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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th January

  1. #1
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    Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th January

    Nate starts to get suspicious over Tracy's odd behaviour

    Tensions between Aaron and Cain finally come to a head

    Chas opens up to one villager about her health fears
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Chas Dingle was enjoying her fun fling with Liam Cavanagh, until she became consumed with fear when he told her that she had a lump in her breast.

    Liam insisted she gets it checked out immediately and Chas receives a call confirming her hospital appointment for that afternoon.

    With Liam being her only confidante, he is happy when she asks him to accompany her to the appointment.

    However, Chas' world comes crashing down as she is told the nightmare news that she has triple negative cancer.

    Back home, she vents to Liam about her diagnosis and does her best to put on a brave face. Struggling to keep her composure, she forces Liam to leave and breaks down in tears once she is alone.

    Nicola King urges Jimmy King to discuss what's next after their daughter Angelica King confessed she was responsible for the crash that killed Heath Hope.

    With the funeral over, focus shifts to the police investigation and Cathy Hope lashes out when her dad Bob Hope suggests waiting for forensic results.

    Despite knowing the truth, Jimmy continues to blame Cathy for the crash and keeps the secret to himself that his own daughter was actually the one who was driving.

    Nicola is uneasy when Jimmy tells Angel to lie to the police. Will Nicola intervene and encourage Angel to tell the truth?

    Elsewhere, Rhona Goskirk is touched to see Marlon Dingle bonding with baby Ivy and she tells him about her conversation with Gus. She tries to justify her actions, but her mum Mary Goskirk advises her to prepare for Ivy's departure.

    An oblivious Moira Dingle is pleased to think Tracy Robinson and Caleb Miligan have ended their affair. However, the forbidden lovers can't resist each other and they soon give in to temptation once again.

    After Moira and Charity Dingle confided in each other, Charity is trying to get back to normal as she struggles to deal with the PTSD she's suffering after accidentally killing gangster Damon 'Harry' Harris.

    But when Moira checks in on Charity in the pub, she pretends she's beginning to cope. Will Moira see through her lies and see Charity is really struggling?

    Meanwhile, Bear is flustered as he tries to flirt with an abrupt Claudette Anderson.


    Though Angel King has told her parents that she was driving when Heath Hope died, no one else knows.

    But as Nicola and Jimmy have a hushed talk about Bob's suffering, the parents feel terrible that their friend is grieving for his son and thinks that his daughter, Cathy, was the one who caused her twin's death.

    Heath died when he, Cathy and Angel decided to nick Wendy's car to get to a party in Hotten. (Image credit: ITV)
    Taking matters into her own hands, Angel reveals all in front of Liam, Cathy, April and Brenda admitting she's been lying all along.

    It's a huge moment for Cathy who's been in bits over her brother's death and in turmoil over her dad's failure to believe she wasn't responsible.

    Nicola and Jimmy reel in horror as their teenage daughter is then arrested for causing death by dangerous driving.

    Elsewhere, Chas still hasn't told anyone bar Liam about her cancer diagnosis. Her ex, Paddy, is quick to notice something is bothering her but Chas fobs him off.

    Later when Lydia asks Chas is OK, the stressed landlady confides in her, telling her that she has breast cancer, which killed her mum Faith.

    At the Hide, Mandy helps Ella prepare for an interview at the surgery, and Mack is caught in the middle when Cain fumes at Aaron for thieving cars.


    Nate Robinson's not exactly got the best track record when it comes to being faithful to Tracy.

    But since they got married and decided to give their relationship another go he's been nothing but devoted to his wife.

    However, the same can't be said for Tracy who was seduced by Nate's uncle Caleb last year and found herself caught up in sizzling fling.

    The secret lovers have tried to call it quits, and even though Moira caught them kissing at Christmas, they keep coming back for more.

    This week, Nate's already getting a funny feeling about his wife and his worry ramps up when Tracy misses a romantic lunch he's planned.

    After offloading his fears on to Belle, his paranoia gets the better of Nate who decides to go looking for answers in Tracy's phone?

    And before long he finds a bunch of deleted messages to and from Caleb. Is the cat out of the bag?

    What will Nate do?

    At the garage, Cain's already furious with Aaron for persisting in buying and selling stolen cars. But when his nephew sells one to his other nephew, Samson, he flips.

    Sam insists his son returns the motor to Aaron who seems totally unruffled when Cain gives him a mouthful.

    Elsewhere, it's awks at The Woolpack when Mandy asks Chas and Liam to join her and Paddy on a double date! Is Chas up for an evening with her ex-husband, his new partner and her new squeeze?


    Having suspected his wife Tracy is sleeping with his uncle Caleb, Nate Robinson's done some digging. And he's found some evidence.

    As he races round to Mill and bursts in the door of Caleb's house, what will he find? Are the secret lovers about to get found out by betrayed Nate?

    At Smithy, Rhona's got some explaining to do when Gus turns up unexpectedly.

    With Rhona out secretly seeking legal advice about getting custody of Ivy, her husband Marlon and her mum Mary are at home minding the baby.

    As a conversation gets going Marlon becomes aware his wife has been being economical with the truth.

    When shifty Rhona arrives back home to find them all having a cuppa together will she manage to explain herself without a row blowing up?

    Aaron Dingle's been gunning for a fight ever since he was dragged back to Emmerdale by Cain and Caleb.

    And he's certainly got one since he started buying and selling stolen cars.

    Cain's livid with his nephew who doesn't seem remotely bothered and to prove he's not listening to his uncle, he nicks his car, too!

    Aaron's collared by the police for driving a car with no number plates and finds himself being questioned about the recent spate of motor thefts.

    Later, in the garage, a savage row breaks out between Aaron and Cain. But who will come out on top?

    Will Cain rein in his anger and spare his sister's lad?

    At the Hide, as Gabby and Amit shake on the deal they've made for him to invest in the business, Jai fumes.


    Since she was given the chance to look after baby Ivy while her ex-husband Gus returned home to collect himself and grieve, Rhona Dingle's fallen harder and faster in love than ever before.

    Tending for the newborn ? who was created from embryos she and Gus made when they were married and trying for kids ? Rhona has felt more and more that Ivy is hers.

    It doesn't help that the entire family at Smithy started to dote on the tot too.

    The thing is, once Gus has healed a bit from losing his wife in childbirth, he's going to want Ivy back with him no matter how hard it will be as a single parent.

    Watching on as Rhona effortlessly cares for Ivy, Marlon and Mary are becoming more concerned about how she's going to cope when she has to hand Ivy back.

    With Rhona feeling full bonded and linked to Ivy, the wrench is going to be unbearable. And the vet has started to take legal advice on getting custody.

    As time ticks on, when is the baby bomb going to go off?

    At The Hide, Gabby's gone and made a right old mess of her relationship with Laurel and Jai having allowed Amit to buy into the business.

    Can she talk her way round Laurel in the hope that things will improve with Jai, too?

    Elsewhere, Chas does her research.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

    johntrevor (16-01-2024), katie hunter (16-01-2024)

  4. #3
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    Exclamation Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th January 2024

    Monday 22 January 2024 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Chas receives a call confirming her hospital appointment for that afternoon. Liam, who is still Chas' only confidant, is pleased when she asks him to accompany her.

    At her appointment, Chas learns she has triple negative cancer.

    Meanwhile, Nicola is uneasy.

    Elsewhere, Cathy lashes out when Bob suggests waiting for the forensic results.

    Also today, Moira checks in on Charity, who pretends she's beginning to cope.

    Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Jimmy's guilt starts to show.

    Meanwhile, Chas opens up to Lydia.

    Elsewhere, Aaron's behaviour is getting worse.

    Also today, Mandy helps Ella prepare for her interview at the surgery and the pair continue to bond.

    Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Nate's suspicion gets the better of him as he rifles through Tracy's phone and discovers deleted messages to and from Caleb.

    Meanwhile, Aaron continues to push Cain's buttons.

    Elsewhere, it's awkward between Liam and Chas when Mandy pressurises them into a double date in The Woolpack.

    Thursday 25 January 2024 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Hour-long episode

    With Aaron throwing further disrespect in Cain's direction, soon they have a brutal fight in the garage.

    Cain pins Aaron down, unsure whether to finish it.

    Meanwhile, Nate is determined to catch Tracy and Caleb in the act and heads over to the house followed by a panicked Nicky and Moira, but will he?

    Elsewhere, Mary and Marlon tend to Ivy and they're shocked when Gus unexpectedly arrives. Rhona, returning home to find Gus there, realises she has some explaining to do when Gus reveals they've been in communication.

    Also today, Gabby reveals Amit bought into The Hide. Jai is beside himself with anger.

    Friday 26 January 2024 at 19:00 on ITV1

    Gabby attempts to build bridges with Laurel.

    Meanwhile, Chas does her research.

    Elsewhere, Marlon and Mary are worried about Rhona.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    katie hunter (16-01-2024), lizann (16-01-2024)

  6. #4
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    does nate catch caleb with his ex not tracy

  7. #5
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    Emmerdale confirms dramatic arrest in Heath Hope death plot

    Emmerdale has confirmed a dramatic arrest in Heath Hope's death storyline

    Earlier last week, Angelica King confessed to her mother Nicola that she was the one driving when Heath was killed in a New Year's Day car crash
    Cathy Hope had been taking the blame for her brother's tragic demise, with father Bob Hope accusing her of trying to bully Angel into falseley taking responsibility for Heath's death.
    In scenes to air this week, Nicola and Jimmy King try to figure out how they are going to deal with their daughter's confession.

    Jimmy uses the family's strife to his advantage, arguing that Cathy is still to blame since she convinced the other teens to go joyriding. He eventually decides not to tell police about Angel's confession.

    He goes so far as to order his daughter to lie to police, leaving Nicola uneasy about the risky path the family is now going down.

    The following day, Jimmy is overcome with guilt as he witnesses Bob's anguish over the death of his young son. He later confides in Nicola over his intense feelings of guilt.

    Angel overhears her parents talking, and wanting to set things right, she rushes over to B&B to confess to Liam, Brenda, Cathy and April.

    It's not long before Angel finds herself in the police precinct to formally confess. The teen is terrified as she's arrested for death by dangerous driving.

    These scenes will air the week commencing Monday, January 22.
    Last edited by johntrevor; 20-01-2024 at 12:48.

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