Monday 21st November 2005 - Episode 3976
Mattie gets rushed to hospital. Sally faces the possibility her career could be over. Ric’s anger reaches boiling point.

Tuesday 22nd November 2005 - Episode 3977
Evidence piles up against Sally. DOCS threaten to take Ric and Cassie away from Sally. Jesse tries to make amends.

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 - Episode 3978
Diesel tries to convince everyone of Sally’s guilt. Jesse makes a sacrifice. Ric jeopardises his home with Sally.

Thursday 24th November 2005 - Episode 3979
Scott pops the question to Hayley! Tasha re-invests her money in the people she loves. Josie and Jesse put their relationship to bed.

Friday 25th November 2005 - Episode 3980
Callan plans his revenge on Ric. Matilda falls for Callan’s charms. Scott’s proposal backfires!

Monday 21st November 2005 - Episode 3976
Although bruised and limping from where the car struck her, Matilda insists she’s okay and refuses to go to the hospital. Despite his reluctance, Robbie agrees to take her home.

Flynn, Cassie and Ric are furious to learn about Diesel’s accusations – and Sally’s suspension. The full impact of what she could lose hits home when Sally gets a phone call from the local newspaper asking for her comment.

Furious, Ric swears he’ll make Callan pay! But when he goes to talk to Matilda about it, a huge argument breaks out between them. As the row escalates, Matilda becomes breathless and collapses with a pain in her chest. Matilda’s rushed to the hospital where Flynn orders tests which reveal Matilda has a pulmonary embolism: the result of a clot traveling from the bruise in her calf, up a main artery to her lungs. Robbie reels as Flynn sternly explains - If they had brought Matilda straight to the hospital all this might have been avoided. As it stands, she’s very lucky she didn’t die.

Beth is taken aback by the sight of Matilda on oxygen and hooked up to a cardiac monitor. She does her best to hold it together, but when Flynn informs her that traces of marijuana were found in Matilda’s blood, Beth is stunned, upset and angry – this is not the daughter she knows. Feeling her mother’s concern, Matilda breaks down – she only did it because she wanted people to like her; she’s been so lonely. Her words have resonance for Beth and despite her anger she softens.

Ric confronts Diesel about Sally. Hyde intervenes keeping Diesel back to make sure he understands the gravity of his allegations towards Sally, but Diesel’s adamant they’re true!

Cassie is surprised by the level of Ric’s fury re: Callan and Matilda. Ric explains that when he was on the streets, he was at a party where Callan slipped something in to a girl’s drink and later took advantage of her. The girl went to the cops the next day but there wasn’t enough proof. Ric always felt bad for not helping that girl, but he was on the run from the cops at the time - it was a mistake he never wants to make again. He goes to see Matilda to tell her how sorry he is for not helping her more. Matilda says she made the decision to go with Callan; to drink and smoke drugs - no one else. Matilda says she’s surprised he doesn’t hate her. To which Ric replies that he could never hate her. Matilda’s smile quietly turns to tears as she breaks down in Ric’s arms.

Diesel tells Sally he’s wiling to drop the allegations if she just admits that she loves him. Sally thought she made it clear the other day… Diesel darkens – fine, have it your way. He heads off. Once he’s gone, we see the toll this is taking on Sally as she breaks down in to tears …