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Thread: immigrants

  1. #91
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    I agree that non British nationals who commit serious crimes in this country should be deported.

    I would say deport them straight after the trial - save the taxpayer the expense of keeping them in jail.

    That said, the vast majority of people who come here from other countries come from within the EU and work here legally, just as so many British people work in Europe, the US, Australia etc.

    British people need to stop moaning about how everything is someone elses fault and get off their butts and put some work in!

    At my work we have intelligent people from all over the world working together to advance human knowledge and understanding. And that is exactly how it should be.

  2. #92
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    I have read this discussion with great interest, Although I disagree with some of the things that have been said I cant help but think that there is definitely something wrong in this country when it comes to refugees etc.

    This is just my opinion so please don't jump on me for it.

    If Someone wants to live in this country then they should follow all of our laws, they may be different to theirs at home but that's the way it is. Recently there has been a lot in the new about things that could offend different cultures such a flying our English flag and if i remember rightly there was something in the new around Christmas that said all these decorations and nativity plays were offensive! Also my nieces school has changed the words to baa baa black sheep to stop any offence. Now this is probably the government taking political correctness to the extreme but it does get me back up. Also why cant they learn our language their is nothing more frustrating when you walk around my city and no-one speaks English. If I was to move to another country, the first thing i would do is learn their language. In fact even when i go on holiday I always make the effort to learn at least some of the language. Its just polite is it not ?

    I cant deny that there are some good points to having foreign people over here some of them to contribute to the economy in a great way and yes a lot of them take jobs that no-one else really wants. Maybe its the paper and such that make things worse by only printing bad stories about them.

    However there are a number ( not sure of the true statistics so please don't ask me ) That come here, get a house, given money for a car ( i know this happens as my father in law works a car dealerships and he has people come in with a cheque to buy a car, its supposed to help them find a job!!!!) They are then given benefits when they haven't even payed anything into the system as of yet, no doubt they will at some point. I was in my local council a few months ago to put my name down on the housing list as my other half is on long term sickness and can no longer afford the high rentage we pay at the moment, and to my astonishment the woman behind the counter told me that if I had children, unemployed or was and immigrant then i would have been put closer to the top of the list, but as i have chosen to work for what i get since i was 15 and wait until i feel mature enough to have a child I'm put to the bottom.

    I think i read somewhere on here that a large amount of crime is committed by immigrants. you only have to watch crime watch or read the papers to see this.

    This is not to say that British people don't do all of the above because we are just as bad and probably worse in some cases but you cant deny that things/law are different in other countries and what is deemed unlawful disgraceful over often has a blind eye turned to in other countries. Why should it be upto the tax payer to try these people and then deport them. If they don't follow our laws surely they should go back a be tried against their laws.

    I also cant help thinking that if they are a true refugee aren't they supposed to take up refuge in the first available safe country. Now I cant believe that a little old country like the Uk is the first one they come to. Its because our government is such a soft touch and they know it.

    Please don't take this as I'm putting all foreigners into the same basket. I have many friend and family ( by marriage) that would probably be classed as immigrant. This is probably just a number of cases. I suppose its the illegal immigrants that cause the most hatred. The people that go through the proper channels have done as they are supposed to and fine.
    [VIX :

  3. #93
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    In a very small country with canals and bikes and windmills and tulips
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    Well did you know I am an immigrant ??? I came from the USA to Holland.. I came to Holland when the laws for non dutch nationals were lax and any one could get in,, 6 months after I recieved my residency permit.. the laws changed.. the rules became stricter for immigrants to come in Holland,, but the problem is,, its harder to shut the barn door once the horses have escaped. Ok here is how it is supposed to go, the person or persons who are interested in immigrating into Holland ,must learn the language, learn the culture BEFORE coming to Holland, they will be tested upon arrival, once in Holland, they go to the Gementee house ( sort of like a city hall ) they are asked to watch a DVD.. shows all the life styles that are acceptable in Holland ie, homosexuals making love, getting married, nudist beaches, pornography and prostituation, oh and legalized drugs ( shows people smoking in a coffee house etc ) if what these people see is offensive to them,then they are free to go back to their own country..What happened was ,, the 2nd generation Turkish and Morroccan men find the women of their country in Holland, not respecting the old ways( they have become too"westernized" ), so they go back to their old country to get a wife who still practices the old ways...Once the women are here, the men make sure they do not take the REQUIRED language course, cos it is not their way to have their women educated, people like that hide behind their religon,,Now all of this will stop..the women are required to take the language/culture course before arriving to Holland, they can not fudge it, cos they will be tested orally and will see if they can write it as well, and see if they learned any of the culture. If they haven't then too bad,,, they stay where they are.
    I am not sure if these new laws are going to be affective but I just wanted to give you all an idea what happens over here in Holland.

  4. #94
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    Why dont we have something like that in place! ? or do we?

    But this doesnt really solve the problem of illegal immigrants, but would make it easier for people to settle into their new way of life.
    [VIX :

  5. #95
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    If you remember a few months back there was a new article regarding the first cohort of immigrants passing their 'Britishness' test'. Whatever that is!

    If you google it I am sure something will come up.

    From reading the thread above it appears to me that what people are complaining about is really crime and not immigration at all. Perhaps I am being naive?

    Sweeping generalisations do not help, every single person is an individual, and you cannot blame the colour of their skin or their religious affiliation for their actions.

    Are all white people hard working, law abiding and honest?

    I don't think so...

  6. #96
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    I also find it quite bizzar that people are assuming that all immigrants in this country are non white or are just from Iraq, Packistain etc

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jade
    I also find it quite bizzar that people are assuming that all immigrants in this country are non white or are just from Iraq, Packistain etc
    You are right, most immigrants currently are from the newly enlarged EU, which now covers 35 countries including Czech republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Baltic states such as Latvia etc.

    The vast majority of these are white. The Scottish Executive recently ran a campaign to encorage Polish dentists to relocate to Scotland to ease the shortage of NHS dentists.

    Lets not forget the many Kiwis and Austrailians who visit long term and run the Scottish hospitality industry in the summer!

    What makes white immigrants better or more acceptable than their coloured peers? Nothing more than the racist bias of the people judging them.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luna
    so whats your point then?? They cant get paid less that anyone else so.....
    So Britons will end up getting forced out of their country because too many immigrants are being allowed in, and appear to be taking all the job opportunities, regardless of having the better qualifications for the job or not.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim131
    So Britons will end up getting forced out of their country because too many immigrants are being allowed in, and appear to be taking all the job opportunities, regardless of having the better qualifications for the job or not.
    Forced out of their country? Where's the evidence for this?!

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim131
    So Britons will end up getting forced out of their country because too many immigrants are being allowed in, and appear to be taking all the job opportunities, regardless of having the better qualifications for the job or not.
    I'm sorry but thats totally BS. I've not heard of anyone being forced out of England cause there are no jobs.

    Granted people leave to go to other countries to get better jobs or just because they want to work somewhere else, see the world etc. Employment is at an all time high in this country

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