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Thread: The One About A Argument & A Dimwit.......

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    The One About A Argument & A Dimwit.......

    Welcome back to Big Gob with me beryl. Sorry for the delay in this today, I started shopping and just couldnt stop! I'm gonna look so good in this skimpy bikini the guys will ignore the skiny and gorgeous verity and just wanna get to me

    I'm starting this evening with some shocking news

    Shock news: LUCY KEEPS CLOTHES ON!

    Yes last night lucy decided to keep her clothes on, has she returned to her normal self, or were there not enough people around last nght to get naked for...time will tell I guess but ill keep you posted on when lucy next sheds her clothes! you just know it wont be long......

    Anyway other news yesterday... I was sat glued to my set again, Aaron is up and about ( yes still!!!) and making sure we all know about it. Now get this at the beginning of sbbb, we all though him and lisa were gonna get it on, he seemed quite in to her and vice verssa, well how wrong were we hey! Yesterday he changed his mind and he and lisa argued!
    I do love a good row!

    i've captured my best moments for you and here they are starting with young aaron! there were lots more but i only get paid for a half hour show per night and i could have gone on for hours

    What about you...getting ya titties out and flirting with the lads? You saying that isn't a game plan. Look at you being all nice to Jess you are horrible to her when her back is turned you two faced little slapper
    I was here when you did it yesterday you little whore. Flirting is what i do aswell sweet HEART yet you think i am playing some kind of game - double standards
    AARON!!!!!!!!!!!Eeeeek! AARON!!!!!calling the girl a slapper and a whore, what has come over you young man!

    Titties I had to laugh my **** off when I heard him say that, titties .....awwww she got her ickel bickle tittie witties out theres just something so funny about a grown man called a pair of boobs titties :lol

    Good on ya though aaron for speaking your mind mate.....i'd rather watch this that you drooling in ya sleep mate!

    and actually come to think of it lisa hasnt got her boobs out for a while.... she must be ill, as they were as regular at the beginning , as lucy getting naked is now..

    And this is where the dimwit parts begins to come in....

    What ... why is my name being mentioned?! Who's been horrible to me?!
    Ohhh I dont know, why are you even there.... im surprised they even know your name... move out the scene you annoying little pleb

    Claire gets involved in argument.....


    **** this pissing about in the garden, I am just going to come out and said it.

    I don't believe the "wet fish" comment was a joke, I believe that you have a game plan.
    The night Steve left you were over there with him been all nicey ****ing nicey after telling myself and Lucy your are going to give him what for.

    And now you have Pharl. He says Mitch and Aaron are playing a game and you ****ing suck up to him "oh I agree Pharl" Blah blah blah.
    I am just sick of all your crap and comment and then "I was only joking" that is what is bollox Lise!
    Good for her speaking up, good to see someone in their actually speaking their mind, cream cake for her when she gets out! Come to think of it We havent really spoken on here much about cliare... Tommorrow will focus on her antics

    Jess squeaks again


    Yeh and i've noticed that Claire, and you have respect for you for that - whether it is bitchy or out of order or whatever, at least you have the guts to say it to someone's face
    Ooooo jess get your toungue out of claires **** love.....

    Here she is again with some intersting words.....


    ****ing hell :roll:
    is she thinking the same as me???? Is she thinking gawd that jess is dumb as fook!!!


    well what a evening this is turning out to be

    TIME TO GET NAKED LUCY..... go on your dieing to

    Oh you know what lets turn this into the dimwit show..... coz last night after the fight finished i had to concentrate on her...

    look at these quotes from Jess

    Jess after task results were announed

    I got the highest Yay But another basic budget I'm so beating Mitch when he shows up!
    oooo so scary, Mitch is literally peeing his tiny white pants in the corner!!! Loook out for a pillow over your head mitch.....

    Well who does enjoy arguments - if you don't have to argue than i'd prefer not to, and most of the ones in here - haven't had much to do with me so i do try and stay out. That's fine - apoligy execpted!
    *groans loudly*

    come on life is great when a few arguments are thrown in, what will you be remembered for.... flirting with mitch... oh and making a really fun obstacle course, the production wil have soooo much fun making your best moments montage.....

    Imagine these readers... its the final week and we have jess, mitch and lucy * as fun as the new lucy is i cant see it lasting!* what will we have in store... a week of fun, chat, a week of lovely friendly banter, a week of pillow fights and obstacle course OMG i can hardly fooking wait!!!!!!

    Then argument finished, as quickly as it started, claire gone with a headache, lisa off for a shower, lucy fully clothesd confused in corner!

    We were left with jess and aaron and some fecking point scoring, I guess its great in a way at least we know jess has the brains to count but soooo dull to watch I fast forwarded!!

    Is it me or does jesses day consist of getting up, trying to find her brain and then pillow fighting.......
    now I can see why she is a promo girl, dumb as fook! ( no offence all promo girls out there)

    Aaron to jess

    Bit of a dominatrix are you Jess?
    *Adopts jess stupid jess voice and crosses her eys* urrrrrrr well I would be aaron if I knew what It meant .......duhhh does it involve pillows and me being a bit thick

    oh hang on... yep here comes the pillow again


    I didn't mean it like that but now you say it .....*stands over Aaron and then throws pillow on face *
    Quick bb hide the pillows I wana see jess stand there for hours not knowing how to enertain herself,

    how long will she moan for? nasty bb has stolen the pillows!!! remember this is the girl who became attached to a hoodie.Quick get her a dodo and a blankie.....

    Sorry but Bez cannot stand dumb girls, they make us all look stoopid and normal women just aint like that!!!

    Cue the nightly visit from Pharrell and guess what... yep aaron has a problem with him to

    Oh great it's Mr. I am here to delight us with some more funny lines for at least...what? an hour? then piss off again

    Sooo funny although mr t has a bit more muscle but haha. Its true what aaron said aint it... strolls in delivers some lines and ooo mr popular sorry but it takes more than that to impress the bezmeister
    although I did like this line.....


    I'm talking about rip van winkle there, him and his mate mitch are a couple of fence sitters they are sucking up you chicks ar$es to stay in until the final.

    i said on week 1 and i'm saying it again, i've seen it before the welsh are known for being classic fence sitters
    Ewwww mitch are aaron and sucking up chicks arses??? gross !!!!!

    what exactly are they sucking up????? no wonder aaron was sick for a week if that what he was up to!!!

    i couldnt eat for hours after thinking about that......I'm so glad Big Brother has censored that out

    he welsh are know to be fence sitte???r, well ive been to wales and I cant say I ever saw a welshman sitting on a fence :S maybe I wasnt looking in the right place... think I will investgate that for my next show.

    In fact if you have any photos of welsh people sitting on a fence as evidence the please please send it to me Beryl at SBBB Big Gob, thankyou muchly!

    and now im gonna leave you with a final thought from one of my fave housemates

    yep you guessed it jess with these wise words


    Wooopie Do

    *horrified look on beryls face*

    woopied do???............ woopie fooking do??

    what the ****, who says that??? my kids said that when they were 5 but come on woopie do?

    *starts skipping around studio arms flapping like a fairy Oooo woopied do, lookie loo, la la la la la

    for fooks sake someone put her in a box and ship her off somewhere PLEASE!!!!

    phew anyways lovies im off now, until tomorrow....

    catch ya laters loveies


    bezmeister robmeister

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