Jack and Vera have been legends for three decades. I suppose if Tyrone and Molly were a quarter as loved as Jack and Vera were (and still are) I'd be happy."

    Corrie's Tyrone talks Margi's return

    I recently caught up with Coronation Street's Alan Halsall - Tyrone Dobbs in the soap - to chat about his upcoming screen wedding to Molly (Vicky Binns). Click here to read more.

    Here, though, are Alan's thoughts on his screen mum Jackie's return to the soap and how he'd like her to make a full-time comeback.

    What's it like to have Margi Clarke back again?
    "Oh both occasions, it's been mad. Margi's just crazy. She's a real live wire to be around and she always makes the day fun, as does Jackie the character - she comes in and causes trouble. It really is great to have her back. It was many years ago now that I last did some work with her on Corrie and for all she might have changed in her appearance with the pink hair, she's really not changed as a person. She's the fantastic live wire she's always been."

    Would you like to see her return full-time?
    "I'd like to see Margi return full-time, but whether Tyrone as a character would is a different matter! Every time she's around she just causes him heartache. Jackie would have to do a lot of grovelling for Tyrone to accept his mum back in his life full-time. At the end of the day, though, she's still his mum and there'll always be that great relationship between the pair of them."

  10. #20
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    Coronation Street brings the Tyrone and Kirsty storyline to a gripping conclusion this week, as the former couple go head-to-head in court.

    As Tyrone's domestic violence trial begins, it quickly becomes apparent that things aren't looking good for him - and his only hope is that Kirsty will begin to dig her own grave as her behaviour spirals out of control.

    We recently caught up with Alan Halsall, who plays Tyrone, to hear all the gossip on the trial week and where things go from here.

    What was Tyrone's trial like to film?
    "It was quite interesting for me, because it was the first time that I'd been on the court set that we use here at Corrie. It was a new experience, because it's quite different from the scripts that we would get for a normal day filming on the Street or in The Rovers.

    "This story has already had lots of twists and turns along the way - and the viewers will see that there are a couple more in the trial itself! We were filming in the court for about four or five days all in all, and I really enjoyed it."

    How does Tyrone cope when so many lies about him are being voiced by Kirsty and the prosecution?
    "This is the tough thing for him. Tyrone, bless him, thought that he'd stand up there, say what really happened and that would be the end of that! Unfortunately, when he gets to court, he gets that full realisation that all of the evidence is stacked against him. It starts to hit home that he might actually go to prison for this.

    "I think Tyrone has to bite his tongue when he hears people who he's known for years - like Deirdre and Eileen - giving evidence against him. That really hurts him, because Tyrone is one of those guys who just wants everyone to like him, really."

    Does Kirsty put on a good performance in court, or are the cracks starting to show at this point?
    "I think the pressure is definitely starting to get to Kirsty, but she's always been two steps ahead of Tyrone throughout this entire storyline. She's always thought things through a lot more than Tyrone has.

    "Kirsty is still quite prepared to stand up there and tell those lies in a court of law, whereas Tyrone would never be prepared to do that. Although the pressure is taking its toll on Kirsty, she's more than capable of standing up there and giving evidence against Tyrone."

    As the week plays out, Julie finally discovers the truth when Kirsty hits her… What did you make of this twist to the tale?
    "I think it's a great twist, because it shows that Kirsty is really getting out of control now. In the past, Kirsty's violent outbursts have only ever been towards Tyrone - they've never been towards baby Ruby or anyone else.

    "But the fact that it's now moved onto somebody else shows that it's getting out of hand now. It even shows Kirsty herself that her violent streak is getting out of control. We've had so many twists and turns in this storyline, and this is another one. But trust me, this won't be the only twist as the court case goes on…"

    Whatever the verdict is, it sounds like everyone on the Street will know the truth about Kirsty. Will Tyrone ever be able to forgive the people who doubted him?
    "Well, one thing I know about Tyrone as a character is that he's extremely forgiving. He forgave his mum all his life and always gave her more chances. He also forgave Kevin for having an affair with Molly. Tyrone even forgave Kirsty several times when she first started hitting him.

    "This is the thing with Tyrone - he wears his heart on his sleeve. Although he's been hurt, he'll probably understand over time why people thought he was the violent one. It's because this is what we mainly hear about when it comes to domestic violence - the male being the perpetrator and the female being the victim, so it's been easier for the local residents to believe that version of events. I think Tyrone will recognise that and forgive everyone."

    Do you think Corrie are bringing this story to a close at the right time, or could it have played out for longer?
    "Every story has to come to an end at some point, as you don't want people getting bored. I think what Corrie has done with this storyline has been fantastic. When we did a lot of the research, we saw that a lot of these domestic violence cases went on for a long time without people finding out or the police getting involved. It wasn't something that Corrie could play out for just three months or six months.

    "If you think back, this story has gone on for probably the best part of 18 months, so I think we've definitely done it justice. Even though it's gone on for a while, I don't think the audience have been bored, because the writers have provided so many unexpected surprises along the way. I think it's definitely kept people interested, and as an actor, it's certainly kept me interested too! I've loved it from start to finish."

    Natalie Gumede, who plays Kirsty, has left Corrie, but we've heard that the door will be left open for her. Would you like to see her return at some point in the future?
    "Definitely, as I had an amazing working relationship with Natalie. She's an amazing girl and super, super talented. She was also a joy to work with, which really matters when you're working very long days and filming emotional scenes.

    "I'd love to have Natalie back at Corrie, but at the same time, I'm really excited for her to go out there and do something new. If people have seen her talent and the work that she's done at Corrie - making such a big impact on a show like this - I'm sure she'll go on to loads more things."

    When the story first started, did you expect it to make the impact that it has?
    "In all honesty, no. When Corrie told me that they were going to do this storyline, I was really excited because it's a gift of a story. However, I didn't know the extent of it, or how far it was going to go. It became bigger and more enjoyable as time went on. To use that cliché that I'm sure people get sick of hearing, as an actor you want something to sink your teeth into - and that was exactly this story for me."

    Are you expecting things to go quiet for Tyrone storyline-wise once this is over?
    "Well, part of the beauty of Corrie and what I love about this job is that we don't actually know what's going to happen. Until we get the scripts, I honestly don't know what's next for Tyrone. We'll just and have to wait and see."

    Are you enjoying the Tyrone and Fiz pairing?
    "Absolutely. There's a lot of history there between Tyrone and Fiz, so I'm absolutely loving it. Jennie McAlpine is a scream to work with, she's brilliant. It's really fun."

    How did you feel when you won the NTA in January?
    "I was absolutely elated with that - I think more so because I genuinely didn't expect it at all! It came as a real shock. It's a prestigious prize because it's the National Television Awards and it's voted for by the public, which means a lot. With all those things added together, it was a bit overwhelming!"

    Now you're up for 'Best Actor' at the British Soap Awards!
    "I'm thrilled, to be honest. I only found out a couple of weeks ago when everyone else did. Of course it's nice for me personally, but I think it's nice for the whole show as well. It's recognition for the storyline really, and it's nice for us to get that at the awards."

    Is there anything you'd say for why our readers should be voting for all things Corrie at the Soap Awards?
    "I think if you enjoy the stories we're doing here at Corrie, then vote for us! We have such a loyal fanbase and people get so involved with the show. I'm sure if they're enjoying it, they'll pick up the phone or get on the website to vote!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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