Who Killed Jane? ...
CHLOE O BRIEN (Jane's stepfather) IS THE KILLER!
At the night of the party, he seen some burglars trying to break into the house whilst the housewarming party was in full swing. He had gloves on after working on cutting down a bush in the back garden. With the gloves still on his hands, he rushed outside with a knife that he taken from the kitchen drawer to scare the burglars away. They were scared off and he put the knife in his back pocket. As the night continued, Jane confronted him. She was upset and tells you to come up to the bathroom as she has a horrible surprise waiting for them both… he followed Jane up into the bathroom where she revealed a pregnancy test – it’s hers and she has tested positive – she is pregnant and it could be his baby. Horrified, he told Jane to have an abortion. Jane shouted at him, telling him she was tired of the abuse she had suffered at the hands of him. Jane’s stepfather rushed out – scared and frantic over what Jane might do. Panicing, he returned to the bathroom a bit later, and seen Jane unconscious on the floor – he seen Jane is about to come round, but he prevented this as he grabbed the knife from his back pocket and stabbed her.
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