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Thread: Keeping the faith

  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    wow!aaah bless they did it!!mr and mrs rickman - happily ever after!!the vows were so sweet! more sn please its great.

  2. #52
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    I enjoyed writing the last part and now its sort of winding down towards the end but there are still about ten parts left so here is the next part please reply

    part 20

    Wedded bliss. Thats what it wa like for the first few months. They spent all their time together stayed late in bed and spent all night wispering sweet nothings to each other. They had each other they didnt need anything else but then one day all that changed.
    It was a normal afternoon in the vic. Just like any other day sharon was behind the bar and dennis was keeping her company. Everything was as it should be until the doors opened and in walked a young woman with a toddler.
    Dennis choked on his pint.

    Dennis: Erin!!
    Erin: thats right baby, I'll have a lager and lime doll face.

    Sharon turned cautiously to make the drink at the same time listening to see how things unfolded.

    Dennis: What are you doing here?
    Erin: Thought I'd show you your daughter. (she indicated to the toddler on her hip)
    Dennis: My dau... wait a minute, I mean how, wha..?
    Erin: God calm down I was joking. She's big steve's
    Dennis: what?
    Erin: She's not yours. As in not your kid as in dont worry. I was passing by and heard you were around thought i'd pop in for old times sake so how about i ditch the kid and we have a bit of ruff and tumble!
    Dennis: Erin I have a wife now.
    Erin: Really, poor c*w, where's she?

    Sharon handed her the drink.

    Sharon: She's here.
    Erin : Oh sorry dollface didnt mean to step on your turf
    Sharon: Dont worry you weren't "stepping on my turf"
    Erin: Well I'll be going then see what big steves doing this afternoon, i think his wife does aerobics on a wednesday so we could use the house. Oh well your loss dennis. Bye chick see ya dollface good luck being married to him.

    And with that erin left and sharon stormed upstairs leaving chrissie to look after the bar. Dennis followed only to find her lying on the bed, her face burrowed into the pillow.

    Dennis: Hey whats wrong whats the problem?
    Sharon: I am
    Dennis: what do you mean? Is this about erin?
    Sharon: No its not about stupid erin its about you and me
    Dennis? I'm sorry sharon i have no clue what youre on about.
    Sharon: I'm talking about kids dennis and the lack of them. I saw the way you looked at that little girl. For a minute there you wanted her to be yours
    Dennis: Sharon...
    Sharon: And you know what part of ME wanted her to be yours cos then you'de have the one thing you want that i cant give you. How ever much you try to make it go away it'l alaways be there dennis, that yearning to be a parent. Trust me I've had it for ten years and it doesnt go away it just gets worse.
    Dennis: But i can live without that its you i want.
    Sharon: I know i believe you but i cant deny you of a child.
    Dennis: What are you saying?
    Sharon: I'm saying I want a baby
    Dennis: Well theres lots we could do we could look in to adoption...
    Sharon: No Dennis, I want it to be our baby our own flesh and blood and i know that sounds silly but when you cant have something you just want it more. I want it to be our baby. I want to try IVF.
    Dennis: Are you sure thats what you want?
    Sharon: Posotive.
    Dennis: then thats what we'll do and I promise you we'll be parents cos I'm with you all the way.

    Next part: Will it work?

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    awwww please say it works!!
    sorry i havnt repiled ive just caught up!!!
    its fabby!!!

    thanks torrie for my gorgeous banna!!
    Dennis: A moment of insanity. I only went an' proposed, didn't I?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    awww bless sharon!please let them have a baby shannis!!

  5. #55
    Join Date
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    thanks for the replies. I just really want to get to the end cos i know what it is and i dont know if you'll like it well anyway here it is just a short part(dont hate me)LOL

    Part 21

    Sharon held her breath. It had been almost four months since her and dennis had married but ti had not been all fun and games. A week after erins visit the pair had been to the doctor to enquire about ivf. It turned out that sharon was a good example to test a new series of fertility drugs on and although dennis wasnt fond of the idea it meant that treatment could start straight away. So having been married just undre a month the pair started trying for a baby and today they found out whether sharon was pregnant or not.
    Looking back on the past months sharon couldnt help but wonder whether the strain she was putting on their marriage was unnecessary after all they could odopt. There are thousands of children out there needing loving parents but sharon couldnt help but feel like that would be settling for second best and for her second best just wasnt good enough. Not this time.
    The doctor walked in. The look on his face gave nothing away.Dennis reached for sharons hand. He seemed as nervous as she was.

    Sharon: Well?
    Doctor: Well I have some news although I'm not sure if its the news you want.
    Dennis gripped sharons hand tighter.

    Doctor: The treatment is working but slowly. Your egg production has doubled making your chances of concieving far higher than they were three months ago but I'm afraid your not pregnant. Not yet at least but with the advance in your treatment...

    The doctor carried on talking but sharon and dennis weren't listening. It had failed. All that heartache and it didnt work. Dennis felt a tear run down his cheek and hastily wiped it away. Sharon, seeing this, rose from her chair and threw both her arms around him crying harder and harder herself.

    Sharon: It's ok baby. It's ok. We'll try again. We will do this just like you promised.
    Dennis: What makes us think we're so special sharon. Why us and not other people.
    Sharon: You want to know why this should happen to us I'll tell you why because we deserve it more. We want it more. We have spent our whole lives fighting. Fighting for inndependence, fighting for our lives, fighting fot each other and just like all those other times we are gonna fight for this and we are going to win because I will not be beaten. Not now, not after all we've been through. We are so close, I'm so close. I almost have my family and one little hiccup isnt going to take that away from me because thats all this is dennis a hiccup, a blip on the radar. We can try again baby, we can try again

    With that the doctor made a hasty scribble in his notes and told them that they were down for another cycle and that he was convinced that they would make excellent parents...someday soon


    Next part: Will they get their baby?
    Last edited by squillyfer; 11-07-2005 at 21:24.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    awww please say they get their baby!!!!

    thanks torrie for my gorgeous banna!!
    Dennis: A moment of insanity. I only went an' proposed, didn't I?

  7. #57
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    Part 22

    They were there again. That god forsaken doctors office. Its discoloured cream walls and tasteless carpet made it the last place anyone would want to be when they were feeling down but this obviously had not been taken into consideration.
    Sharon and Dennis had there chairs as close together as possible and were once again gripping each others hand and taking comfort in the thought that thay were not alone. Sharon leaned to the edge of her chair as the doctor came in. It had to have worked this time it had to.
    They were on their third IVF attempt. The second had tragically had to have been abandoned after sharon caught an infection. Third time lucky sharon thought. She glanced at dennis. His face was pale and his nerves were beginning to show. She found it hard to remember a time when she hadnt needed him, wanted him, lived for him like she did now and seeing the pain on his face, pain that she believed was all her fault, was almost unbearable. That was why it had to work this time because she didnt know if she could go through it all again, she didnt know if he could go through it again.
    The doctor sat down his face once again giving away no hints as to the news he was about to bestow on the couple.

    Doctor: Well we have the test results back and I have some good new and some bad news.
    Sharon: Give us the bad first its always easier that way.
    Doctor: Ok. The bad news is that your body isnt responding to the treatment. What I mean is that you are not receptive to this fertility method and will not concieve by it.

    Sharon looked at the floor. It had failed again. She chanced a glance at dennis his eyes were fixed and non responsive as though he was wallowing in his grief

    Doctor: The good news is that you're pregnant Mrs Rickman

    Sharon looked up, startled and dennis turned his head so sharply he nearly gave himself whiplash.

    Dennis: But wait a minute you said the treatment wasnt working for us.
    Sharon: Yeah so how can I be pregnant?
    Doctor: Its not due to the treatment that you managed to concieve. By some miracle, this happened naturally.
    Dennis: What all this time and there was nothing wrong
    Doctor: Oh no you missunderstand. Your wife is still in the high risk area and there is a great possibility of misscarriage but like I said for some unknown reason you have been able to concieve by natural methods.
    Sharon looked at dennis in shock.

    Sharon: I dont believe this. I'm pregnant we're going to have a baby, we're gonna be parents.
    Dennis: I know and for it to happen naturally...its like fate.
    Doctor: In my native homeland of isreal we would say that it was beschert, meant to be.

    Sharon and dennis smiled. It was true

    ************************************************** ****

    Next part: Sharon and Dennis look foreward to parenthood

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    yay!!! she pregnant!!!!

    thanks torrie for my gorgeous banna!!
    Dennis: A moment of insanity. I only went an' proposed, didn't I?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    I really love this story. Can't wait for the next part.

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    I cant help but get excited cos I know what happens in the next few parts. Thanks for all your great replies here is the next part.

    Part 23

    Bliss. That was the only word sharon and dennis could use to describe what they were going through. Everyone had been overjoyed for them when they had told the news and after a brief scare in the fourth month everything was ok and the couple were now on track for the birth.
    Sharon was nearly seven months pregnant and dennis thought he had never seen a more beautiful sight than her. She was radient and glowing and all the other things prgnant women are but most importantly she was his wife, she was carrying his baby and she was happy. Dennis could think of very few times when he had honestly seen her truly happy but the moment their child had kicked for the first time was definatly one of them.
    It was a quiet night in the vic. It was after hours and dennis and sharon were alone, chrissie having gone out for a celebratory drink with jake to christen his homecoming.

    Sharon: Dennis?
    Dennis: Yeah what is it is it the baby whats wrong?
    Sharon: (giggles) stop panicking I'm fine I just thought we could talk about names.
    Dennis: Oh ok then what did you have in mind?
    Sharon: Well Angela's nice or mabye Pheobe
    Dennis: Hey who said this babys gonna be a girl!
    Sharon: Ok wonder boy what names do you like?

    Dennis stood up and grabbed the baby names book of the mantle piece, flicking through it until he found what he was looking for and sat back down.

    Dennis: I have a good idea. If it was a boy how about dennis junior.
    Sharon: Your joking right.
    Dennis: It was just a suggestion. Or how about Sarah for a girl it says here it means princess.
    Sharon: Seriously dennis there is no chance of our kid getting either of those names if I have anything to do with it.
    Dennis: Yeah but it does seem a shame to break tradidition like that I mean den was called Dennis...
    Sharon: well obviously duh
    Dennis: shut up you ...and his dad was called dennis
    Sharon: Well mabye we could think of a similar name.
    Dennis: What like David ?
    Sharon: Yeah or Daniel
    Dennis: Daniel, I like it.
    Sharon: I do too I'm just not sure daniel is good for a first name. I mean Daniel Rickman, it just sounds....
    Dennis: Naff is the word your looking for and your right it isnt a good first name, not with rickman anyway. So we're back to square one.
    Sharon: No we're no we have a middle name and as for the first name, well, I always liked Jacob.
    Dennis: Well its not a bad name. Jacob Daniel Rickman. Yeah that sound good Ok thats the boy names done with now what about the girl. I always liked Rachel.
    Sharon: With Rickman?
    Dennis: Ok how about Alexandria?
    Sharon: Too long
    Dennis: Fi?
    Sharon: Too short
    Dennis: Jade?
    Sharon: Too common
    Dennis: Honola?
    Sharon: Too rare
    Dennis: Ila?
    Sharon: Too old
    Dennis: Summer?
    Sharon: Too new
    Dennis: Britney?
    Sharon: Too girly
    Dennis: Max?
    Sharon: Too...wha?

    Dennis laughed.

    Dennis: How about we forget about this for tonight. I'm sure the perfect name will come to us in time, after all we've got ages yet.
    Sharon: Yeah your right come on lets go to bed

    The pair headed for the door

    Dennis: And anyway it might be a boy

    Sharon laughed and prodded him playfully before kissing him tenderly on the lips. Yes. This was bliss.

    Next part: What goes wrong?

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