Hollyoaks' Nancy Hayton - played by Jessica Fox - has been living in ignorant bliss for the past number of weeks, as she's continued her secret liaisons with both men in her life - boyfriend Ravi (Stephen Uppal) and bit on the side Kris (Gerard McCarthy). Unbeknown to Nancy, though, Ravi and Kris have been engaging in their own secret rendezvous. Just what will Nancy say when she rumbles their secret? We gave Jessica a call to find out more about the reveal and the threesome's surprising pact.

Nancy finally catches Ravi and Kris at it in The Loft…
"At that point, Nancy's going to break up with Ravi as she's decided that she wants to be with Kris. Kris declared his love for her and shocked Nancy into thinking she feels the same way back. She then can't believe it that she finds Kris snogging her boyfriend!"

In the aftermath of the revelation, what happens?
"I thought she'd be flying in there, fists flailing, but this has completely stumped her. For the first time ever, Nancy has nothing to say. She just bolts."

Did you not think it strange that she doesn't lash out at one of them?
"Well, we spoke about it and we agreed that it's great that for the first time ever, she ends up speechless. She's always got a comeback for everyone, but in this case she just doesn't do anything. We just went the pure shock factor and tried to put across that everyone's been sleeping with each other, so we've really go no right to be angry with each other."

What happens instead?
"She goes to The Dog and runs into Hannah's arms. She doesn't quite tell her the whole story, but then Kris announces to the room that Nancy's been at it, too."

Then there's a shocking decision made…
"Yeah, I couldn't believe this bit! Nancy, Ravi and Kris decide that they're going to carry on as they were before, but with each other's consent! No words could describe how I felt when I read it for the first time! There's no such things as a threesome in Hollyoaks at 6.30pm, so they went for this three-way relationship idea. She's not comfortable in the slightest, though. Throughout the week, though, Nancy finds the whole situation too difficult and calls it quits quite quickly."

Does she know who or what she wants?
"I think she just wants a boyfriend and someone who'll love and look after her. Deep down, she wants that security which a conventional relationship brings as she hasn't had that for so long. Everyone around her dies! What she doesn't realise is that she has a potential relationship right under her nose."

Who with?
"Russ! I don't think it's occurred to either of them that they could be something more and they're perfect for each other…"

What was your first reaction to this storyline?
"Bryan [Kirkwood] told me that we were going to do a storyline with Kris and Nancy, and I was pleased because I always thought Nancy and Kris would go well together. Then he went on to say that she'd be involved with Ravi at the same time. I was quite shocked to be honest! Nancy's never cheated on anyone in her life because that's not who she is. But Bryan said to me 'we're going to have a lot of fun with this and I want it to be like a Carry On with loads of door-shutting and times when you don't know who's going to get caught'. So that's what we went for in the end."