CORONATION Street boss Tony Wood has revealed he may quit the show next year.

The producer, who took over in January 2004, has kept the Street at the top of the ratings, winning accolades including most popular serial drama at last year's National Television Awards.

But he says he might leave Weatherfield behind in 2006 after advice from ITV's chief executive. "When I started I remember Charles Allen saying, `I think it's unhealthy to go beyond two years'. I think he's probably right."

Tony, 40, has also disclosed he's not a fan of soaps. "I don't watch soaps at all. Never. I've never watched a soap opera on a personal level, only ever professionally."

In an interview with trade magazine Broadcast he added: "I didn't grow up on it. I was never a fan. Personally, soaps don't do it for me at all. Never have done, ever.

"I'm a huge fan of things like Six Feet Under and Law And Order and I'm a real theatre snob and literary snob," said Tony, adding that he has the "utmost respect" for Coronation Street.


In his working life, the Didsbury-based TV executive now lives and breathes the Street, with plans to keep it on top. As well as sensational storylines like Mad Maya and the final showdown between Tracy Barlow and Karen McDonald, he's re-introduced more traditional elements.

"If you go back to the roots of the programme, it's three old women sitting in a pub gossiping - I've got an audience now who will sit and watch an episode in which pensioners sit and discuss a book.

"And it goes crazy - great viewing figures and huge public response. I think that's really important to the future of the show."

It's no secret that the Harris family are soon to vanish from the show. Teen star Danny Young, who plays footballer Warren Baldwin, has also been axed and will leave this summer.

Tony said telling cast members their contracts are not going to be renewed is the worst part of his job. "It's horrible, really horrible."

He confirmed there was no question of actor Jimmi Harkishin (Dev Alahan) being dismissed after revelations were published about his private life. "Jimmi was never going to be sacked."

Meanwhile Tony has some good news for Les Battersby, played by Bruce Jones.

After rockin' all over the world, his favourite band Status Quo are set to make a special guest appearance in Coronation Street.