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  1. #11
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    I'd like Hayley to be with Kim but I'd also like it if she was with Scott, how one earth will she choose between the two? I suppose it could be a case of Hayley seeing one only as a mate and the other as a bit more..

    Poor Kane now he's really in it up to his neck, why on earth didn't he just let his dad go when he pulled the car up and told him to get out? Kane has well and truely landed himself in it. Firstly he has made it known that he is short of cash by asking Hayley for extra shifts and Alf knows too because of the conversston between Hayley and Kane in the diner where Alf himself offered to help Kane out. Secondly he leaves work early because he felt unwell, of course Kane went straight home, unfortunately though there was no one in to give him an alibi, plus Kirsty is away. Then to top it off nicely he is caught with the money plus he went and put his finger prints all over the gun! So the big question now is will Gus do the right thing and come forward or will he let Kane take the wrap?

    A Very Sexy and Brilliant Actor

  2. #12
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    what happened i missed it last night was Kane arrested?

  3. #13
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    Kane was working at Noah's and he felt unwell so he asked Hayley if he could go home. Whilst Kane was at home he recevied a phone call from his dad telling him that he needs his help. Kane drove out into the middle of nowhere and picked his dad up, whilst in the car Gus told Kane why he was still in the bay and that he had just done a job but he messed up and set the alarm off. Gus explained why he did it, because of this Greg and also told Kane that Greg had threatened to hurt him. Kane got angry and stopped the car in the middle of the road and told Gus to get out. Whilst he was getting out the cops were coming down the road so Kane grabbed Gus' bag and told him to stay, after a bit Gus ran off as the cops got nearer and left Kane in the car with the bag and gun. The cops pulled up behind Kane and instantly recognised him before telling him that he was speeding, at the same time they looked in the car and saw the bag with the money in and a gun. One of them said ah the office job and told Kane to get out of the car and placed him under arrest..

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Babe14; 17-07-2005 at 12:28.

    A Very Sexy and Brilliant Actor

  4. #14
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    thanks for that.

    Its a great help. I cant believe Kanes dad would let him take the blame.

  5. #15
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    I'm in two minds as to what he'll do, going by my instincts I'd say after a while he'll come good. However I have a feeling there will be consequences for Kane even though he is innocent....

    A Very Sexy and Brilliant Actor

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    tonights episode was quite good!

  7. #17
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    Yup, ^^ I agree. The episodes are getting really good lately!

  8. #18
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    Home and Away is really fab at the mo and nice to see Dalby back. Hated him when he was going around bullying everyone, but am really enjoying this new angle to his character.

    The plane crash Epi was good. Poor Scott, Kim is cute but I think Hayley should be with Scott.

    Enjoying the Kane/Kirsty stuff and hope that Gus gets his.

    Looking forward to all the drama to come, it's going to be good

    A Very Sexy and Brilliant Actor

  9. #19
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    can someone tell me what happend yesterday......if this is read before 6:00 lol

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Oh no Kane and Kirsty have gone Oh that was sad but happy the perfect ending for them, going off into the sunset together and hopefully living happily ever after. I had a lump in my throat when I saw their final scene and the sign that said your leaving Summer wont be the same without them..still I suppose at the end of the day they had taken Kane and Kirsty as far as they could without them becoming boring..
    I think that the new Kirsty and Kane will be Dalby and Matilda..Bad boy, good girl..forbidden to see one another.. I didn't like Matilda very much but putting her with Dalby she has grown on me..

    A Very Sexy and Brilliant Actor

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