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Thread: Funny Quotes

  1. #11
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    My Philosophy teacher Paul: 'To be honest, Plantinga's facial hair is the least you've got to worry about'
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  2. #12
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    I laughed SOOO much at this! It's the Orange advert with Snoop Dogg..

    'WooOooo Housies! (Homies) Homies!'
    'Say one to the two to three to the four, mother brother cousin sister uncle orange store!'

    [ame=""]YouTube - Orange Goldspot 'Snoop Dogg'[/ame]
    Last edited by .:SpIcYsPy:.; 05-05-2008 at 00:16.

  3. #13
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    A quote I remembered from a while back:

    My mum: Your hair looks nice what have you done with it?
    Me: I didn't brush it..

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarsOfCCTV View Post
    A quote I remembered from a while back:

    My mum: Your hair looks nice what have you done with it?
    Me: I didn't brush it..

  5. #15
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    Forgot to post this after it happened.. we were doing timed practise for Islam and had to peer mark. Joe got my book and looked at my answer..)

    Joe: I swear Kim's second language is Muslim!

  6. #16
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    That hair one creased me up Kasple . Reminds me of this from the other day.. slightly..

    (We were sitting outside Mcdons after having a burger)
    Me: Bev you got tomato sauce on your chin *sniggers*
    Bev: Where? ..
    *I point*
    .. Oh... er... that's a spot

    How embarrased did I feel haha felt so bad

  7. #17
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    A conversation between me and my sister while we are watching Holby Blue
    (We were discussing what was going to happen to a women who was being sneaked up on in her flat)
    Me: I reckon she'll be stabbed...shot...erm...clawhammered...
    Ag: No it'll be some sort of kitchen implement...Knife
    Me: Yeah kitchen knife or..Spatula?
    *Both start giggling*
    Ag: Spoon *makes hitting someone on head with spoon gestures* kettle, sieve, colander..
    *hysterical laughter by now *

    *The women gets a plastic bag over her head*
    Me: Oooh we never thought of that.
    Ag: No we didn't...I'd be really freaked out if that happened to me
    Me: Of course you would it's a plastic bag over your head!
    Last edited by StarsOfCCTV; 29-05-2008 at 20:15.
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  8. #18
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    Discussing my History exam..
    Me: Trotsky was murdered with an icepick in 1940 in Mexico
    My Mum: Was it an accident?
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  9. #19
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    Parents are funny sometimes.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  10. #20
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    I've got a cracker for you, my neice has a rubber chicken on her keyring the one that if you squeeze its belly a ballon comes out of it's bum. Marley loves to play with it and is always trying to get her cousin to give it too her. Anyway last week at the school fair there was a toy rubber chicken that someone had donated. Marley made a grab for it a bought it. Last Saturday night she was on the phone to her cousin.

    Marley: Cherie guess what you know that plastic turkey you have on your keyring I got one today at the fair.

    Cherie: You mean the Rubber Chicken. (In background here Cherie in fits of hysterics)

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

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