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Thread: Putting on weight

  1. #11
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    I have a simular problem but im small so it doesnt look as obvious i am underweght on the BMI though.

    Erm my cousins a personal trainer and hes trying to put on weight as well and says that foods high in calories such as bananas should help you to gain weight. Also Protein (Meats) and food high in carbohydrate bread, rice, and pasta)

  2. #12
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    Eat badly.. strave yourself for a bit and then eat high fat foods so that body stores it or just plain and simply, go to your GP and they can recommend stuff to help you gain weight, there is tonics that can help you
    Super Mod

  3. #13
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    [QUOTE=Abi;504737]I eat Breakfast and Dinner, its just Lunch thats very debateable right now, lol.

    When you have been to the doctors have they checked you thyroid levels, as losing weight and not being able to put weight on is a sign of an overactive thyriod.

    The only reason i know this, is coz my daughter has lost an lot of weight recently so i took her to the doctors and asked them to check her thyriod levels, the doctor told me that she was sure it was not her thyriod but coz i insisted they check it, they did and i was right!!!! she does have an overactive thyroid, she is now on meds and has started to put on the weight!

    Although this may not be the case for you, it might be worth checking out.

  4. #14
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    Through my depression I have lost so much weight I have gone down 2 dress sizes in less than a year... [I'm a size 8 and just under 8 stone and aged 17 height 5'4]

    I have the most unhealthy diet ever.... But I do a load of exercise as I'm on a performing arts course... so it's active...

    My Doctors say it's the depression and that... But I have days were I eat loads of food, then other days I don't eat hardly anything....

    I've been told, I'm not on the verge if an eating disorder yet.... but I must remain eating as I do... But I am so scared as I'm just shrinking, it's horrible... some days I look alright... but no... I don't like it...

    I'm intolerant to dairy products.. so that kicks my diet in a way...

    I've heard drinking water between meals is an easy way to put on weight as it bloats your stomach.... But its not working....

    Has anyone got any tips or know anything that could help... I know I've been told it's not serious... But I'd like to put on some weight...
    Last edited by bubblegum_fairy; 27-10-2007 at 18:29.
    Louise is baaaaaaccccckkkk

  5. #15
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    I have the same problem. I am very slim, when i calculated my BMI, it turned out i was underweight, and i have grown quite a lot over the past year. I am now 6 foot 4...and my height really doesn't look right with my weight, but i've been told not to worry as I should fill out hopefully over the next few years.

    Bubblegum Fairy - i don't know what advice to give - maybe you could see a counsellor and explain your worries to them and they could help you in some way?

    My mum has said about my weight (i think she's a bit worried) but she keeps giving me lots of food to eat at meal times in an attempt to boost my weight but it doesn't seem to be working, but i'm not worried - i should fill out over time.

  6. #16
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    Well I'm starting councelling soon... So I have to wait and see with that.

    I noticed that I was actually bad the other day my mate came over who I hadn't seen for 2 months, and she said 'Oh my god Lou you look tiny' and this morning I went to put ma tracksuit on and it was massive...

    It's freaking me out now.....

    I have thought about asking on of my freinds, she was very slim all her life, and her dad put her on a certain diet and she filled out.. and she looks fab.

    I tell you one thing I should do is start having a proper breakfast instead of a cup of coffee and a cookie.
    Louise is baaaaaaccccckkkk

  7. #17
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    Have you tried Complan? They're like a meal in a milkshake. They're pretty high in calories. You can get them in different flavours, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and banana. They're quite expensive in the shop (around £3 - £4 per box of four) but if you can get them on prescription you won't have to pay for them because you're under 18 and in full time education.

    Water has no nutritional content so no matter how much you drink it won't make you put on weight. It is good for your body and your skin though so keep drinking it.

    Eat lots of carbohydrats such as pasta, bread and cereals. Keep eating throughout the day. Have breakfast, snack mid-morning, dinner, another snack, tea and supper.

    I'm with you on the not eating enough some days and eating enough or more than I should on others so I know how hard it can be to eat three meals a day. I only have a meal in the evening two or three times a week, I just can't stomach anything more than that. I usully have cereals or porridge on the other nights (or nothing at all in the case of tonight). I rarely eat breakfast because I don't have time and dinner is usually pasta or toast.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  8. #18
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    My brother was on those milkshake things... They smelt horrible...
    I think college messes up my eating too... I spend over an hour travelling there, and depending on the time I'm in, it mucks it all up... I do have a strange timetable.....

    There will be a way round it I'm sure of it... Just have to find a way....
    Louise is baaaaaaccccckkkk

  9. #19
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    I thought of something else earlier. Are you on medication for the depression? Some meds cause weight loss.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  10. #20
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    Yeah I am... but I'm on such a small dose still 75mg is the reccomeneded and I'm only on 30mg...

    Could be that I guess.....
    Louise is baaaaaaccccckkkk

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