View Poll Results: X-Factor or Strictly Come Dancing

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  • I Love The X-Factor

    7 23.33%
  • I Love Strictly Come Dancing

    16 53.33%
  • I Love Both

    7 23.33%
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Thread: Brucie Is A Granny Says Lou

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sunny Old Maidstone, Kent
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    Brucie Is A Granny Says Lou

    X FACTOR judge Louis Walsh launched a biting attack on Bruce Forsyth and Strictly Come Dancing, saying they appeal only to grannies.

    The boyband manager was scathing about the rival Saturday night show, saying: "How old is Bruce Forsyth, 78?

    "And he's wearing a rug. He's got the perfect face for radio. Strictly Come Dancing is just for grannies. It's got a granny presenting it.

    "It's for old folks' homes and hospitals.

    "Anyone younger tunes in to the X Factor."

    Louis also boasted in Now magazine of how ITVs X Factor is winning the ratings war - and that he expects it to stay No1.

    He said: "People know X Factor is for real. There is nothing the BBC could put up against us that would win more viewers."

    Louis added he was thinking of asking for a pay rise next year due to the show's success.

    But viewing figures for last Saturday show Brucie and Co beat the X Factor by a million.

    (So Today's Killer Question is ?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    My vote is for the SCD camp. I am not enjoying the x-factor this years as much as the previous years and I can't get excited about the acts this year like I did about Journey south, shayne and Andy last year, although I do hope that Ben and Eton Road make it to the final. Louis has got a dam cheek saying that SCD is only for grannies. Its a fab show with plenty of entertainment I love watching all the celebrities performing each week despite the judges being biased towards some celebs.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    My vote definately goes to SCD, I always record both but given a choice i'd rather have SCD

  4. #4
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    I love Strictly Come Dancing but really don't like Brucie. His joke are terrible and he tends to look at bit lost, as if he's not following what's going on aound him.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the cheek of louis walsh. maybe if he watched scd he might get a few tips on how to keep people entertained instead of him slagging off simon for being abroad for a few days.

  6. #6
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    Louis needs to shut up now, he is in danger of becoming a panto dame. He would be better off looking after his own interests and leaving others to theirs. I flick between the 2 shows, but have to be honest, SCD wins my vote. X factor is too much about the diva judges this year.

  7. #7
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    I really dislike Strictly Come Dancing. But I love The X Factor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Strictly come danceing for me and i am certainly not a granny. I do love Louis Walsh but X Factor gets a little samey and the dancing theres always something really different each week, Matt Dawson doing a waltz, Seeing Peter Schmeichal try to tackle a tango, its pure genious.

  9. #9
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    I picked the X Factor. I normally love SCD, but this year it just seems to be pretty much like every other series, and nothing has really hooked me to it. I occasionally watch the repeats on the Sunday, but thats it really. X Factor is different every week, and is just more entertaining with all their arguements and stuff. So its X Factor for moi!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I like them both, but i love Strickly more, this year contestant on X-Factor arn't as good, so i tend to watch more of that, and switch over to X-Factor when it's someone dancing i don't like on strickly.

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