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Thread: Caught up with the wave's

  1. #11
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    awww thank you so much for those comment PB im very grateful for those and to daveywavey aswell for his comments
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  2. #12
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    Really good opening, im Working on my very own Fiction but ive got a long way to go before im going to post anything.

    Looking forward to reading more.

  3. #13
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    thanks cornet girl that means alot hearing nice comments like that im looking forward to your story

    INT weird pink flat:next morning
    Gavin eyes slowly open and he discovers himself in a strange pink flat he jumps up onto his feet in wonder of where he is...he see's a complete naked man standing there with a frying pan in his hand
    man: would you like something to eat?
    gavin: what the....
    man: oh right you must be confused im benny I found you outside beaten up so I put you up for the night
    gavin: ok...cheers(looks at him)erm I got to go
    Benny: no I put you some food on for you you gotta eat it
    gavin: no offence mate but I aint staying in a house that is pink with a complete nutter walking round starkers
    Benny:thats how I live im sorry if it offends the eyes
    a complete naked girl comes out the bed room giggling
    Benny: (noticing gavin looking at the girl)although im sure your eyes wont be contacting points of view anytime soon
    another man comes out of the bedroom
    benny: easy Joe good night you guys?
    Joe:amazing (looking into the girls eyes)me and Carissa are gonna skip brekkie
    Clarrisa:whos your friend?
    Benny:this is....what is your name buddy?
    gavin: gavin
    benny: this is gavin I found him out on the pier a bit worse than wear
    gavin:some gang did it...listen thanks for everything but Im going (gavin walks out)
    benny:what a weird bloke

    EXT:Gavin walks outside in disbelief
    he notices's some modded cars parked outside the local greasey spoon gavin avoids it and walks the other way as he turns the corner he bumps into a kid on a skateboard
    gavin:sorry mate
    Ant:dont worry about it
    the two walk away oblvious to who each other are

    INT:the Jacksons
    Tony sighs as he enters the living room
    Steph: are you ok?
    Tony: yeah
    Steph: I cant believe that happened he didnt even show up dont that say something about him
    Tony:yeah I know
    Steph:Ill make you something to eat (cuddles him)

    INT kellys bedroom:
    kellys on the phone to Tariq:
    Kelly:are you ok...has anyone heard anything...why did you do it..oh tariq....ok...ok...look I got to go promise me you wont get in any trouble...ok...bye
    kelly looks worried

    INT:the jacksons:
    tony:this looks great love thanks(looks at dinner)
    steph:dont worry babe
    Ant:here mum I was thinking can I have a moped for my birthday
    Steph:a moped? isnt that a bit dangerous
    Ant:loads of boys have one at school
    Steph:im sorry love why dont I buy you the new Xbox
    Ant:x-box? no the ps3 is coming out soon (in little britains andys voice )I want that one
    (doorbell goes)
    steph:ill get it
    (steph opens door)
    steph: oh my god gavin......
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  4. #14
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    Additional Info

    Joe and clarrissa are childhood sweethearts but are very diffrent Joe is a hardworking yet poor bricklayer she is from a rich family and has never worked,they only got it on during school in an art project where one of joes friend locked him in a cupboard together,the pair have been a couple for three years however neither go as far as calling themselfs a couple but both are truly in love but Can a spoilt girl like clarrissa settle for someone like Joe?
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  5. #15
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    official spoilers

    we have only just begun yet filming for the finale is under way..this finale is going to be huge and leaving season 2 a completely diffrent ball game.strong rumors hint of a terroist attack or a mega tsunami I think the title gives away a strong possibilty.

    But thats a long way off we have just come to terms with the bombshell sighings Joel beckett,Lee evans,paris hilton and bizzarley marylin manson.
    even these new characters will not be brought in just yet...first theres the feud between Tariq and Gavin to cover,a forbidden love affair and a very HOT late night special that will make eastenders recent sex scenes tame,

    Caught up with the waves is the all new direction of soap,it is bringing soap to the new era,just like the 80's when rock music was dying out with the big hair do's and iffy mullets along came nirvanna and shook rock and the world to its foundations....thats what I am aiming for!

    expect fire works coming soon

    caught up with the waves
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  6. #16
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    Wow well done d1..i am really liking your soap so far, it is very original and it's good that you are going into a different direction with your soap. I also like the fact that the scripts you have written are very realistic because it shows what people would say in those given situations. I also like the hint of comedy that you have given it with Ant doing his impression of Andy from Little Britain.

    Well done, keep it up!

  7. #17
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    thanks daveywavey I felt that as it is a fiction somethings should be exploited a little bit that most likely will never happen but if it did how people would react...thats where the season finale comes on like I said for the time being it will a light drama but the season finale will blow everything out the water (so to speak)

    the addition of marylin manson is to add a new element a lot of teenage/mid 20's people are goths so bringing in a person they can relate to would do no ends of favours and its not just a random character I am making him the shows biggest villian so far....

    Lee evans will not be a comedy character (with Justin lee collins I feel I have that) lee evans is going to prove himself as a serious character.
    the others will be type cast lol
    Last edited by diamond1; 07-08-2006 at 15:12.
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  8. #18
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    INT the jacksons:
    Steph:Tony we got a guest
    (they hug)
    tony:I thought you wasnt coming(looks at his bruised face)what happened
    gavin: on they way here in an altercation
    steph:what kind of altercation?
    gavin:a gang jumped on me
    steph:a gang?
    tony and steph look at each other
    gavin:what dont you belive me?...fine I aint bothered I got places to be
    tony:gavin look dont worry you're here now have a drink

    INT:the rabbit
    benny:yes love Ill be right with you...(talking to joe while serving someone) look joe I think you need to be honest with her
    Benny: theres no But in it. you cheated on her...just tell her man
    Joe: ok
    Benny: so practice what you're gonna say on me
    Joe: what?
    benny: well you need to practice
    joe: oh come on
    benny: (in girl-ish voice)Joeee whats the matter?
    Joe: do I have to....(benny nods)Clarrissa I have to be honest with you I have been lying to you I wasnt at my mums last week
    benny: (girls voice)oh you wasnt?
    Joe: no I was...I was at the pub with benny and I had to much to drink and I...I was the one who vomited on your car I lied when I said I chased the culprit im sooo sorry babe you got to belive me something else happened I thought it was a dead cert that money you gave me to look after well I had this tip off from benny about a horse who was a cert for a win well cut story short i lost the lot im soooo sorry
    Benny: (girls voice) you lied to me you bad bad man ok I forgive you lets make love(joe looks at him in annoyance to his attitude and moodly walks off)
    customers walk up to the counter as he says this
    benny: (realizing what he has said) when he said that I hit him (nervous laugh) what can I get you?

    INT the jacksons
    tony: cor look at you...last time I saw you well you where this big(and gestures to gavin his size)
    Gavin:yeah a lots changed
    tony:listen mate Ill be honest the only reason you're here is to start afresh your not gonna screw up already are you I mean you have already been in one fight
    gavin:I cant promise anything
    tony:gav...belive it or not I was like you once, young naive quick with my fists but I had to learn theres other ways to be
    gavin:not from where Im sitting...where im from you have to be out for number 1 no one else is
    tony:well Ive got your back now kid
    gavin:I aint a kid anymore mate I stopped being that when my dad was killed when my mum turned to drink when my brother started doing charlie in the kitchen,
    tony:when you near enough killed someone with a tourqe wrench
    gavin:he deserved it...he was blackmailing my brother he slapped round my mum in public when I found out I only went to his garage to confront him but he seemed proud of it...I had to teach him somehow
    Tony:I understand you know...I was in prison once
    gavin:yeah mum said..greivious wernt it?
    tony:yeah I nearly killed him I aint a violent bloke but he done something that pushed me over the top I have no regrets
    gavin:what did he do
    tony:dont worry about it..anyway is that the time I got to get to work in a minute.
    tony leaves gavin alone
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

  9. #19
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    I'm really enjoying your drama, Caught Up With The Waves. When reading it you're truly oblivious (keeps you guessing) to the direction it's going to take, which compels you to keep on reading.

    It's like eating a er…. packet of Woolworths pic and mix – its got drama/comedy/romance/the unpredictability of what is to happen next! It’s got the lot, and it’s only just begun… (she said reaching for her medication).

    The casting is inspired…from Shayne Ward to Marylin Manson!!!! The work of a disturbed mind, D1!

    Cant wait to see how it progresses!!!

    I liked the scene, in The Rabbit (great pub name!), between Benny (he’s already establishing himself as my favourite character!) and Joe.

    The spoilers intriguingly suggest something huge (a tragedy of biblical proportions perhaps?) is hanging in the air over the characters like some demon black cloud.

    P.S. Have to say though, I was disappointed, when reading the spoilers, that Miss Church has not been signed up for a guest spot! (joking). Though pleased to hear (actually beside myself with excitement) that Joel Beckett is to join!
    Last edited by Pinkbanana; 07-08-2006 at 23:58.

  10. #20
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    hank you PB im going to be posting some new stuff very soon I love your comments they are so inspiring to me

    But onto the subject at hand as I am taking fan fiction to a whole new level I shall prove it sadly Caught up with the waves will be taking a short break for one week only (while im having my interview for ibiza) however when it returns I will be a interactive vote based on this show and you the readers will decide the direction the special episode takes.

    The first ever interactive episode of caught up with the waves will be coming very very soon.

    remember this is notEastenders this is not emmerdale this is the Caught up with the wave's the new generation of fan fiction
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

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