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Thread: Robert Sugden

  1. #31
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    i hope debbie dont chosse him

  2. #32
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    is it just me or does anyone else hate Robert?

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    whats it called??????????
    Thanked: 153
    I dont hate him - he's very good at playing the bad boy

  4. #34
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    good actor, hate the character

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by emma_strange
    good actor, hate the character
    Yup i totally agree wth you

  6. #36
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    i dunno i have trouble hating him (not cos he is good looking cos i dont think he is) i just think that he is a bit gone wrong in the head and really jealous of andy and jealousy does bad things to good people

  7. #37
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    I think he's sexy and he's a good actor, but i dont like his character, when the old Character of robert went away when he found out andy had killed their mum he was quiet and wouldnt say boo to a goose and when he returned he was played by Karl Davies and he transformed into a totaly different character and he wasn't the old robert we knew, he was sly, conniving etc.

  8. #38
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    He wants to make Andy’s life even more miserable than it is.’ So when Debbie falls for his charm, Robert’s delighted, says actor Karl Davies.

    Does Robert have genuine feelings for her?
    No, not really. Obviously she’s female and good looking and it’d be a bit of fun, but his feelings towards her go no further than that.

    Do you think Debbie really likes Robert?
    I think she’d probably like anyone that shows her some attention. She’d fall for anyone that was saying the flattering things Robert does. She’s quite vulnerable.

    Why does Robert suggest that they tell Andy about their relationship?
    Because that’s the whole point of what Robert is up to with Debbie, to wind Andy up.

    How does Andy react and is it the reaction he had hoped for?
    It’s exactly the reaction Robert hoped for. Andy really kicks off and starts having a go and both Debbie and Robert. He wants to make Andy’s life even more miserable than it is.

    In an attempt to get revenge on Robert, Andy tells Cain. How does Robert use this to his advantage?
    Andy thinks that Cain is really going to react badly to the news, which he does, but Robert manages to talk him round. Robert tells Cain that because the pair of them were responsible for burning down the barn Andy is trying cause friction between the two of them. So Robert turns that around so that he becomes friends with Cain again.

    How does Robert feel when Jack pushes him to leave the village?
    Gutted, I guess, as you would if your dad wanted you to leave. But Robert covers it up and says, “Fine, I was going anyway.”

    Does he really want to leave?
    Not really, but I think it’s arrived at this point where he’s got to go. He’s caused too much trouble.

    Why does he invite Debbie and Sarah along? Is it all about Andy?
    It’s just one final push to get at Andy, Jack and Cain. Just to generally wreak havoc before he leaves the village and leave a mess behind him.

  9. #39
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    i am sure Cain will have something to say about this !!!!

  10. #40
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    With the likelhood that Robert 'The Ferret' Sugden dies in the upcoming crash how likely is it that Debbie finds herself pregnant again
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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