Familiar face

Big Brother housemates could be in for a bit of a shock when they enter the house tonight as one of their fellow residents is rumoured to be a well known face...

In the pink

Jordan wants pink flamingos at her wedding to Peter Andre in September! She's mad for pink apparently and may even wear a pink dress. Wonder if she'll get Pink to play at her wedding too...

Singer winner

Robbie Williams has been named the Best Live Solo Artist of all time. He beat Madonna and Elton John to take the top spot.

Sweet dreams

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard could not bear to be parted with the European Cup after winning it in such dramatic style on Wednesday night... so he took it to bed with him!

Brad to be dad?

Brad Pitt wants to adopt an African baby after visiting orphans in Africa recently. He has told a paper "It makes all the sense in the world" and will be paying another visit in a couple of weeks.

In Charlotte of trouble!

Gavin Henson has landed himself in a bit of hot water after failing to mention his girlfriend, singer Charlotte Church, when asked to name his fave singer in an interview! Ooops...