Footie fan Rod cheers on Penny's bump
IT'S no secret that Rod Stewart is a big Celtic fan. But he is going to extraordinary lengths to make sure that his soon-to-be-born sprog will be a devotee of the Scots football club, too.

The wrinkly rocker has even been singing soccer songs to his fiancee Penny Lancaster's bump.

At the launch of her new Ariel photography exhibition in London's Vinyl Factory, Penny told us: "Rod loves singing to the baby - he or she is his biggest fan.

"He's always launching into The Fields Of Athenry and other Celtic football songs."

And if 34-year-old Penny has her way, she and Rod, 60, may one day have their very own football team.

She told our Caroline: "As soon as we have this baby in December we're going to start trying for another.

"Rod and I love kids and we want a big family. We haven't got all the time in the world any more.

"Being a mum and having this precious baby growing inside me is an amazing feeling.

"I love being pregnant. I'll miss this bump when it goes. I feel more confident about the way I look now than I've ever done.

"You forget what it was like to squeeze into a size 10 but I don't care. I'm proud of my bump, and when my baby comes I won't do any showbiz diets to get back into shape - no way."

She has already been practising her parental skills on her young niece, Rafaella.

Penny's mum Sally revealed: "I have one grandchild and Penny dotes on her. When she has her own baby, one thing's for sure - she won't be getting a nanny. Penny wants to do everything herself.

"And Rod will be great. Penny wants a water birth and he plans to be there, holding her hand. He's been practising in a birthing pool in his trunks."

Rod and Penny's baby will be his seventh - joining Sarah, 41, Kimberly, 25, Sean, 24, Ruby, 17, Renee, 13, and 10-year-old Liam.

Last week, we told you how Rod - who once pledged never to marry again - is now desperate to tie the knot with Penny.

Fortunately, she already has her dream day mapped out in her imagination.

"Rod would love a Scottish wedding and I'm not against that," she said.

"It will be in Scotland, London or the South of France, where we've just bought a house. It definitely won't be in America.

"We've more family here, plus we feel really at home and comfortable over here.

"I'd love a small, intimate ceremony. I don't want a big lavish do with lots of people I don't know and tacky things.

"Our big day will be totally about us and our love for each other.

"And it will be great that our first child will be there to share it with us."
