Originally Posted by
Son of Cain
I am glad I am not the only who has no idea what is happening. It made some sense to begin with, Rose came back for a reunion, or something, fell down the stairs and broke her arm, hospital contacted Will because he was down as her next of kin. It made sense up to that point, altho Parkerman's coincidence meter must have been pinging, but from there on I think they are making it up as they go along. Just get it over with, and let us get back to explainng( more important matters.
Such as, was Caleb's chicken hot or cold? Does Marlon cook whole chickens, let them cool, hoping someone will come in and order one? If it was hot did Caleb phone in his order in advance, otherwise if he came into the pub and ordered a roast chicken, he would have a long wait while it was cooked. These are things I want to know.