does anyone know if stacey has been mugged because she sounded and looked very convincing last night
does anyone know if stacey has been mugged because she sounded and looked very convincing last night
As far as I'm aware she's lying about it.
but apparently it will all come out when she realises how far she has to keep up the lies
shes lying cos she has to bribe lucy to keep quiet from telling the truth about it
in inside soap it said that charlie and yolande feel sorry for her but Mo doesnt seem to convinved. I think shes made it up Kat xxx
who here likes stacey. im not talking about fancying her i mean liking her character. i find her funny at times but sometimes i dont like her. what do you think?
cant stand her,hope shes next for the chop,shes just a poor mans janine.
I like her, even though it is blatently obvious that she is a replacement for Janine. I hope she gets some decent storylines soon.
i didnt really know janine well enough to compare. ive only really started watching ee this last year or so. i saw her kill barry then get took away for lauras murder. i dont think stacey is capable of murder. (or is she?)
I think she's great
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