Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Abi View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.
How can you possibly know his promises are empty, when he hasn't even been in office for a full 24 hours?
he's a poliitican, they will be, like they've been for every politican before him. it's all PR pap to get the votes, then it's the same old bull**** with a different leader. He has good intentions, but so do they all, never quite works out that way in the end though.

Were would the human race be if we always expect the worse from everyone? Were would be we be with no hope for the future, and no hope of improvement?

Obama was voted in by people who want change. Time will tell whether or not he can deliver - and it will be an almost impossible task to meet the expectations of people; but surely he must try!

The positive point here is that millions of people who have never voted before, who felt disinfranchised and divorced from democracy registered to vote in this election - and got their man as far as the White House.

This in itself is a huge achievement, and goes some way to redress the huge fraud in Florida eight years ago.