Remember when I said after exams? This is all my brain gave me for now so enjoy it might be a while until the next part

This one's more of a comedy (at least it's meant to be)

No no no no no no no no..


Maddy was pregnant.

Well done.

Needless to say even if it was going to mess up her life in the meantime she wouldn’t let it ruin her makeup. She wouldn’t cry. She wasn't wearing waterproof mascara.

She’d got herself into this mess she’d get herself out of it. She always did, right?

Anyway, she had a date with Linden in a couple of hours, after work.

Uh oh.


She’d forgotten about him.

She’d forgotten about the whole sex before marriage thing. (Actually that was a lie he was driving her crazy starving her like this!)

WHY did he have to be a religious nut?!

Oh No.

She definitely couldn’t make out like it was his now.

Things just got a whole lot more complicated.

Maddy sat on the loo, the pregna blue stick in hand, with that bl**dy blue line and pondered her philosophy on life: S**t happens, its how you deal with it that counts. Pfft. Like that Philosophy actually helped. She just liked repeating it.

Well…the s**teth has truly hiteth the faneth on this one.

For once she didn’t have any excuses answers.