A new version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer is being planned for the big screen, claims The Hollywood Reporter.

Fran Rubel Kuzui, who holds the rights to the franchise, has announced that she is hoping to resurrect the character with Vertigo Entertainment without the involvement of creator Joss Whedon.

"It was [Vertigo's] interest in taking Buffy into a new place that grabbed us," she explained.

"Everything has its moment. Every movie takes on a life at some point and this seems like the moment to do this."

Kuzui added that she has not ruled out the possibility of inviting Whedon to participate, but confirmed that the movie will have no connection to the TV series and that supporting players including Angel, Willow, Xander and Spike will not be involved in the plot.

Whedon, who wrote the script for the 1992 movie starring Kristy Swanson, later revived the character for the highly successful cult series of the same name. The show, which starred Sarah Michelle Gellar, ran from 1997 until 2003.