Jane Danson has revealed that David will stop at nothing in his plan to destroy Leanne and Nick's relationship.

Jane, who plays Leanne, said: “David has been planting all these little seeds to make it look like there’s something going on between Leanne and Peter."

Determined to get revenge on brother Nick for his one night stand with Kylie, David goes to cunning extremes to engineer problems for the couple.

"David is back at his evil best. He’s really unpredictable when he’s in this frame of mind and he stops at nothing," said Jane.

When Leanne receives an expensive bunch of flowers from a mystery sender, David casts doubt in Nick's mind about who could have sent them, hinting that former love-rival Peter could be behind the gesture.

"David’s plan is doing the trick because he’s causing tension between them and bringing up all their old insecurities"

David's crusade continues when he vandalises Peter's car, making it look like Nick has done the damage.

"David knows that as soon as he brings Peter into the equation it’ll get Nick’s back up," Jane said. "We saw with the break-in at the flat that he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, and by keying Peter’s car and sending the flowers, he’s trying to whip up this storm that was calm between Nick and Peter."

"David’s got this very warped mind so who knows how far he’ll go. I think he’ll try and ruin them like he’ll be ruined if the baby does turn out not to be his."

"He doesn’t want to hurt Kylie, especially as the baby could be his, so he’s focusing all his anger on Nick," she said.