Sunday, 12th June 2005
In a bid to get over the trauma of recent events a nervous Shelley attempts to get herself ready to face the public again. Pushing herself she puts on her make-up in a bid to find the face of the old Shelley. She makes it as far as the stairs of the Rovers but has a panic attack and has to call Charlie for help.

Charlie doesn’t pick up the call and Shelley is trapped in fear on the stairs until barmaid Violet comes across and persuades her to come into the bar area.

Eventually, Shelley plucks up the courage to venture outside onto the street but upon doing so she spots Bev at the end of the road, Shelley panics and immediately heads back into the pub. Unable to face even her own mother, when will Shelley be able to cope with public life again?

Meanwhile, Tracy continues to push Steve about them moving in together. Not keen on the idea, Steve buys himself some time telling Tracy he needs to think about the proposal.

Tracy seems placated, for the time being, but how will she react when she later finds Steve in the Rovers chatting to old flame Louise? Are the cracks beginning to show in their fledgling relationship?

Elsewhere, Bev discovers that Charlie has even managed to drive a wedge between Sunita and Shelley. Bev attempts to enlist Sunita’s help in getting Shelley to end her relationship with Charlie but after their recent fight will Sunita agree to help Shelley see the light?

Also, after refusing to eat the food that Sally has prepared for her, Rosie shocks her mother by announcing she has turned vegetarian. How will Sally react to her rebellious daughter’s latest whim?

Monday, 13th June 2005 at 8:30 pm One-hour episode
Steve reveals his true colours when he confides in Liz that he is beginning to regret getting romantically involved with Tracy. He admits that he is scared and feels that if he ends it with Tracy, that in revenge she will stop him seeing their daughter Amy. Meanwhile, oblivious to Steve’s true feelings, Tracy forges ahead with her plans for them to move in together, the scheming minx approaches Grandmother Blanche and attempts to persuade her to rent Number Seven to her and Steve. There is only one problem with Tracy’s idea, the house is currently being rented by Danny and Frankie Baldwin. Will Tracy be able to talk Blanche round and if so are the Baldwin’s facing eviction?

Meanwhile, as a fragile Shelley continues to struggle with normal life, Charlie is starting to realise he doesn’t like the way that his actions have caused Shelley’s personality to change. However, Charlie’s mood is lifted when he witnesses Bev getting into a taxi complete with all her belongings. Has Bev given up on her daughter? Has Charlie finally managed to banish Bev for good?

Elsewhere, Sally starts her new job at Underworld but her snobbish attitude makes her an easy target for the other factory girls who make life uncomfortable for Sally with their constant jibes and practical jokes.

Meanwhile, after her unfortunate incident whilst driving the bus, it seems the lure of the open road is too strong for Claire to ignore as she announces to husband Ashley that she intends apply for a job at Streetcars.

Wednesday, 15th June 2005
An upbeat Shelley is looking forward to a spot of retail therapy as she plans her trip out with Violet but her dark mood returns when she witnesses Charlie arguing in the street with Bev.

She’s stunned to see her mother back in Weatherfield and is annoyed that Charlie hid this fact from her. Shelley appeared to be getting back to her normal self but Bev’s reappearance brings back all her anxieties. A worried Bev attempts to contact Shelley by phone. How will Shelley react to Bev’s latest attempts to build bridges in their strained relationship?

Factory boss Danny is going house hunting and asks Janice to tell Adam he is in charge. For mischief, Janice tells Sally that Danny wants her to work in the office and man the fort.

Sally is thrilled and sets to work, sorting out spread sheets etc much to Adam's dismay, but when Danny returns he’s furious to find Sally calling the shots. He gives Sally a verbal dressing down and humiliates her in front of the other girls. How will Sally react? Is her career at Underworld over before it really even began?

Elsewhere, Blanche is wrong footed when she has an unfortunate accident whilst taking part in a line dancing class which leads to a trip to Weatherfield General.

Also, with his grandfather’s funeral looming, a worried Roy frets over the prospect of meeting his father.

Friday, 17th June 2005
Charlie is annoyed to find Shelley once again locked away in her bedroom. He threatens to leave her, telling his distraught girlfriend that he can’t take much more of this crazy situation.

His mood worsens when he offers to take Shelley on a night out, only to be rebuffed and informed that she’s not ready to go out just yet. He slams the door behind him as he leaves Shelley alone upstairs at the pub.

Charlie is still in a foul mood when he runs into Bev. A menacing Charlie warns her to stay away from Shelley, making it clear that if she doesn’t heed his warning then he will not be responsible for his actions. Will a shaken Bev take his threat seriously?

Steve is still struggling to keep Tracy happy whilst at the same time block her plans to move into No7 together. However, it’s full steam ahead for Tracy as she pays the house a visit and starts to make plans for her future home.

Her plans are put on hold though when Blanche, still suffering form her fall, announces she intends to sell the house in order to raise funds for a private hip operation. It seems Steve’s off the hook but for how long?

Leanne and Danny use Mike’s flat as a love nest. Having arranged for Jamie to take Adam out for the evening the illicit lovers share a night of passion together.

Also Roy attends his grandfather’s funeral and hard up Sally has to swallow her pride and ask for her job back at Underworld. Will Danny forgive her for walking out and give another chance?