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Thread: Five Housemates must nominate each other

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Wow what a long title!! Glad Nikki is up for one but I don't think she will get voted out with the highest amount of votes like Sezer did and how most people thought Grace would..

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    OMG I cant believe Nikki is up again! I hope she makes it a 3rd week in a row! Stupid Glyn, why couldnt he have niminated Lisa! I recon it will be Nikki, Lisa and Imogen.

  3. #13
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    oh my gosh that is so harsh and i feel so sorry for Nikki third time up!!!!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Allen
    Lisa and Imogen will be up, lets face it Richard will go for the pair, Ashleyne will, Pete will, Susie will, Mikey won't. If Nikki goes up with Lisa and Imogen she'll be saved again, Lisa would so be out. Poor Nikki, Glyn is such a boring idiot, if he continues he is so not going to make it too the final 3. Please keep Nikki in.
    there will be someone else up for nominations aswell as Nikki and Lisa are already up so there gotta be atleast 2 from the diray room nominations which i reckon will be imogen and someone else.

    I hope Imogen doesn leave as I quite like her. Really want Richard to go but dont think he'll recieve nominations from the people nominating in the diary room

  5. #15
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    I think lisa and imogen will be joining nikki being up for eviction this week. I'm hoping that lisa goes as although imogen is boring she is getting quite cozy with mickey now that grace has gone and it will be fun to watch to see if those two get together. Can you imagine grace and sezar watching this. I do feel sorry for Nikki but the others must be worried as she has survived two nominations already. I think she is safe for now

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  6. #16
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    Lisa is quite sneaky. She's not stupid she knew that when it came down to her turn to vote that Nikki, Imogen, Lea and her self had already received one vote each. She knew if she choice Glyn they would face the public vote altogether. (Which is what i would have done... i would have stuck with them all and just all of them face it.) But no... she didnt want to be up herself so she voted for Nikki. By doing this she knew she had a chance of not being up unless the other housemates voted for her. so now Nikki goes it laone out of the rule breakers (I know the others could still be up but only nikki has been nominated in that way now.) Slightly unfair.

    Anyway i think Nikki will have a good chance of staying unless she's up agaisnt the obvious but the housemates wont nominate them any way.
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  7. #17
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    HAHA Our thoughts were right!

    Imogen and Lisa are up and of course Nikki but to top it off Mikey as well! I was so happy to hear Imogen and Lisa's names it was untrue! But then to gear a third and for it to be Mikey their other little tag along it was great!

    I really dont care who goes on friday out of Mikey, Imogen and Lisa but i think id rather Mikey stay (only becuase the girls do my head in with their bitching!) Actually i think it will be Lisa!

    ~*~ Thanks to Collé For Banner ~*~

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    so whos up for nomination to be evicted this friday?

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by shannisrules
    so whos up for nomination to be evicted this friday?
    Imogen, Lisa, Mickey and Nikki.
    I think I want Lisa to go out of all of them

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