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Thread: Who did you base your charcter on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Who did you base your charcter on?

    I was just wondering who all the other contestants based their alter-egos on.

    I based Dan on a male version of myself. Then added a few of the traits of my mate. Thats why i was so surprised when it wasn't dead obvious i was him all the time.

    what about you lot?

  2. #2
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    At first i based Nicky on my neighbour as she was what i thought Nicky would be like. But as time went on, bits of me slipped in there and like bots from other people, but i think reading back there was quite a bit of me in there!

  3. #3
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    Noone i just decided how he would be and then played him!!

  4. #4
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    Well Dan's (ever so slightly ) munipulative and bitchy side came from me. And his tendancy to be lazy and critical came from my best mate, cause he's like that all the time... Then i added a bit of stereotypical male traits and hey-presto: Dan was born

    Didn't you find it really hard to keep up Kyles personality, Debs?!

  5. #5
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    I just thought of the most boring person in the world... then there was Norman

    Nah I didn't base it on no one.. just tried to be boring and geeky.. quite hard though not that im saying im unboring an ungeeky.. but ya no what i mean :s

  6. #6
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    A very busy place?!
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    This girl who's confused and just wanted to have fun? I don't know.. that's why I went out so fast lol.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abi
    Well Dan's (ever so slightly ) munipulative and bitchy side came from me. And his tendancy to be lazy and critical came from my best mate, cause he's like that all the time... Then i added a bit of stereotypical male traits and hey-presto: Dan was born

    Didn't you find it really hard to keep up Kyles personality, Debs?!

    yeah i did, one minute he was nasty, and i couldnt keep that up, then his nicey nice in love with lou side was really boring me, hence why he jumped into the tub with lecs!!

    although kyle is very similar to one of daves best mates, soo maybe he was a little bit based on him!

  8. #8
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    well i dont know any 45 year old big black females so I just made it up as I went along. I had an idea that I wanted oddie to be fun loving and outrageous but it did not always come out as that as you did not know what the other housemates were going to post. Apart from that someone named LOUISE kept stealing my limelight

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  9. #9
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    I didn't base her on anyone, just went along with how it was going really... And now, shes gone, never to be resurrected, thank gawd..

  10. #10
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    When I got the profile, i was going to base her on Mo Harris and Kathy Burke in Gimme gimme gimme but then everyone was far to young to flirt with so I took on the mother role for everyone
    Super Mod

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