Charlie persists with Shelley
Airing Sunday, 10th July 2005 at 19:30 on ITV1

Steve is keen to try and build some bridges with Tracy but she is still furious with him and they end up arguing in the street. He’s surprised therefore when she turns up at the cab office and tells him he can take Amy out for the day. Excited at the prospect of spending some time with his daughter, he buys Amy a present and turns up at number one. But it seems that Tracy is determined to make him suffer a while longer.

Charlie is still trying to make some headway with Shelley but she is less than responsive and he loses patience once more. Violet is encouraged when Shelley ventures downstairs but she can’t even bring herself to go and get a paper. Charlie is determined to make her get some help but when she outlines her latest plan it isn’t quite what he had in mind.

Fred and Ashley are looking forward to the big fight and Fred offers to become Ashley’s personal trainer. But Ashley is less than impressed when he discovers that Fred has lined him up with a side of beef as a training partner.

Scooter is still concerned about the fish, so he and Sarah set off on their animal welfare mission. Sarah is amused by the whole escapade until she realizes just how serious Scooter is about the whole thing.

Elsewhere, as her search for super stardom - and a way out of Weatherfield – continues, Candice tells Jamie and Frankie that she’s got an audition for a modeling agency. Liz has a date with a difference.
Candice attends an audition
Airing Monday, 11th July 2005 at 19:30 on ITV1

Charlie is concerned that Shelley seems to be grasping at straws with her plastic surgery idea and tries to persuade her to rethink her plans. But she is determined to go ahead and phones the clinic to book a consultation. Will having cosmetic surgery make Shelley feel any better about herself?

Ken and Deirdre think that Tracy should at least consider letting Steve see Amy, but she is still furious with him and in no mood to compromise. Steve meanwhile realizes he will have to fight dirty and enlists Roy’s help with the court case. Later he is stunned when he discovers just how low Tracy is prepared to go.

Candice is dressed to kill for the modeling audition - but the judge is Weatherfield’s female answer to Simon Cowell and is taking no prisoners. Jessie and Joanne refuse to take any criticism from her and get thrown out of the audition. But Candice spots that Warren has caught the judge’s eye and gets him to try and put in a good word for her.

Elsewhere, Scooter decides that the carp need rescuing and hatches a plan to liberate them using his skip, and Liz plans another date with Bob.


Charlie and Violet get carried away
Airing Monday, 11th July 2005 at 20:30 on ITV1

Shelley is trying to convince Charlie that things will get better once she has had the surgery – she tells him she is grateful for his support but is still not ready to get intimate with him again. Frustrated by her constant rejection, Charlie drowns his sorrows in the bar with Violet after hours. But as the drink flows, their light hearted banter becomes sexually charged and one thing leads to another.

Warren is flattered by the attentions of Julie Sanchez – especially when she tells him that this time next week he could be in Spain playing for her husband’s football team. Sadly for Candice, Julia’s interest does not seem to extend to her and her modeling talents.

Deirdre is stunned by Tracy’s lies that Steve is not Amy’s father and she finds herself having a heart to heart with Liz as they both defend their children’s actions. Steve meanwhile is beginning to wish he wasn’t Amy’s father, it might make things a lot easier.

Elsewhere, Scooter and Sarah set off to liberate the carp, Blanche is frustrated at being a burden on Deirdre, and Roy gets himself on the paper.
Candice dumps Warren
Airing Wednesday, 13th July 2005 at 19:30 on ITV1

Shelley is all geared up for her consultation and Charlie offers to run her to the clinic. Bev spots that he has left and seizes the opportunity to pay a visit to the builder’s yard in his absence. She doesn’t know what she is looking for but she is determined to do something to cause him problems. Meanwhile, Violet has called in sick following her liaison with Charlie who seems to be enjoying her discomfort.

Gail is stunned to see the state of her garden – Scooter’s liberation of the carp has resulted in Gail’s fence being demolished to get the skip, complete with carp, onto the grass. She insists that Scooter get rid of the fish and get his act together.

Candice is smarting after failing to pass the audition and she is less than impressed when she discovers that Warren didn’t exactly put in a good word for her. She’s still angry with him later, and when he reveals that he has been dropped by Weatherfield County, she makes a decision about their future.

Elsewhere, Sean’s trip to the vet with Joanne and Jessie’s pet rabbit does not go as planned, and Roy gets a good response to his Weatherfield Gazette article.


Warren announces his news
Airing Friday, 15th July 2005 at 19:30 on ITV1

Candice is putting a brave face on her split with Warren and tells Maria that it was time to move on – she and Warren had outgrown each other and she is climbing the celebrity ladder! Imagine then her dismay when Warren announces that he has been offered a transfer to Spain.

Bev admits to Liz that she broke into Charlie’s yard but all she ended up doing was grabbing a load of paperwork and she isn’t sure what to do next. Inspiration strikes over a drink back at home and she starts her campaign to blacken Charlie’s name across Weatherfield.

After his unsuccessful trip to see Tim with Joanne and Jessie’s rabbit, Sean has now borrowed Betty’s cat Marmaduke in order to have another excuse to pop in on the hunky vet. But things go from bad to worse when the moggy takes a turn for the worse.

Violet is still in a bad way and can’t face going into work. Jason’s imagination is working overtime and he has convinced himself she is pregnant.

Elsewhere, Charlie is encouraged when Shelley suggests they go away on holiday after her surger,y and Scooter works out how to release the fish.