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Thread: Natalie's interview with Davina

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Natalie's interview with Davina

    Good evening everyone, we are here in the studio here with our Sixth evictee Natalie, to get her opinion on life in the Big Brother House, and what she thought of her fellow House mates.

    So Natalie What was the best thing about doing Soapboards Big Brother?

    Giving the chance to make some serious money to pay of my gambling debts

    What does it feel like to be the Sixth person evicted?

    Absolutely bloody ****e naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I’m here; it should have been that skank bex,

    Who did you feel you bonded with the most in the house?

    Fxcking no one I was a rose amongst all those thorns Davina the house was full of plastics: can I have a drink now

    What was your best moment in the house?

    The karaoke nite and slagging that skank Anna for doin a stinky poo in the bog

    What did you Love and hate about the house?

    I loved the dance floor, all that drink and meeting some pretty cool people, but I hated Beryl’s mood swings she’s like a bloody pit bull look at her the wrong way and she’ll chew your face off naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don’t you get a vision of de ja vu from last year watching the sweet love story of Louise and Kyle when you look at verity and Lucipher and Beryl’s trying to fuss around them like a mother hen just like Beth was except she ain't as nice as Beth she should be sitting under a guiotine knitting

    Who do you want to win Soapboards Big Brother this year?

    *gulps a drink of brandy* well it’s gotta be lucipher or Stefan. Stefan deserves to be there to the end. It was a shame that Annaya was booted out I think her and Lucipher would have stolen the show with there caustics remarks.

    What if anything would you change about your time in the house?

    I would have gone into the diary room instead of Rob and had a holiday to France

    What advice would you give to someone wishing to do it next year?

    If ya wanna win sbbb ya gotta be blonde, fake & plastic to stand a chance naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I think that just about covers it, thanks for being such a great contestant,

    Natalie Everybody

  2. #2
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    Well the time as come to reveal who Natalie actually was, but let’s do a few question’s with that person first.

    Did you enjoying taking part in the Soapboards Big Brother?

    Of course I did it was a great laugh and you get the chance to meet and chat with some fabulous people.

    Which parts of it did you find the hardest?

    Just trying to find the time to be online. I thought it would be easier this time around as I knew what I was letting myself in for but it was harder this time. I’m so sorry I missed my eviction I was in Asda

    What did you think of the public's reactions to your character?

    Oh she was an annoying cow I don’t know what everyone else’s thought of her but she did my head in. When I saw who I was to be I thought s**t I’m going to be first out and when we had to vote someone out on the first night I was convinced it was going to be me.

    What did you want to achieve by being in Big brother?

    I suppose the same as last time. Just to go in have a laugh and meet some wonderful soapboard users

    Did you have a game plan to try and win?

    Not with who I got I didn’t have a hope in hell in winning I was just delighted that I lasted as long as I did.

    If you could do it again would you?

    Oh without a doubt yes I a glutton for punishment

    What advice would you give to someone wishing to do it next year?

    Just have a laugh enjoy it and don't take too much to heart its the sbbb character they're having a go at not you

    Well it's time for the reveal.

    Natalie was Chloe O'Brien

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A very busy place?!
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    Well done... wooh wait... KATH?! Omg can't be!! *Is in shock..*

    Well done Kath.. totally never guessed you were Natalie!! Well done xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I had a feeling it was you!

    Well done though xxxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    aww thats a shame you got evicted you should be in that bloody house theres a few certain people who deserve the boot more than natalie
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Woah, well done Kath You were fab, never have thought of you!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Of course you all knew it was me I shot myself in the foot again by not paying attention and having two users open at one time Never mind it was a laugh again

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Well done Kath had no idea it wasyou, but then i have no idea about anyone

    Sig dedicated to Charley

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chloe o'brien
    Of course you all knew it was me I shot myself in the foot again by not paying attention and having two users open at one time Never mind it was a laugh again
    this time i really really had no idea it was you Kath.. have to say.. I prefered the Odessa persona better
    Super Mod

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I was convinced you were Rob! Welcome Kath, you did great!

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