just found this on ds forums,thought it might be of some interest..

Emmerdale fans may remember me highlighting a newspaper report a while ago which revealed that some of Emmerdale's cast and crew had been on location at Crinan Boatyard in Argyllshire, Scotland in June 2005.

I guessed at the time that this may have been for a possible climax to the "Shelley overboard" storyline - referring to Steph pushing her off the Isle of Arran ferry.

As we are now towards the end of August, I have been puzzled as to why nothing has yet appeared on screen, as scenes shot on location normally appear on screen 5 - 6 weeks later.

I have just heard from a well-placed source that the episode in question will air in the UK on Tuesday 20th September 2005.

My source couldn't reveal which cast members took part in the filming, as this would obviously hint at the storyline detail. But in an intriguing twist, my source reveals that whilst the location filming took place on Scotland's west coast, the scenes will be played out on screen as if it is Ireland.

Food for thought! Should get the rumour mill turning!