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Thread: Jay Mitchell Brown (Jamie Borthwick)

  1. #11
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    It looks good in the magazine the pictures. I think it will make us see another side to Jase as well.

  2. #12
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    This storyline sounds really good
    Hopefully it will give out the message properly that it's intending to do so.

  3. #13
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    Jay was an idiot to join that gang - he should gave known better than to get involved with thugs like that even if they went to his school. He should have ignored them or told Jase about them. I'm sorry he gets stabbed and it was noble of him to stick up for Dot but still he shouldn't have got involved to begin with.

  4. #14
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    I agree he's stupid to get involved with them but he feels that his Dad isn't there for him. The gang are welcoming him and he's at that age where it's easy to get in with the wrong crowd if you're left to amuse yourself.

  5. #15
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    he still looks like catherine tate

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    he still looks like catherine tate
    He does a bit, you are right.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    he still looks like catherine tate
    that is brilliant yeah you are right there
    Super Mod

  8. #18
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    Jay seems not so much 'bovvered' - more like a 'bovver boy'

  9. #19
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    Jay Brown

    BIG-HEARTED Billy Mitchell’s bid to tame Jay Brown fails after the teen plumps instead for life as a dodgy wheeler dealer.

    It looks like their old grudges will finally be forgotten when Billy bumps into the tearaway on the Square.

    It’s the first time they’ve spoken since Jay suddenly moved away to live with his grandfather, shortly after stealing money from Janine Butcher.

    But just when Billy promises the youngster security and a fresh start, street-smart Jay abuses his trust almost immediately.

    Our Walford source said: “Billy is trying to make a go of things and is taking his job in the Minute Mart very seriously. He feels like he has let Jay down and that he has not been a very good father figure to him.

    “And as a way of trying to make amends, Billy suggests Jay keeps a key to the flat in case he ever needs it for emergencies.

    “Jay continues to hang around and later he teases Billy for doing a cleaning job for only £60 a week, saying he would be better off on the dole.

    “Billy tries to explain to him that you can’t put a price on having a bit of pride in yourself and that earning money means so much more than taking handouts.

    “But it seems Jay is still seduced by the wheeler-dealer lifestyle that his dad Jase used to live.”

    In the Minute Mart, Jay sneaks out to the back room and takes sandwiches and pasties which are past their sell-by date and which he knows Patrick is planning to throw away.

    He then makes off with the food and goes to sell them on George Street at a knock-down price – and manages to make himself the tidy sum of £20.

    But when Billy finds out he is absolutely furious and hits the roof.

    Our EastEnders source added: “Billy is upset but he is still determined to try and tame Jay.”

    Viewers can see the drama as it unfolds on March 9 on BBC1.

  10. #20
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    Jamie Borthwick (EastEnders' Jay) interview

    Jay’s got through quite a few parent figures during his time on the show (Bert, Jase, Dawn, Billy) - do you think Jay truly feels part of the Mitchell family now?

    “Well, I think Jay really feels part of the Mitchell family as Billy has been a part of his life for a fair amount of time. Billy and Jay’s relationship has grown. Jay also looks up to Phil, who makes him feel more a part of the family. Yeah, he is truly a part of the Mitchell clan. Jay has become really integral to EastEnders, he has had a busy time with the stabbing, his dad showing up and then him dying. It’s really good as an actor to take on challenging storylines.”

    Jay’s started spending more time with Phil lately - do you think Phil sees Jay as the son he wishes Ben was?

    “I think Phil sees Jay as the perfect son as he is everything he wants Ben to be; leery, cocky, knows how to fight, etc. He is a tough kid and that is what Phil wants in a son, but he obviously loves his own son more than anything. Phil is happy spending time with Jay, getting to know him and what it is like having the son he always wanted.”

    How does Billy feel about this new bond between Phil and Jay?

    “Billy feels pure jealousy. He is the one that helped Jay, not Phil. He is the one that took Jay in, not Phil. He is the one that looked after Jay, not Phil. He is also disappointed in Jay.”

    What’s Steve McFadden, who plays Phil, like to work with?

    “Steve is really interesting to work with; I have learnt a lot from just watching him. He is very focused as an actor and great to work with.

    Is it going to be odd with a new actor playing Ben when he returns from prison later this year?

    “Obviously it will be different, but it’s just something you have to deal with in this game. I have really taken to Joshua [Pascoe], he is a nice guy, and we have a good rapport. I do miss Charlie [Jones], I haven’t seen him in ages and it would be really nice to catch up with him at some stage.”

    Do you enjoy the boxing scenes?

    “I do actually. I’m a boxer in real life and I’m close with Harry Holland, an extra on the show who is also a boxer. We always talk about boxing. I have learnt a lot from my trainer Ricky Nash; boxing lessons are like life lessons. What I have learned through boxing really takes me through life. To come to work and do bits of training is like going into a comfort zone for me.”

    Did Lucy Beale ever find out that it was Jay who mugged her and will this be addressed when Lucy returns later this year?

    “No, she didn’t find, but I’m sure if it ever comes out Jay will be in for a good hiding!”

    It’s nearly 4 years since you joined the show, what have been your favourite storylines?

    “I liked the death of Jase storyline; it was really brilliantly acted by Perry [Fenwick, who plays Billy], who is a lovely fella. I also love the storylines where every new girl that comes in gets her knickers nicked by Jay!”

    You’ve had a lot of gritty storylines, but you also get some really funny lines too. Do you enjoy acting comedy scenes and would you like to have any lighter storylines in future?

    “I like doing the lighter storylines and throwing the odd funny line in, but I enjoy the transition to harder hitting stuff as I like to take on a challenge. I would actually like a bit of a darker storyline soon - it is nice as an actor as a change and I haven’t had that in a while.“

    Can you give us any hints about what’s coming up for Jay?

    “Jay and Ben are busy, there is lots going on there! Jay and Phil’s bond gets a bit stronger. I would like to see Jay get his first girlfriend actually!”

    Last film you saw at the cinema:

    “Toy Story 3, it was quite good actually.”

    Last album you bought:

    “Michael Bublé.”

    Last TV show boxset you watched:

    “Only Fools And Horses! It is my favourite; I know every word to every episode ever.”
    Last edited by alan45; 01-11-2010 at 16:21.

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