well well well.....It seems to be a regular occurance now! Lucy has removed her clothes in the sbbb house again!

what once shocked me, does no more.... in fact im now nore shocked when lucy appear wearing clothes!!!

Last night thought it wasnt just Lucys boobies on parade... oh no another little soldier popped up to say hello!

A little soldier in the form of little aaron and let me tel you girls there is nothing small about it The girls loved every minute of teasing young aaron.... and aaron thought his luck was well and truly in when Lucy and claire started to get close to one another... unfortunately for him and all the other hundreds ( may be pushing that a bit hey ) of male soapboard readers Claire found it all to much and went off some time by herself! I was in the camera run at this point, with my mate roger teh camera man and well that girl has NO shame at all she didnt even cover herself up.... i nearly blushed!

Well no big real news at the mo..... apart from that. its good to see aaron up and about a bit more, although he and jess are up for eviction this week so he may not be around for much longer.... keep him in people. id rather watch him bounce around and flirt with girls than watch jess.... gawd i actually think watching her was more boring than watching aaron aslep in bed for a week!

So moving on this week I'm trying my hardest to catch up with some of the already evicted housemates

I caught up with alex on her deathbead lon sunday, the interview wasnt long this is what she said

BEZ: hellooo alex, how you feeling dear??


ok so no i didnt manage to actually catch up with alex, she is still ill and is refusing to talk to me dunno why!

I was supposed to be meeting up with Colette yesterday but at the last minute she phoned to say she was building a wall or something like that nd couldnt fit me into her busy schedule.... shes going to rota me in at some point now i know how those fooking housemates felt

So last minute phonecalls from the producers and i managed to track down steve. after a lot of persusaion and a litle bit more dosh he agreed to chat to me........

and i'll be showing you that interview after a small break.......