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Thread: spoilers 11th - 15 april

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    spoilers 11th - 15 april

    Monday 11 April 7.30 - 8pm ITV1

    Coronation Streets commemorative 6000th episode begins with a sombre feeling in the Barlows’ house. Tracy (Kate Ford) lays the table for breakfast as if nothing happened the night before. Ken (William Roache) and Deirdre (Anne Kirkbride) enter the kitchen and are baffled by her odd behaviour. But after some gentle quizzing, Tracy begins to cry about the loss of dad Ray. Ken later decides to cancel the honeymoon as it’s simply not the right time, but Tracy insists they go and assures them that she can organise the funeral arrangements. But later on, after Tracy has visited the undertakers and Steve has returned Amy, she desperately tries not to cry in front of beloved Steve (Simon Gregson). Will Steve console her, or will he go to the Rovers where Louise (Nora Jane Noone) is waiting for him?

    Elsewhere in Weatherfield, the rest of the residents are comforting each other after Ray’s sudden demise. Shelley sits on ‘Ray’s chair’ and asks Ciaran (Keith Duffy) and Charlie (Bill Ward) to be sensitive with the customers today. Later on, in the corner shop, Charlie asks Sunita (Shobna Gulati) to be ‘nice’ to Shelley (Sally Lindsay). Sunita takes the bait and visits the pub. Will Shelley and Sunita make friends or has Charlie driven a bigger wedge between them?

    Also, Danny and Leanne go for a bit to eat in the Clock restaurant. They talk openly about their past and enjoy each others company immensely. As the meal ends they giggly admit that if things were different, they could quite fancy each other!

    And as the residents enjoy their evening, a shadowy black cab pulls up outside number six. Why has depressed Katy come back to Coronation Street?

    This episode of CORONATION STREET is written by Joe Turner, produced by Tony Wood and directed by Neil Alderton. The executive producer is Carolyn Reynolds. It is a Granada Television production for ITV.

    Monday 11 April 8.30 - 9pm ITV1

    This moving episode begins with despondent Katy (Lucy Jo Hudson) holed up inside the Harris household. She has pulled the curtains, and painfully looks over photographs of herself and the family in happier times – a family she feels she has now destroyed. She has clearly come back with suicidal thoughts, as she can’t handle the horrendous guilt she is harbouring after killing her dad. She smashes her insulin cartridges and gets out a bag of sugar, knowing that this lethal combination could kill her. But will she go through with suicide, or will she be found before it is too late?

    Over at the Platts’, Gail (Helen Worth) tries to boost Martin’s (Sean Wilson) spirits by suggesting that it would be good for him to wake up in a house full of people, instead of his lonely flat. He agrees and feels much better the following day when he wakes up to the sound of his children. Later on, he explains to Sarah (Tina O’Brien) and Scooter (Sushil Chudasama) that he was feeling very low which is why he stayed over. But they are disturbed by loud music belting out from next door. They all race round to the Harrises’ house as they know that the house should be empty. Will they find an unconscious Katy?

    Across the road at the Baldwins, Danny (Bradley Walsh) is unusually attentive towards wife Frankie (Debra Stephenson). However, he lies about working late the other night instead of telling her about his cosy meal with Leanne (Jane Danson).

    This episode of CORONATION STREET is written by Joe Turner, produced by Tony Wood, and directed by Terry Dyddgen Jones. The executive producer is Carolyn Reynolds. It is a Granada Television production for ITV1.

    Wednesday 13 April 7.30 - 8pm ITV1

    There is panic inside number six, when Scooter (Sushil Chudasama) finds the smashed cartridges and then a letter, but shocked Martin (Sean Wilson) insists that they don’t jump to conclusions and orders Scooter and Sarah (Tina O’Brien) out of the house to call an ambulance. Things don’t look good for poor Katy as she is whisked straight to intensive care, and a nurse warns Martin that she may have brain damage. He informs the nurse where Katy’s mum is and as soon as Angela (Kathryn Hunt) is told by the prison governor, she is hysterical with worry and demands to see her daughter. Martin, devastated at what his ex-lover has done, tries to be optimistic and to be respectful to her, and decides not to open the suicide letter until she recovers.

    In the Rovers, Jamie (Rupert Hill), Warren (Danny Young), Leanne (Jane Danson) and Candice (Nikki Sanderson) settle down for a drink. Warren excitedly tells them all that his manager has spotted two premiership football scouts watching him train. Leanne ridicules this, and slates Candice by suggesting that if he ever does make it big time he won’t want her tagging along!

    Steve is keen to see Louise again but her home is in Ireland with her son. She gently reminds him that he has ties in Weatherfield but could be back to see him soon.

    And during a posh meal, Fred finally wears Audrey down about the well, and she agrees to have the water tested.

    This episode of CORONATION STREET is written by Peter Whalley, produced by Tony Wood, and directed by Terry Dyddgen-Jones. The executive producer is Carolyn Reynolds. It is a Granada Television production for ITV1.

    Friday 15 April 7.30 - 8pm ITV1

    Katy (Lucy Jo Hudson) is still unconscious but Martin (Sean Wilson) is at her bedside. He decides he must go to visit Angela (Kathryn Hunt) in prison. When he eventually gets to see her, she pleads with Martin to make her daughter happy by getting back with her. He refuses and starts to read Katy’s ‘The Truth’ letter. Angela is horrified and Martin demands some answers. But there is more worry when Craig (Richard Fleeshman) arrives at number six desperately banging on the door and shouting for his sister. Gail (Helen Worth) and Audrey (Sue Nicholls) rush outside to see the traumatised teenager, and gently tell him that his sister is seriously ill in hospital.

    And at the Barlows’, Tracy (Kate Ford) is having problems assembling Ray’s (Neville Buswell) flat-packed coffin. Blanche (Maggie Jones) and Liz (Beverley Callard) agree that it looks a bit ghoulish but Tracy insists that it is what her father wanted as it is cost effective. Later on, Tracy goes to the Kabin in search of plasters and finds Steve (Simon Gregson). He isn’t too keen on helping her with the coffin but suggests Charlie (Bill Ward) could help.

    Ashley (Steven Arnold) is scathing about Fred’s (John Savident) chances of success and thinks his water bottling venture has more to do with getting closer to Audrey. But Fred insists the water is pure and drinks some to prove it!
    ;) ;) soap_angel ;) ;)

  2. #2
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    So martin reads letter and still stays with her by her bedside and then goes to angela for some answers

    Doesnt katy die on the 15th and why does martin refuse to get back with her is because she confesses in the letter about killer dad

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