View Poll Results: has Faith run her course as a character?

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  • yes time to say goodbye

    1 100.00%
  • No, she deserves one more script outing

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Thread: Faithless

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanked: 15
    really really sorry i havent still done any will try get a few parts out tomorrow as well as part 1 of my new script

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanked: 4
    Was wondering where you were, I really want to know what happens to Faith! Welcome back anyway

  3. #93
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    This is a great script!Faith is a really good character
    Good Soaps-
    Coronation Street(its a bit boring but it can be funny,sometimes)
    Emmerdale (Theres no good storylines on at the moment)
    Home and Away

    ~~~~My Demi and Leo Script,Runnig Away

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanked: 15
    sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...err ok enough sorrys here's the next part at last.

    Part 21

    The house was in crisis talks. Or at least thats what it felt like for Faith. Her, David, Jamie, Selene, Steve and Mike had been sat together in the lining room for what seemed like hours. Money was low and no one could think of a good way to make more of it.

    Faith: Why dont we just get jobs?
    Steve: Dont be stupid Faith
    Faith: Well why not?
    Steve: Because you're too young and the rest of us haven't got three qualifications between us.

    Faith shrugged

    Jamie: We could just sell some stuff.
    David: Very clever Jamie except we dont have anything to sell you moron we sold the tv last time. No its no good we'll have to do a job.
    Faith: I thought you said...
    David: Not that kind of job baby

    The group all laughed and Faith caught on.

    Faith: But we cant thats...
    David: Illegal?
    Faith: Well yeah
    Mike: Wake up Faith most of what we do isnt legal but you didnt exactly moan about the drugs did you.
    Faith: I'm clean now you know that.
    David: Yeah she's a regular saint just like our Jamie

    Faith glanced at Jamie but looked away before he caught her eye.

    Faith: This is different, the drugs didnt hurt anyone but us.

    The rest of the group just ignored her and David and Steve wandered off into a corner to discuss arrangements, Selene went to the bathroom and Mike went for a fag. That left Faith and Jamie.

    Jamie: They dont hurt anyone you know
    Faith: Thats not the point
    Jamie: I know that but do you really think you can change their mind, i dont. Its a quick fix for them Faith thats all it is.

    David and Steve rejoined the group.

    David: Right so thats it sorted.
    Steve: We're doing crawly Street tonight. A couple of houses should do it.

    The pair exchanged an evil grin.

    Steve: Do you know where crawly street is Faith?
    Faith: No and I dont want to. I want nothing to do with this
    David: Not and option baby you're coming with us
    Jamie: NO! She cant!

    Jamie was on his feet, a look of distress on his face.

    Jamie: Dont take her, dont make her do this. What if you get caught? This isnt fair.
    David: Life's not fair but I dont make the rules, she's comig and thats that.
    Steve: Yeah cos if she dont go she'll be finding somewhere else to live.

    Faith looked at her feet. She couldnt believe she was going to do this.

    ************************************************** ********

    Next part: Will Faith go through with the burglary?

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanked: 8
    oh please don't faith. go back home and face the music.

    thanks for coming back to us squillyfer!

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanked: 4
    Noooo don't do it Faith! Shes so different now...
    Fab writing as usual hun, and thanks for posting more More asap please

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my brand new house
    Thanked: 581
    fab! awwwww poor faith, theyre so horrible to her! more very soon please
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanked: 15
    Hi thanks for the replies, since I'm on here I'll post this tonight then I'll try get some more out tomorrow. I'm going to wait to post my new script I think its a bit too much at the minute. I still have to finalise an ending for this, I cant decide whether she killed him or not...

    Part 22

    Faith drew her arms around her shoulders and hugged herself, she couldnt believe she was about to do this. They were waiting at the house, poised to leave any minute now and Faith felt sick. Everything had been arranged. Her, David and Steve would walk to Crawley Street and hunt out a house with an open window. Once they'd found one Faith and David wee going to sneak in and fill a rucksack each with whatever they could find while Steve kept look out. Faith had wanted to be look out but Steve posed the arguament that she was smaller and would fit better through windows and besides they weren't going to let her off that easily. It was nine o clock, time to go. Faith pulled a baseball cap over her mass of curls and said a sad goodbye to Jamie and Selene who hovered in the doorway before she walked out of the house and followed David and Steve down the loong street and out of site.
    It turned out Crawley Street wasn't that far away and it wasn't long before they found a suitable house. The light were all out and it appeared that the house had not been occupied for sometime although it was still full to the brim with possesions. David prised the window open with a crow-bar and slipped through, followed by Faith who was carrying the bags and on entrance to the house promptly knocked over a rather expensive looking vase with shattered with impact on the thinly carpeted floor.

    David: Oi watch it will you. Do you want us to get caught?

    Faith shook her head earnestly and thought how strange David sounded when he whispered.

    David: You take upstairs I'll do down here

    Faith knew upstairs would be harder to escape from but she did it anyway. She climbed the dusty srairs on Davids order and thought how creepy the abaondoned house really was. On the landing there were three doors. She entered the first room, the bathroom but there wasn't much to take, only an old watch. She gave up and progressed to the second room. Faith coul tell it had once been a childs bedroom but she could also tell that it had not been used for years. The wallpaper was faded and dated and Faith decided the room had probably belonged to someone who had long since gown up and 'flown the nest' so to speak. Opposite the small bed was a dressing table not unsimilar to the one Faith and Alyss shared at home. Faith sighed at the thought of her sister as she sat down at the table and looked into the cracked dusty mirror. Then, all of a sudden an odd feeling came over Faith and she felt like she was going to faint as images flashed through her head to form a memory.


    Faith picked up the brush and ran it through her ringlets, letting them slip one by one onto her shoulder. Normally she would have to fight with Alyss to use the dressing table but not today. Alyss wasn't there, she was at a friends and soon Faith wouldnt be there either. Faith heard a voice from downstairs telling her to hurry up. It was 9 am on a friday morning and Faith was preparing for a very special trip. She shouted from her room.

    Faith: Coming dad!

    She grabbed the prepared bag and exited the room and bounded down the stairs. She was greeted at the bottom by her father.

    Dennis: Ready?
    Faith: Yep
    Dennis: Well lets go then

    He opened the door for her and smiled. He smiled. He was looking forward to the weekend ahead...


    Faith wobled on the seat as the memory came to a abrupt end caused by shouting from downstairs.

    David: Hurry up will you we have to go

    Faith rushed round the final room shoving anything she could find into the bag but she still couldnt think straight and she still felt dizzy. Was that a memory? A memory from that day? Up until now Faith had remembered nothing of what happened that weekend. Maybe now she could remember what happened to her dad. But did she want to know. The rush of thoughts and emotions was all too much to cope with and a final dissy spell sent Faith hurtling down the stairs before she hit her head on the bottom step and was engulfed in darkness

    ************************************************** *******

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my brand new house
    Thanked: 581
    brill! awwwwwwww poor faith, i hope they dont leave her there. more soon please, cant wait
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanked: 4
    Fab Awww poor Faith, I hope shes ok More asap please

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