in olden times, society used to be male dominated and it used to be very sexist towards women. today there are so many laws to make sure that women arent discriminated against, but does sexism still exist?

as ive said theres always been sexism towards women but do you think its still a problem in todays society? for example, if a woman sleeps around shes labelled a slapper, but if a man does exactly the same thing no one seems to mind. also, we were given this sheet at school which had loads of statistics on it, all showing that the majority of executive and high-up jobs are done by men, is this cos people think the men are the ones who should do these jobs and women should only do jobs which are less important, or is it cos the men are more talented and so better suited to these jobs or simply that women do not want to do these jobs and so choose not to do them for one reason or another?

however, it also works the other way. if a girl acts like a tomboy and likes to play with cars, play football or climb trees etc then that seems like an ok thing to do (even though these are traditionally seen as "boys" things), but if a boy acts a bit girly and likes playing with dolls etc (things which are traditionally seen as "girls" things) then people assume that he must be gay

so do you think sexism still exists in todays society, and not just sexism towards females but maybe towards males as well?