23rd feb

Tommy’s suspicions of an affair between Sally and Martin are fuelled when Kevin tells him Sally has been working late a lot recently.

Angela continues to dismiss Tommy’s theory on the affair but a chance encounter in the Rovers changes her mind. She overhears Gail and Sally discussing Sally’s affair and she realises that Tommy must be right. She is heartbroken by what she has uncovered and knows that she has to tell Tommy. But how will he react?

Oblivious to all that is going on, Martin continues to plan his engagement to Katy. He seeks help from Claire and asks her to find out what type of engagement Katy would like, without letting slip his plans. Later in the day, Sally goes to Martin’s for comfort as she is worked up over the affair. Martin asks Sally her advice on engagement rings but they are disturbed when Katy returns home. The pair are acting suspiciously but will Katy suspect that something is going on?

Elsewhere, Danny finds out about the Underworld van being damaged when he sees Tyrone working on it. He is furious that Jamie has messed up again and Kevin is angry that the van was fast-tracked when other work needed doing. Danny is unable to contain his anger and humiliates Jamie in front of everyone.

25th feb

Angela tries to convince Tommy that they must break the news of Martin’s affair to Katy properly. But when Tommy bumps into Martin in the street he sees red and attacks him. Katy is furious with her dad and storms round to her parents’ house to have it out with him. But when Tommy’s allegations of an affair are backed up by Angela, she is forced to listen - but will she believe them? She goes back to question Martin and tells him that she is leaving. Can he convince her to stay?

Charlie continues his devious behaviour as he tries to drive a wedge between Shelley and Sunita’s friendship. Shelley is taken in by Charlie’s claims to have heard Sunita and Frankie talking about her. She is off-hand with Sunita and Charlie is pleased that his efforts to control Shelley are working, telling her that she doesn’t need friends because she has got him.

Elsewhere, Leanne is able to use her persuasive powers to get Jamie his job back and Claire’s eyesight halts her tram driver interview

27th feb

Katy is distraught as she is convinced that Martin has been cheating on her with Sally. After a few home truths from mum Angela, Katy realises that her relationship with Martin is finally over and she has some big decisions to make. Meanwhile, Martin is still trying to come to terms with Katy’s allegations of him having an affair with Sally and tries to convince himself that he no longer feels anything for Katy. But now that the pair are expecting a child together, how far will Katy go to sever the ties with her ex?

Claire is determined to follow her dream of becoming a tram driver despite the fact that she failed an eye test. Fred is dismissive of her aspirations but with Ashley’s support, Claire is sure that she can overcome her sight problem. After a visit to the opticians Claire is ready to get the ball rolling on her new career but Fred and Ashley are left speechless by her new look.

Scooter tries to impress Sarah by buying her a bottle of perfume but she is quick to put him down as she thinks it is from the skip. He is upset by her accusations that he is a liar and sets out to prove his honesty by showing her the receipt. Sarah realises how much she has upset her new love but will he accept her apology?

Elsewhere, the book club meets up again and Blanche realises that she has been reading the wrong book.

monday 28th feb

Tommy and Angela are coming to terms with Katy’s determination not to keep Martin’s baby. Tommy is supportive of her decision to completely free herself from Martin but Angela is concerned that she is rushing into things and might change her mind when it is too late. When Tommy bumps into Martin and Sally in the street, he can’t resist taunting them about their ‘affair’. A scuffle breaks out which is witnessed by Kevin who steps in to break things up. But he gets little thanks from Tommy who gives him some shocking news.

Mike introduces two new recruits to the factory, despite Danny warning the other girls about job cuts due to lack of work. New girl Joanne and her mystery sister are the great nieces of one of Mike’s friends who is calling in a favour. Danny is less than impressed by Mike’s interference. Equally, Mike is not happy about the lack of motivation among the factory staff and tells Danny to pull his finger out.

As the wedding draws closer, Deirdre is worried that her mum will be too ill to attend. Blanche is bed ridden after being struck down by ‘flu but is adamant that she will see her daughter get married. But Lena does her best to convince everyone that the wedding should be postponed and that Ken should remain a single man!

Elsewhere, Sarah is miserable after her row with Scooter, and Claire prepares for her tram driver interview.

Kevin is trying to come to terms with Tommy’s bombshell and lashes out at Martin. Sally splits the pair up as she adamantly denies Tommy’s accusations of an affair. Back at home, Kevin continues to demand answers from his wife but will she be able to keep the real truth from him? Ian is relieved that attention has been deflected elsewhere and tells Sally that they are in the clear. Meanwhile, a dejected Martin drowns his sorrows as he watches his life crash down around him.

Katy is having second thoughts about having an abortion but Angela tries to convince her that it is still the best option for her as it will let her get on with her life without being tied to Martin. Knowing that her mum is right, Katy goes ahead with the operation but finds it difficult to deal with her emotions afterwards. Tommy tries his best to support his daughter but struggles to deal with the emotional teenager.

Deirdre’s hen night is a quiet affair as she is joined by Tracy, Emily and Lena. Emily is delighted at being asked to be a witness at the wedding and Deirdre cracks open a bottle of wine to celebrate. As the evening descends into drunkenness, Deirdre dons the angel wings and L-plates to get into the party spirit. Blanche descends on the gathering to confirm that she will be attending the wedding. Later, Ken and Deirdre share a romantic moment which is broken when he asks her to do something for him, but will she agree?

Elsewhere, the new twins in the factory are the cause of much amusement among the Underworld staff.

wednesday 2nd march

It’s the day of the Barlow wedding and Deirdre is reminiscing about her life. She is delighted when Blanche drags herself from her sick-bed and gets dressed up for the occasion, but not everything runs so smoothly. Following a soaking from baby Amy, Tracy is running late and so agrees to meet the rest of the wedding party at the registry office. But following a near miss with a car, Tracy becomes embroiled in a row with the driver. Unnecessarily, she asks Steve to take them to the hospital to get Amy checked out. Deirdre is alerted to what has happened and races to the hospital, along with the rest of the wedding party! But how will she react when she comes face to face with a ghost from the past?

Martin takes another blow from Katy as she tells him that she is no longer carrying his baby. Katy tells him that her actions are the result of his affair with Sally but Martin refuses to take the blame and protests his innocence. Turning to Gail for a shoulder to cry on Martin reflects on where his life has gone and how things have ended in such a mess. Gail is willing to offer her support but will she tell him about Sally’s extra marital affairs and the reason behind Tommy’s allegations?

Life in the Webster household remains difficult as Sally tries to convince Kevin that she isn’t having an affair with Martin. Things aren’t looking good until Gail intervenes and tells Kevin that rumours of an affair are rubbish. Kevin is bewildered but having been reassured about his wife’s loyalty he feels guilty about his behaviour and apologises to Sally. Meanwhile Sally has to deal with accusations from another member of her family

friday 4th march

Angela and Tommy are forced to admit that they were wrong about Martin. A visit from Gail reveals that although Sally is having an affair it isn’t with Martin. Angela is horrified at the situation they have created, although Tommy still feels that it will all turn out for the best. Katy struggles to cope with the news and looks to make things up with Martin. When he rejects her she angrily confronts her dad about what he has done. Rather than being remorseful, Tommy is defiant and Katy’s anger boils over with devastating consequences.

Tracy is horrified to learn the identity of the mystery driver who almost knocked her down and is less than welcoming towards him. Now identified as her absent father, Ray has a lot to answer for. Ken is angry at his wedding day being hijacked and is worried that today’s events are a sign that he and Deirdre shouldn’t marry. Ray’s attempts to reconcile with Tracy are met with contempt as she expresses her anger at him abandoning her. But when Ray collapses in pain, will Tracy be able to keep up her cold front?

Martin continues to drown his sorrows in a bid to forget everything going on around him. He bumps into Sally who tries her best to hide her guilt for her part in Martin’s downfall. Clearly relieved that Kevin now believes her story she is only too aware that this is of no use to Martin. Elsewhere, Ian is unnerved by Sally’s revelation that his daughter Gemman has discovered his affair, but will she take up his offer of ending the affair?

Elsewhere Mike and Danny are in dispute over the two new recruits and the lack of work coming into Underworld.