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Thread: Hinston High

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveywavey
    Ok thanks i will tell as many people as i can about it and is it ok if you do make my banner for me?? because i don't know how to make one. If you can, thanks The only problem is i don't know what pictures/images to put on it.
    is there any part of the country its set in?

    any ideas of actors/actrress youd like to see star in it?

    any tag lines or phrases?

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bondboffin
    is there any part of the country its set in?

    any ideas of actors/actrress youd like to see star in it?

    any tag lines or phrases?
    I thought of a tag line- Hinston High- The homes of secrets and lies!
    It's set in a busy part of the country- london.
    and if i get pictures of actors and actresses then can you make a banner for me please!

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    i've read it like you asked and i like it. a lot! so keep it up

  4. #24
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    My next script will be up tomorrow!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    heres a banner that i made for DaveyWavey:

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Wow i love the Banner and the script is really good More soon please

    Thank you for the amazing banner Lea
    Joe Mcelderry is gorgeous and amazing

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake_luva
    Wow i love the Banner and the script is really good More soon please
    Yep don't worry there will be more soon. The next script will be up a bit later on and thank you BB for my banner

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    This is really good well done can't wait to read more and the banner is fab

  9. #29
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    Hinston High- Episode 3- Part One

    (It’s early morning in Hinston High)

    Scene 1- The Café

    (Felicity has just woken up and walks into the café where Pat is turning the café sign to open)

    Felicity: You still haven’t told me who was at the end of the telephone line last night?

    Pat: Oh Felicity please! Can you just give me a break love?

    Felicity: You have got bags under your eyes, you didn’t sleep well did you?

    Pat: No I couldn’t but we all have one of those nights where we can’t switch off.

    Felicity: Don’t give me that mum, I seen you on the phone last night. You said something and you just slammed the phone down.

    Pat: Look someone got the wrong phone number ok and I was just angry because it was getting late and I was about to go to bed so that’s why I slammed the phone down.

    (Dave suddenly appears and interrupts)

    Dave: Are you sure it wasn’t those prank callers again?

    Pat: I am pretty sure, so can you stop giving me the third degree?!

    Dave: Whatever.

    (Dave is about to leave)

    Pat: Oh Dave wait! I will need your help at the café so don’t you think of doing anything else.

    Dave: Oh mum, I do need a social life!

    Pat: And you can have one, after you helped me out today! You must help me, you can’t say no.

    Dave: Ok mum.

    Scene 2- The Pub

    (Greg is banging on the pub door where Mike rushes to open it)

    Mike: Greg, we are not open yet.

    Greg: Look I need to speak to Chloe urgently!

    Mike: I am sure it can wait, stop exaggerating.

    Greg: Is she there though?

    Mike: If you must know she is, she is cleaning as we speak.

    Greg: Can she have say 3 hours off work?

    Mike: Are you joking?!?! No of course she can’t.

    Greg: Please, we were meant to go on a date but Nina wouldn’t let her leave work.

    (There is a pause for a few seconds)

    Mike: What’s in it for me?

    Greg: Umm.,. Chloe doing overtime, a few drinks on me.

    Mike: Nina’s gona kill me for this but Kat will be here in a few hours and the pub doesn’t open til 12, so yes I suppose you can take her off on a date. Anyway I hope this date is worth it.

    Greg: It is. Look let’s just say, me and Chloe will be overlooking Hinston river in a few hours.

    Mike: Oooh sounds good, I will get Chloe now.

    (Mike shouts to Chloe who is cleaning some pub tables)

    Mike: Chloe! Loverboy’s here!!

    Chloe: Lover boy?

    Mike: Greg.

    Chloe: Oh Greg, tell him I am busy.

    (Greg bursts in)

    Greg: I am sure you can miss a few hours of work, I got your message.

    Chloe: Oh I am sorry Greg, I thought I let you down and you would never want to speak to me again.

    Greg: Look come on get your coat Chloe, I got a big surprise for you.

    Scene 3- The Butleys House

    Danny: Oh for goodness sake mum, how many more bloody times! I don’t want to go to school.

    Julia: Your education is important, you must attend school. Sally and Marianne do, so why can’t you?

    Danny: Well there’s a difference between me and Sally and Marianne. Sally and Marianne are swots, I am not.

    Julia: Your dad will tell you, you must go to school!

    Danny: Of course he would, he is a teacher for Christ sake! Why dad wanted to be a teacher is beyond me?!?!

    Sally: Danny, are you coming?

    Danny: Why would I wanna walk with you?

    Sally: Well you’ve got no one else to walk with.

    Danny: So I must sink so low and resort to walking with my own sister. No thank you!!

    Sally: Well I am off, see you later mum.

    Julia: See you darling.

    (Sally leaves shutting the front door behind her)

    Danny: I actually feel quite ill.

    Julia: No excuses.

    Danny: I suppose I could go to school for the fags.

    Julia: You will not, you will go to school for the learning.

    Danny: Oh please mum! Don’t patronise me, I am not a little mummy’s boys anymore.

    Julia: I am not listening to you for any longer.

    (Julia exits)

    Scene 4- The Weatherbys House

    (Sean appears from Christina’s bedroom where Jack comes out of the bathroom and bumps into him)

    Jack: Umm…excuse me?

    Sean: Oh you must be Christina’s dad, Jack?

    Jack: Yes I am, who are you?

    Sean: Christina’s new boyfriend, I have already introduced myself to Alicia and Sam.

    Jack: You have stopped here for the night?

    Sean: Umm yes… why is that a problem?

    Jack: Well I didn’t see you here when I got home.

    Sean: Well me and Christina were in bed by the time you arrived back.

    Jack: I beg your pardon?

    Sean: Umm we were in bed together, me and your daughter?!

    Jack: You have made yourself very cosy haven’t you in my household! How long have you and Christina been dating?

    Sean: Just under a month.

    Jack: Your taking things very fast aren’t you??

    Sean: What’s with all these questions?

    Jack: I am just curious.

    Sean: I have a feeling you don’t like me.

    (Jack draws closer on Sean so he is breathing deeply against him)

    Jack: I don’t.

    Sean: I won’t mess Christina round you know?!

    Jack: Good. You better not or there will be trouble.

    Scene 5- Greg and Chloe

    Greg: Here we are!

    Chloe: We are by Hinston river.

    Greg: Look to your left.

    (Chloe turns to her left)

    Chloe: Oh my god! It’s a hot air balloon!

    Greg: I told you our date would be very special.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanked: 24
    Wow i am really loving hinston high it has some great potential

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