Episode 7 1st November

Ruth Evershed is approached by official council snooper Keith Deery, who claims to have uncovered covert activity. While following a woman under surveillance for minor offences, he witnesses a "dead drop" message left on a park bench, but Ruth brushes off his claims as nonsense.

However, Ruth later discovers that Deery has applied to MI5 four times but was rejected due to mental instability following his wife's death. Having recently been reminded of the life she left behind in Greece, Ruth is empathetic to his circumstances and starts to question her original dismissiveness. Her Section D colleague, Dimitri, advises her to trust her instincts and follow up the potential lead.

Ruth heads to Deery's flat as Dimitri is sent to look into the death of a Mafia leader whose body has been uncovered on a boat on the Thames. Arriving at Deery's seemingly empty flat, Ruth is greeted by Gilles Rigaut, ex-French Foreign Legion and known contract killer. Rigaut is interrogating Deery and viciously attacks Ruth to discover what she knows.

As Dimitri pieces the complicated jigsaw together he realises that Ruth has become embroiled in something very dangerous and the team quickly rush to her aid. However, at Deery's flat things are already out of hand and untrained Deery is forced into a terrifying decision when Ruth's life is put in jeopardy.

Elsewhere, Lucas North's past finally comes crashing down on him as he comes face to face with Harry Pearce in a confrontation that will change Section D for ever.