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Thread: Martin Fowler

  1. #91
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    You make good points Little Mo, that is a realistic scenario for Martin and Sonia to get Chloe back, I would love that to happen ! If not I just hope Martin and Sonia come through this stronger than ever. I am dying to know what happens , I was suprised to hear that the story ends next Friday, I thought they would decide to fight for custody after they both see Chloe together. The lack of spoilers is so frustrating , I really miss Tina Baker's weekly spoilers.

  2. #92
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    Yes wouldn't it be great if there was some way Sonia and Martin could get their daughter back. I don't think it's the end of the storyline though. James said it was the end for a while, but I think it's going to come up again really soon. From what i've read this storyline is going to go on for months.

  3. #93
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    I couldn't believe it when I read that it is over next Friday. It seems a lot of fuss for a 2 week storyline, so I'm hoping that it will be back soon. I know Chloe is better off with her gran who she knows and loves, but her age does bother me. I'd certainly be happier if she was with younger people. Chloe could end up being a carer to an infirm, elderly lady or she could lose her at an age when it would be difficult to find someone to take her.

    It would be nice if there was some way for them to get Chloe back without causing too much upset and involving everyone concerned - Alisha's idea is a good one!!

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemo
    I don't think it's the end of the storyline though. James said it was the end for a while, but I think it's going to come up again really soon. From what i've read this storyline is going to go on for months. may be the end temporarily but I think it will crop up again some time in the future. Martin may have a change of heart or the adoptive family may re-evulate thier decision (if they have already chosen to keep Chloe).

    I think it will have a while to go yet. I'm likeing this storyline.
    Last edited by Alisha; 23-03-2005 at 23:28.

  5. #95
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    Yes I think Rebecca should be eased slowly into the Fowler family. I know it would be confusing at first for her, but when she understands who Sonia and Martin are, I'm sure she'd adjust. Martin and Sonia could come and visit Chloe and her adopted gran at their home, maybe 3 times a week and get to know them. Then she could go and stay with them for weekends, get to know Pauline, Jim and Dot. She would have family that love her and a secure upbringing. Martin and Sonia love Chloe very much.

    But then again to go from a family who live in a nice area and could give her everything she could want, to Walford is a big leap for a child. But it isn't really about material possessions, it's about love.

  6. #96
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    Sadly so far this storyline hasn't got off to the best start for me

    I feel the whole thing has been rather coincidised (if you know what I mean!) I mean what would the likely-hood be of you reading about your daughter's adoptive parents dieing in a car crash, finding out where the funeral is and choosing to go, all on the night before the actual event?

    There doesn't seem to be enough of anything there. Hopefully we'll see some evolution for the better in the coming weeks....

  7. #97
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    It is true that Chloe/Rebecca is now an orphan - BUT unless there is no family or friends that the adoptive parents have nominated for guardianship Chloe/Rebecca would not enter into the social service web again, and be replaced with another family. And even if this did happen it would be unlikely that Martin and Sonia would successfully manage to adopt her as they have not been through the adoption screening process (which on average takes 9mths)

    I think that this is one story line that has gone on too far and too long and has gone from a well acted thought plot to an over stretched one. It was great that Sonia gave Chloe up for adoption as she felt that she couldn't bring her up in the situation she was in, she also thought of Chloe's interests when Pauline tried to adopt her, so WHY would she stop thinking of what is best for Chloe now. How could she really think that taking Chloe from the environment she has been raised from the people who love her, when she has just lost her (adoptive) parents would be the best thing to do?

  8. #98
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    lets hope that sonis just wants to check that chloe is being well looked after and not trying to get her back. if it is ening in two weeks then she cant be looking for custody.

  9. #99
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    I think that this is one story line that has gone on too far and too long and has gone from a well acted thought plot to an over stretched one.
    Oh I can't agree with that. This is a storyline that was always going to happen. After Sonia kidnapped Chloe, she retreated into herself and thought that the best way to deal with the situation was to try not to think about her and she hasn't really mentioned her since. When Martin tried to bring up the subject last year when they were walking through the park with Bobby, Sonia made it clear that it wasn't open for discussion.

    It was obvious that this girl needed some form of help and she should have been sent to a counsellor to try and sort out her feelings. Now she has seen Chloe again, all those feelings which haven't been dealt with have come rushing back. She desperately needs to sort out the guilt, the loss and grieve properly for her daughter. It is quite realistic to show that Sonia still has feelings for her Chloe and always will.

    I feel the whole thing has been rather coincidised (if you know what I mean!) I mean what would the likely-hood be of you reading about your daughter's adoptive parents dieing in a car crash, finding out where the funeral is and choosing to go, all on the night before the actual event?
    I know what you mean about this. But, my mum read about a friend's death in the paper and found out about the funeral and went to it all in the same day. It does seem a bit contrived, but it can happen. Soaps are all about coincidences though aren't they?

  10. #100
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    I do see what you mean about Sonia never having delt with the greif but I personally think that they could have explored this in other ways, such as Sonia and Martin deciding to have another child BUT realising they both need councelling. This could then highlight Sonia's need to grieve the loss and her guilt feelings.

    As I said before I personally think that they have stretched this too far now.

    I also worry that it is sending the wrong message to people concidering adoption, in that EE is potraying it in a very negative light from Sonia's view point, and although I don't think it is an easy thing to do or live with, it can be a positive for both the child and the birth mum

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