'Mad Doc And Glory'
Airs Monday, April 17 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

Sacked from his job at Scarlet Bar, Kim hopes that Janelle will understand. Clinging to an idealised notion about Kim, Janelle takes her fury out on Max, wholly blaming him. But Max forces Janelle to face facts - Kim has a problem with authority and resents working for others. Old tensions flare and Janelle and Kim have a bitter argument. Janae and Bree are the innocent victims, caught in the middle. Their worst fears are realised when Kim cracks under Janelle’s attack and prepares to leave. In desperation, Janae and Bree beat him to the punch and take off themselves, leaving behind an ultimatum – they’re not coming back until their parents work out their differences.

His heart broken, Max vows to help Steph however he can, despite being emotionally shut out of her life. He decides to move back into the Hoyland house until she returns, determined to finish the renovations so she can use all her energy to keep healthy.

Watching her parents argue fuels Janae’s determination to change her life. She doesn’t want to end up like Janelle – having kids too early and dropping out of school. Abstinence continues to be a part of the “new Janae”. Although supportive, Boyd struggles to maintain Janae’s resolve.

Flying high after his stage debut, Karl’s ego knows no bounds. Toadie and Connor are convinced he’s heading for a fall and give him the painful truth. But the joke’s on them when the review comes out the next day, heralding Karl as a shining new talent.

'Silence Is Holdin''
Airs Tuesday, April 18 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

Kim’s panicked by Janae’s note but Janelle’s unperturbed – it’s a tactic she’s seen before. Tired of his parents’ constant bickering, Stingray gives them some painful home truths. Meanwhile, Bree’s having serious doubts about the plan but Janae’s unrepentant – drastic times call for drastic measures. She drags an unwilling Boyd into her ploy, who challenges her to deal with her issues in an adult manner. Fed up, Bree returns to the Timmins house, determined to harden her heart against her parents’ games. Susan provides a shoulder to cry on and much needed advice. Buoyed by Boyd’s support, Janae buys back Kim’s van and delivers an ultimatum – he’s free to leave, but if he does, he forfeits all rights as her father. But Janelle turns the tables with a shock announcement of her own – this time she’s going to leave!

Susan, Rachel and Zeke return from their trip. Rachel’s keen to get in touch with Katya and Susan’s determined to repair the rift for the sake of the kids. But Katya’s disappeared again – efforts to find her are in vain. Zeke still hasn’t spoken and Susan’s worried about his condition. She seeks Karl’s advice unaware that Karl’s grappling with his own unresolved feelings for Susan. Karl channels his energies into helping Zeke but unwittingly oversteps the mark as far as Susan’s concerned.

Angry with Zeke for his continued silence, Rachel vows to live life to the full. A vulnerable Stingray trusts her enough to show her his unfinished film. Her emotional response provides the perfect ending for his project.

When Max discovers Karl was a victim of Elle’s “rent a crowd” he can’t bring himself to burst his mate’s bubble.

'Surly Valentine'
Airs Wednesday, April 19 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

Karl’s shocked to learn that Katya has begun working as a nurse at the Erinsborough hospital. She visits the Kennedy house and expresses her strong desire to play a role in the lives of Rachel and Zeke. She also expresses strong reservations about Karl treating Zeke’s traumatic mutism. Later, she makes her feelings plain to Karl himself – she thinks Zeke is becoming nothing more than a tool for Karl to worm his way back into Susan’s life.

When Janelle can’t get the Kombi started, Kim upstages her and makes a dramatic exit from Ramsay Street, leaving the Timmins kids wondering if it’s once again ‘splitsville’ for their parents. Dylan reacts to his father’s turmoil by offering him a job working his hotdog cart and Janelle finds herself encouraged to examine her true feelings after some unlikely intervention from Zeke. Janelle surprises everyone when she proposes that she and Kim get re-married; she’s sure that a proper, romantic celebration of their love will fix all their relationship ills. But will this gesture be enough to heal a lifetime of hurts?

Even casual intimacy with Janae is driving Boyd crazy and no amount of running and push-ups can take his mind off her. But Janae holds firm to her intimacy ban - she’ll let him know when the time is right for her, but at the moment she’s just not interested.

With their relationship back on track, Kim surprises Janelle by inviting her to come surfing as a Valentine’s Day treat. Janelle’s impressed that she still fits into her old wetsuit, but getting out of it may be another story.

'Kiss Congeniality'
Airs Thursday, April 20 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

An indignant Karl denies any ulterior motive in treating Zeke. But Katya isn’t convinced. Katya’s concern increases when Susan springs to Karl’s defence after Katya questions his character. Rightly assuming Katya is interfering with Susan’s parenting, Karl warns Susan she needs to make it clear she (Susan) is Zeke and Rachel’s mother – not Katya. Susan agrees, and promises to stop bowing to Katya. However, when Katya misinterprets an innocent, intimate moment between Karl and Susan, they realise they’ve got a rough road ahead.

As word gets out about the imminent opening of Paul’s new cafe, the community declares its intention to continue to support the General Store, and Harold, in particular. However, despite a display of support from Susan and an offer of help from Max to form an alliance with ScarletBar, Harold is strangely resigned to his fate, struggling to accept escaping traditional “punishment” for attacking Paul.

After Stu warns Izzy to stay away from Ned, an “emotional” Izzy attacks Ned for betraying her trust – she feels so violated. Izzy goes on to “accidentally” reveal Elle’s rent-a-crowd stunt, claiming Elle must have little faith in Ned. However, Izzy’s scheming only brings Ned and Elle closer together. As Paul’s condition worsens and the more imminent Elle’s departure becomes, Izzy resorts to drastic measures, making the ultimate sacrifice for Paul.

'Wake Up And Sell The Coffee'
Airs Friday, April 21 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

Ned is swamped with guilt in the wake of his indiscretion with Izzy. While Izzy is taken aback by the genuine heat with Ned she remains focussed on her goal – to help Paul back on his feet by keeping Elle in Erinsborough. Everything goes according to plan, with Ned calling things off with Elle, and Elle returning to Paul for comfort. Izzy’s thrilled when Paul shrugs off his phobia and at last re-enters the world with his old fighting spirit. But Ned’s guilt over Elle and his love for Izzy threaten to bring Izzy’s happy world with Paul crashing down – will her fast-talking keep Ned quiet?

Lou’s frustrated with Harold’s reluctance to fight Paul’s new cafe, arguing that Harold’s guilty conscience will be the death of the General Store. Toadie and Connor rally around, promising to remain loyal to Harold and Lou but Paul campaigns hard, and the opening of “Lucinda’s” (named after Elle) is a huge success. Lou warns Paul that he won’t go down without a fight but Paul’s unfazed – bring it on!

With O-week approaching, Stingray’s mind is on the University Media degree he’ll be missing out on. Toadie provides hope, encouraging Stingray to show his doco to a maverick film lecturer and get in via the back door. Stingray is forced to think “crazy” to capture the lecturer’s attention.