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Thread: Gilly/Sarah

  1. #1
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    Arrow Gilly/Sarah

    I totally want them together now - i really liked their scenes in the shop and how they were comfortable with each other and joking around, how sweet was the scene when Gilly was cleaning the windows and Sarah asking about his ex-girlfriend and told him he was sweet and Gilly said 'make sure Rhys doesnt mess you around'.

    Sarah should be with a guy like Gilly, he would treat her much better then Rhys

    Hope to see more scenes of them

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I agree they are really sweet together

  3. #3
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    SPOILERS – 7th Aug - 11th Aug
    (Some Gilly/Sarah and others spoilers)

    Monday 7th August C4
    Sarah (Loui Batley) makes an effort to impress Rhys (Andrew Moss), and they're soon back at the Ashworths', where some saucy pictures are captured.

    Tuesday 8th August C4
    Rhys (Andrew Moss) brags about the saucy pictures of Sarah (Loui Batley) he's got on his phone, but it's not long before they fall into the wrong hands: Darren's (Ashley Taylor Dawson).

    Wednesday 9th August C4
    Nancy (Jessica Fox) reassures Sarah (Loui Batley) following her split from Rhys (Andrew Moss), but Sarah isn't sure she's done the right thing.

    Thursday 10th August C4
    Rhys (Andrew Moss) has got a lot to answer for as Gilly (Anthony Quinlan) spends the day trying to cheer up a very subdued Sarah (Loui Batley).

    Friday 11th August C4
    Gilly (Anthony Quinlan) is hailed a hero after confronting a thief in Drive 'N' Buy. Rhys (Andrew Moss) is jealous of the attention he's getting, especially from Sarah (Loui Batley).

  4. #4
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    Aww i love Gilly hes so much better than Rhys, its nice to ee he doesnt just play the dosy manc.

  5. #5
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    Please tell me we don't have to wait till August to see Sarah and Gilly again. They are a great partnership.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    whats with rhys all of a sudden...he seemed like a nice guy at first when he turned down sarah because of her age but NOW he is so sleazy its untrue

  7. #7
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    tell me about Gilly is so much nicer and much more genuine. I dont even think Rhys is attractive so why have Hollyoaks tried to turn him into a flipping Romeo all of a sudden. I wouldnt touch him with a barge pole.

  8. #8
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    I dont get why Rhys treats Sarah this way after all the time he spent getting her back after the mom revealation. It seems pointless him mistreating her after all that!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cornetgal
    I dont even think Rhys is attractive so why have Hollyoaks tried to turn him into a flipping Romeo all of a sudden. I wouldnt touch him with a barge pole.
    i agree, hes really not nice looking at all! why would so many girls wanna go out with him?
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    council flat :)
    Thanked: 13 was bit like that when rhys was with those girls the other day in the pub and despite acting like a ****** in front of them to sarah they still flirted with him...and apprently slept with him

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