here's another three parter i've done... it pretty self explainitory... enjoy and be honest...

The Big Day
Part One

Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise, This world that I found is too good to be true, Standing here beside you, want so much to give you, This love in my heart and I feel it for you

The nerves began to stir in her stomach; she felt the fluttering of butterflies’ wings and the quick rush of blood around her body that made her feel dizzy. She lifted an unsteady hand to her head. The hairdresser had just finished; she’d made her long blonde hair full of complicated curls and twists that fluttered slightly with the breeze coming through the window. The sun shone brightly through the glass and gave her skin a golden glow, she needed the boost she was nervous, more nervous than she’d ever before. She glanced back at a photograph taken of them just after he’d proposed. She smiled to her self remembering; no one could say Dennis Rickman wasn’t a romantic. The knock at the door made her jump slightly from the chair she’d been sitting on, she steadied her hands, yes
Vicki- hiya! Wow look at you
Sharon- where’s your mum?
Vicki- they’ve just finished her hair and make up, I’m next
Sharon smiled at her little sister, it had meant more than Vicki would ever know to know that she was there, on the most important day of not only hers but Dennis’s life. Here this is for you, she passed Vicki a small midnight blue box
Vicki took the box from Sharon, what this? She gently lifted the lid and saw among the fluid silver paper, a small heart on a beautifully twisted gold chain. Oh Sharon it’s beautiful, her fingers ran gently over the chain as she smiled.
Sharon- it’s from both of us, me and Dennis, we’re so glad you’re here
Vicki smiled, she could she the nerves in Sharon’s eyes, thank you, I wouldn’t be anywhere else, not today
Michelle popped her head around the bedroom door, you ready to get into you dress? She smiled at both of them, I’m so excited
Sharon turned and looked at the beautiful pale pink dress behind her, her wedding dress and the nerves vanished; she took a deep careful breath and turning back to them smiled, let’s do it.

Let 'em say we're crazy I don’t care about that, Put your hands in my hand baby don't ever look back, Let the world around us just fall apart, Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart

He stood in his simple but smart black suit and a pale pink shirt that finished of his wedding ensemble and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t quite believe it; he’d had to pinch himself when he’d awoken that morning to the alarm clock buzzing like an angry bee in his ear. He was getting married today, married of all the things, but not to just a woman, to the only person he would ever love more than anything else, the only person who knew all he’d done and loved him regardless, the best thing that had ever happened to him, ever. He picked up the white flower buttonhole lying on the dresser; he was getting ready in the Vic’s apartment while Sharon, Michelle, Vicki and Chrissie were making themselves beautiful over in the flat they shared once more. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and saw Tony pouring himself and Jake a whiskey, what are you doing?
Jake looked immediately guilty; his gaze moved around the room avoiding Dennis’s, nothing
Tony grinned at Dennis is his suit, you sure you wana do this? You know getting married it’s like carrying a ball and chain
Dennis- shut up and you, he pointed at Jake, what’s Chrissie guna say when I tell her you just laughed at that
Jake gulped, come on Dennis, it is funny
Dennis grinned and then burst out laughing, don’t worry look we’ve got 10 minutes till the cars get here, let’s have a drink and then get moving, I’m NOT guna be late, he turned on Tony, you hear me
Tony held out his hands, palm up in a gesture of peace, I ain’t doing oat, he passed Dennis a glass filled with the amber whiskey, here’s to you Dennis, I never thought I’d see this day
Dennis sipped the whiskey, he wanted a clear head, he wanted to be able to remember this day for the rest of his life.

And we can build this thing together, Standing strong forever, Nothing's gonna stop us now